Ordinance 214E. as. 8EA BAT. JOSE, GALS. - :ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE BUSINESS OIL SELLING LIQUORS IN THE, CITY OF GILROY, TO PROVIDE FOR LICT,NSING THE SAME AND FOR THE COLLECTION OF SAID LICEBSE PEE, AND FOR THE REVOCATION OF LICENSES IN CERTAIN CASES, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. ---- 000 ---- THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF T1ZE CITY OF GILROY DO ORDAIN, AS FOLLOWS: Section l: It shall be unlawful for any person or per,.,-ons to sell, dispense or give away, in the City of Gilroy, in any saloon, bar, inn, tavern, hotel, r. est,urant, grocery, winery, distillery, store, tippling place, or other public place, or place of business, any distilled, fermented, malt, vinous or other spirituous liquors or Tines, or intox- icating licliors of any kind, either in their own names and for their oynn pro.fit n11(1 benefit, or as agents or er.+mloyees for any other person or persons, unless said person or persons, thoir principals or employe::'s shall first procure from the City of Gilroy, a license so to do. section .: Every person, firm or corporation, who engages in or carries on, wwithin the City of Gilroy, the business of selling, dispensing, or giving away distilled, fermented, malt, vinous or other spirituous liquors or wines, or intoxicating liquors of any kind, imast first obtain a license fro�,n the City of Gilroy, as prescribed in this ordinance, and make therefor the payments as in this ordinance -,reseribad. E v4 z, E. TS. HEA Section 3: Every person, firm or co,, a,?ation the engaged inAbusiness of sellixig, dispensing or giving away, in less qugntities than one quart, distilled, fermented, malt, vinous or other spirituous liquors or ,,vines, or intoxicating liquors of any kind in the City of Gilroy, shall be designat- ed as a "Retail liquor dealer", n1mI) shall pay a license fee of Five hundred ( 500) dollars per half year. Section 4: Every person, firm or cor. oration engaged in the business of selling, dispensing or Living away, in quantities of one quart or more, in the City of Gilroy, distilled, fermented, malt, vinous or other spirituous liquors or urines, or intoxicating liquors of any kind, shall be designated as a "Wholesale liquor dealer ", and shall pay a license fee of Five hundred ( 500) dollars per half year. Section 5: Every person, firm or cor -,aoration, engaged in the business of manufacturing beer, wine or brandy, in the City of Gilroy, a:A selling the sa_?e in quantities not less than five (5) gallons, and in no case to be consumed on the premises, shall be designated as a #Manufacturing liquor dealer ", and shall pay a license fr;e of Fifty (50 ) dollars per half year. Section 6: Every proprietor, manager or owner of a restaurant, hotel, inn, or lunch counter, where distilled, fermented, malt, vinous or other spirituous ligours or wines, or intoxicating liquors of any kind are furnished to ba drunk on the premises, with meals, and where no bar, buffet or sideboard is maintained, shall be designat- ed a "Retail liquor dealer ", and shall pay a license fee as designated in Section three (3) of this ordinance. Section 7: A separate license, under this R .. M,. RXi , _W JOSE, OAL. ordinance,must be obtained by each brandh establishment o)V , separate place of business; and such license shall authorize the party named therein as licensee to run or conduct but one place of business; ai%.d any arson conducting a wholesale and retail business at the same place, shall be required to pay for his license therefor, both the sum herein fixed as a license fee for a retail license and the sum herein fixed as tare license fee for a wholesale license. section 8: No license issued hereunder shall be assignable or transferable,or shall authorize any ,person or persons, firm or cor- ,;oration, other than the licensee na-.ied therein, to do business, or to authorize business to be done at any time, place or bu.ildin.g, other than the time, place or building s-peci''ied in the said license. `Every lice issued under tI.,.e provisions o_ this, orr.inznce shall specify, by name, the person or persons, firm or corporation to whom it is issued, and the place =.nd building in „hich the business for which it is issued is to be carried on, and also the date of its issuance, the term for which it is issued, and a description of the business to be carried on thereunder. The said license imzst at all times be kept posted in a conspicuous place in the Mace of business authorized to bo con.�ucted or maintained thereby, and shall not be a valid license for any purpose unless kept posted. section 9: Every license issued under this ordin- ante shall be signed by the City Clerk and countersigned bV the Mayor, and a license book shall be kept by ti-e City Clerk,bound in book form with ma:r Final stubs u?on which he shall enter briefly the facts contained in every lice .se at the time of issuance. 