Ordinance 278MIR m 0 R D I X A N 0 E N0. O( AN ORDINANCE DECLARING IT A PUBLIC NECESSITY TO OPEN AN ALLEY RUNNING IN A NORTHERLY AND SOUT] PARALLEL WITH MONTEREY STREET, T11ROUGH 3 AND 4 WORTH RANGE I WNST OF, THE CITY DIRECTING VIE CITY SURVEYOR TO MAKE AN SUCH PROPOSED ALLEY AND RETURN SAME TO OF T11F CITY OF GILROY0 iERLY DIRECTION. THE CENTER OF BLOCKS OF GILRGYq AND ACCURATE SURVEY OF THE COMMON COUYCIL Tha Mayor and Common Council of the City Of Gilroy do Ordain as fcllows:— I. A petition signed bir trIenty—five citizens of the City of Gilroy praying for the Opening Of an alley running in a "Jortherly and Southerly direction, and parallel with Monterey Street,, through the center of Blocks 3 and 4 North Range 1 West Of the City Of Gilroy,, having been filed with the Clark Of said City,, and said petition having been duly considered by the Mayor and Common Council Of said City of Gilroy, it is hereby declared to be a public necessity that there be located and opened an alley running in a Northerly and Southerly direction and parallel with Monterey Street, through the center of tlocks 3 and 4 North Range 1 West Of the City Of Gilroy in the County Of Santa Clama, State of California, The City Surveyor of the City Of Gilroy Is hereby direeted to make an accurate survey of imch pro-I)Osed alley and retlum the same to the Co —moron Council of the City Of Gilroy at its next re,,rular meeting, viz: Monday the lst day of Nove iber 1915, said survey to be accompanied with a report and diagram map showing the location of such proposed alley and the width r *% thereof also the bOundaries of the land Of eao'-q owner thereof through rho se land such alley is proposed to be located. 1114 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. 't'l Adopted and. passed by the Maydr and clr� nm ll on Council this t4' day Of October 1915 by Vie following vote: Ayes, Councilmen ,gyp , , l%��.e2•(.f.(� Y ` /' ��� No s, Councilmen Absent, 0011railmen -�9 11-17'/Il a PY) 1?16