Ordinance 305 "'!"' " . o R DIN A N C E SA A'l NO. (/CI,I. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE WIDTH OF SIDEWALK~SPACE IN THE CITY OF GI mOy, ESTABLISHING THE WIDTH OF SIDEWALK PAVEMENTS, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDE WALKS, GUTTERS AND CURBS, and PRESCRIBING THE MATERIAL TO BE USED, AND THE MANNER OF CONSTRUCTING SUCH SIDE WALKS, GUTTERS AND CURBS. The MBwor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy ordain as follows:- WIDTH OF SIDEWALK SPACE. Section 1. All sidewalk space shall be measured from the property line to the outside edge of the curb. All sidewalk space on Monterey Street in the City of Gilroy shall be 14 feet wide; the sidewalk space on Depot Street shall be 10 feet wide; the sidewalk space on the West line of Railroad Alley between" Old Gd.ltoy Street and Depot street shall be 6 feet wide, and on all other streets the sidewalk space shall be 12 feet wide. WIDTH OF SIDEWALK PAVEMENTS. Section 2. The sidewalk pavements on all streets in the City of Gilroy; except such streets and parts of streets as are within the fire limits of the City of Gilroy, shall be not less than 5 feet in width, said pavements to be located with their inside edges 1 foot from the property line and extending toward the curb line. ~he sidewalk pavements on all streets and parts of streets within the fire limits of the City of Gilroy shall extend from the property line to the inner edge of the curb. So.s- ..... i . I T PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS. SECTION 3. All pavements are to be constructed so as to have a uniform slope upward of one inoh in three feet from the top of the curb to the property line, the top of said curb representing the offioial grade of the street. All pavements on sidewalks shall be constructed of cement concrete and shall have a uniform thickness of 3 1/2 inches (proVided, however, that all drivew$Ys shall have a uniform thickness of 6 inches and that the sidewalk on all streets and parts of streets within the fire limits of the City of Gilroy shall have a uniform thiokness of 4 inohes) formed of two layers of ooncrete; the first or bottom l~er is to be 3 inohes thiok and to consist of a mixture of 1 part Portland oement and 6 parts fine,olean, sharp sand and gravel, said proportions to be determined by measurement; the top layer to be of a uniform thiokness of 1/2 inch, and to be formed of a conorete mortar consisting of 1 part oement and 2 parts clean, sharp, sand, this proportion to be also determined by measurement. On all streets and parts of streets within the fire limits of the City of Gilroy, the sidewalk pavement shall have a uniform thickness of 4 inches; the first or bottom layer to be three and one quarter (3 1/4) inohes in thiokness, and the top l~er or wearing surfaoe to be three-quarters (3/4) inoh in thiokness. In all other respects the speoifications for sidewalks for other streets above set forth shall apply to sidewalks within said fire limits. Driveways shall have a uniform thiokness of 6 inohes, the first layer to have a uniform thiokness of 5 1/4 inches and be oomposed of 1 part 'ortland cement to six (6) parts olean, sharp sand and gravel, provided that the proportions shall in all cases .,... be determined by aotual measurement. The top surface layer of all sidewalk crossings shall be finished .for a depth of not less than 3/4 of an inch with a oement mortar facing oomposed of one part oement and one and one-half parts o~ olean, sharp sand, these proportions to be determined by measurement. CURBS. Seotion 4. All o.rbs shall be oonstruoted of cement oonorete. Said ourbs shall be q inohes wide at the top and beveled on the street side, . 9 inches wide at the bottom~ and said curbs shall be 15 2/3 inohes in depth. The conorete in the curbs shall consist of 1 part Portland oement to 6 parts fine, clean, sharp sand and gravel, said proportions to be determined by measurement. The exposed part of the ourb to have a uniform layer of oe~ent mortar 1/2 inoh in thickness, oonsisting of 1 part Portland cement to 1 1/2 parts olean, sharp sand, this proportion to be determined by measurement. GUTTERS. Seotion 5. All gutters shall be oonstructed of cement oonorete, the inner top edge of said gutters shall be 9" below the top of the outer edge of the ourb, and shall have a slope upward of 1 inoh in 1 foot toward the oenter of the Street, said gutters shall have a uniform thiokness of 6" and shall be at least 18 inohes in width, measured from the outside edge of the ourb toward the oenter of the street. The ooncrete for the gutters shall be composed of 1 part Portland oement to six (6) parts olean, sharp sand and gravel, provided that the proportions shall, in all oases, be determined by aotual measureme~ts. T The top surfaoe of the gutters shall be finished for a depth of not less than 3/4 of an inoh, with a oement mortar faoing oomposed of one part oement and one and one-half.parts of clean, coarse, sharp sand, these proportions to be determined by measurement. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. Seotion 6. In all sidewalks, ourbs and gutters, before plaoing the oonorete in position the earth shall be exoavated to the offioial lines, grades and seotions, and the same shall be oarefully oompaoted by ramming and watering until a firm and unyielding foundation has been seoured. The cunbs and gutters shall be marked every six (6) feet with a deep out line in order to oontrol the oontraotion, and with tarred joint every iI~xtll.en"'::."{ (~5l feet. All ooncrete and top finish shall be used fresh, and must be rammed into plaoe before the initial set has taken plaoe; retempering will not be permitted, and aDW mortar or oonorete which has set or partially set shall not be used in the work. The top or finish coat shall be laid as Boon as possible after the conorete has been rammed into position; the sidewalks, ourbs and gutters to be faoed up with oement mortar faoing as the work of conoreting proceeds; this work shall be trowelled perfeotly hard and brush finished. The finished sidewalks, ourbs and gutters must be protected from the hot sun, by covering same with planking or clean loam or sand and must be kept wet for at least ten (10) days. In the oonstruotion of ourbs, trees growing in or near the cvJ-. curb line~to be proteoted as muoh as is possible, and Where it is not praotioable to oonstruot & curb on a straight line without injury to a t7ee, or in cases Where the tree would injure the ourb, the ourb may be oonstruoted on ourved lineB into the street so as not to interfere with suoh tree, provided the oonsent of the ohairman of the street Committee of the Common Counoil and of the Superintendent of streets be first obtained. In cases where a.row of trees is now growing in a ourb line the entire length of any blook the ourb for such blook may be , oonstruoted in a stratght line on the street side of said trees . 80 as not to interfere with said trees, provided the oonsent of the ohairman of the street Committee of the Common Counoil and If the Superintendent of streets be first obtained. Seotion 7. All ordinanoes and parts of ordinanoes of the City of Gilroy in oonflict herewith are hereby repealed. Seotion 8. This ordinanoe Bhall take effect and be in foroe from and after its passage and approval. Adopted and passed this ~ day of February 1921 by the following vote:- Ayes, oouncilmenai_tm,,Jf-ti~~ 1:~' 2f~ct..~~ IP. m. (m 4/Vt:i:--vt. -I ri. . ct- Noes, Counoilmen ~ Absent, Couno ilmen ~. t. ~/'lJ. Approved the Mayor. i~