3 i Section 10: The half yearly license shall be due and payable to the City Marshal of the City of Gilroy, on July j4vol�and January 4. in advance; license terms under this ordinance shall begin on the. j_L5RT7 day of July, and the 11W. day of January of each yea", and for any license issued during a half year term, the licensee shall pay for the whole half year telm, Section 11: No license shall be required, under this ordinance, of any regularly licensed druggist for any wines or spirituous liquors wn.ich he sells upon the jorescrip- tion of any regularly licensed physician, provided all such prescriptions be first received by said druggist and recorded in a book w1hich must be kept by him for that purpose, and no such prescription shall be filled more than once. Section 12: All persons engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors in any fora "L- Iatsoever. under and by virtue of this ordinance, or any of its provisions, are hereby expressly prohibited from selling tie s^rle, or serving the same with or without meals or food of any kind, betwoen the hours of one o'clock A, M, and six o'clock A. M. of any day. Section 13: Whenever any person,or persons, desire to open or maintain any of the above enumerated places or businesses, he shall file with the City Clerk a petition in writing requesting the Mayor and Common Council to grant him a license for such purpose, Said petition shall specify t1in block and place where the business is proposed to ` R opened or maintained, and. shall set i'orth that the applicant is a pEr son of good moral character and is a sober and industrious person, and a suitable person to U.M.- II 4 SA N d . .A . conduct such place of business; and .said petition shall be signed by at least five (5) property o� ners, owning real property on the street in the block fronting on the side or facing on the block in which the proposod business is to be conducted, or by a majority of the property owners thereof. Said petition 4iall be considered by the Cormion Council at the next regular meeting, or adjourned meeting, or at a special meeting hold for that purpose. If after investigating, the af)- plicant be found duly qualified, as aforesaid, and a suitable person to conduct said place of business, the Common Council, by a Mote taken by ballot, shall order a license to be issued to said ap-licant upon his or their filing t,:ith the City Clark a bond payable to the City of Gilroy in the penal sum of Five hundred ( 500) doliass with two (2) or more, good and suf'ficialnt saireties approved by the Mayor, who shall each cuzlify in double the amount of the penal 3talil of the 'bond over and above all just debts and statutory exertions; said bond to be conditioned that the principal therein named, while carrying on said business at said place, will not permit, on said. premises, any breac4 of the peace, or disorderly conduct; nor permit,--any games prohibited by law; nor sell nor give away any vine, beer or =, intoxicating liquor to�any person already intoxicated, or under the age of majority; nor permit any manor to visit or frequent such place,; and that he Fill obey and abide by all the provisions and terms of this ardinance, and all rules and provisions which may thereafter be ordained or enacted regarding such Place or business, and that he will pay re ularly, so long as his permit is not revoked or u=rendered, the tax required by said license. No license L:. - 11 SAX .IO6E, L'A L.. N_ M. R VA' .AN 108., CAL. shall be issued under this ordinance without the order of the Common Council, as h ^r ^in _:rescribed. Section 14: I"ihen any person, firm or core >oi ation has once obtained his or their license, after eomp7tance with the terms of this o-rdinance,he shall be entitled,at the beginn- ing of each half yearly license term, to have a license issued to him to do business at the place mentioned in his endorsed petition, uDon the payment of the license fee and Grit_ -:out any further petition, or giving any tListher bond, unless his license has been revoked ..yy the Mayor Band C -=on Council,as hereinafter provided; provided that the Connon Council may at any time demand new sureties upon any bond given under this ordinance. Section 15: The Mayor and Comw!on Council do herel# ex iressly reserve the right to reyoke,for good cause, any and all licenses issued under this ordinance, of ter the licensee has been grunted the o.,_, ortunity to be beard in his own behalf. Section 16: Upon the refusal of the Con-non Council to grant -and i,sue to any person a license under t--.,is ordinance, such verson shall not again ap,ply for, or be granted a license within six months from the date of such refusal. Section 17: All license fees required by this ordinance are due and i,ayable in ad:rance,as herein set forth, and if a license is not procured and paid for before ten (14) days after the s<::ne shall beco� e due and payable, the same shall become delinquent and twenty -five (25) per cent. shall be added thereto as a penalty, and shall be collected by the City Marshal before a license shall be issued. In case such license is not Dm ocured and paid for before two (2) da ys after the sa,.ze beco es diliquent,then 6 the City Treasurer shall institute proceedings to collect the same, as hereinafter >rovided. All persons, firms or cor=porations nest -1-,,ay the license tax,or fee or money,required by this ordinance, to the City Marshal, and take out a license without any tender of license, or o-f the license tax or fee or money. Section 18i The amount of any license, or fee, or money, required by this ordinance, shall be deemed; a debt due to the City of Gilroy, and all per Fors, firs or corporations, and their agents or er,xployces, or any or all of them shall, for each and ev =:ry violation of this ordinance, be liable to an action in the nsme of the City of Gilroy, for the amount of the license. fee or ,,zoney; and the City Marshal must direct suit to be wrought by the City Attorney and in the name of tin City of Gilroy, for the recovery of the amount of the license fee or money against any person, firm or corporation required to take out a license, who f:,.ils, neglects or refuses to take out such license, or:_ their agents *r . employees, or against any person, firm or cor oration, their agents or employees Who engage in and carry on any business on which a license-is required by this ordinance without first procuring and taking out the license required therefo.r.In Such action or actions the City Marshal shall make the necessary affidavits for a grit of attachment, and in case of recovery by the plain- tiff, Ones hu ldred" ( 100) dollars damages must be added to the judgment and costs to be collected from the defendant or defendants. Section 19: Every person, firm or corporation, or their agents or employees, }loo engage in or carry on any .. I.. CAT.. business for which a license is required-under this ordinance, without such licensewshall be liable to an action, by and in the n:lme of the City of Gilroy, to recover - from them, or any of them, as damages, the amount of the license fee or money, for each and every violation of the ordinance in enE- aging in or carrying an the same v ithout a 11 eense. The provisions of Section relative to actions in the name of the City of Gilroy, shall be applicable therettti, including the provision , that in case of recovery by plaintiff, One hundred (100) dollars must be added to the jud.gg1aent and costs to be collected from the defendant oV defendants. Section 20: nothing herein contained shall bar or prevent a criminal prosecution for each and every viola- tion of this ordinance. No jud.g.mnnt in a civil action, or payment oi' the same, or pay,nent of the license, shall bar or -,prevent a criminal action for each and every viola- tion of this ordinance. Section 21; No judgment of conviction in a criminal action, and no payment of a fine, and no imprison- ment upon judgment of conviction Mall in any way bar, affect or prevent a civil action as hereinbefore provided. Section 2210 Upon the trial of any action, civil or criminal, authorized by this ordinance, the defendant is conclusively pre,=ned not to have procured the proper license, unless he produces it or proves that he has procured it. Section 23: Any person who shall violate any of the ,provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Ohall be punished by a fine not exceeding One hundred ( 100) dollars, P or shall be imprisoned in the city prison for a term not exceeding thirty (30) r) ays, or by both such fine; and imprison- ment. Section 24: All ordinances and parts of ordinan- ces in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are here ay repealed. Section 25: This ordinr nce s!.all tri-ke effect and be in force on and after Passed and adopted this lst. day of July, A. D., 19071, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen NOES: Councilmen ABSENT: Councilmen A Approved this day of July I/ , 9 HA \' :iOB ➢, CAT.. ity Clerk. i., Of C ✓Zl �1� �f (e <)-k : r aa-ee U V/� J - -k Clq b(A40"(10 -0 /V I tq, /t, /0, I A fYA AI 0!v , 1 / ale) fe O'd,vu., yt tt ill /o/yu It"( tu, CAIT 7 t�ej /(tt OA e t1t 217, /X14 kC-/l �/, l � E � I �U.ti 4� d1tt G -tl wo- ` 1 i it dt ti rl Av4 �i`cti� 0/Z 1 C'0✓z �� X,, v , �7�1�/ •(,t Prat G-/V�� , l //CJth�C,C <� fie, �;Cf (96 -4"t�(Ao 61 61A, Olt-, (��Cc w R� t�,u o'>n�. .,C c� c,c e� 2 Gfc>r �2'2,cc -ems , O/t/.l�o•,� c r� 0�Qt� GLO_ yl^/ P� hum o a (�l�P�tiUY1;J.' kilt 0/V 297" �✓Y�l ✓G'.2ac �[c� ��C�e ��,C C �%�.cCC� / /dc�'� CcGcr� ,[mac, bCcl Ctj lcl c cry a rte, a�.C7j 01(J � � wc, , 0-!v e dt O/b C /��(/t L�GGUZ(A �C�(. .(tiP/�Z�/ a/CJ I�kwut , 0✓U/�f C CL ,(i Gt, .,i (. a t rZe 92�L(,QC.1� � l i� %�Lc � ' ✓U G' ttJ�C� � `�i1,(:� Ql �/ /Q�.�CR��U d�L'� ✓vaJ �i,�, q eM��� �L( n D i /�)A CI AM M 70 G.2 d , Mu"d �1r e _ a c�c e, � Z/z, .t a ct 4 14� afA l�,c � 0✓Y� /�z� ati � ��C�' e-L o� ��,i�aa�itie�P�QJ; 0/0,4 �LL� e,�v � i,C C,uc- e_.Q, /1�t�. � CLt�/w✓LC, /�� �� �c�t �J fee � r�lfa, fat r,a r " o-yt- 6A) ojt,/- N/� �/L� f o r,.waoti_ 6L, tf ti 14a cue 4V_t,) fa ef 6� & - T�� e,ti /X, / a<e( � i� c � p� l R. ,ceaeu oS /1- ory�,¢. r,�,c., it YX��o 011. a L iuia. , X/t s f a,ac;7t o�v t +aeu,a�y c4 Vcu,(d- iu�a /�'u,� Ct. dc,�tA,(, -✓L r� �Cec. t/� a Gou 9 dd / //L h d �s_ a. 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