Ordinance 323 r(i ( ) 2) l>} \ C \H'. .\.l <:~ ~' ;} f- AX ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANOE NO. 216 OF THE CITY. OF GILROY ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO SEWER, PLUMBING .AKD DRAINAGEII BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE KNmflf AS SECTION 8-1/2 AID ALSO AMENDING SECTIONS 11, 18, 20, 25, 31, 34, 35 and 39 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 216. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy do ordain as follows: I. That Ordinance No. 216 of the City o~ Gilroy be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section to be known as Section 8-1/2, to read as follows: Section 8-:-1/2. When the plumbing in any building is com- pleted, the same shall be tested,and the plumbung inspector shall have the right to demand such water or other test or tests as he may deem necessary. For the water test, all s~wer, drain, soil, waste and vent pipes must have all openings stopped and the pipes filled with water to the highest point of the highest vent. The plumbing may be tested in sections as the work progresses, ~ut when a system of plumbing _as been tested in sections, there shall . be another test made after the various lines have been connected to- gether and this last test shall be with water pressure to the highest point of work. II. That Section 11 of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: "Soil pipe vent" is the term applied to that part of the "soil pipe" which, when extended above the highest fixture served by such soil pipe through the roof, serves as a vent pipe. "Waste pipe vent" is the term applied to that part of' the -". .'t rl. 3;( :t ~q t, ft "waste pipet! which when extended above the highest fixture served by such waste pipe through the roof, serves as a vent pipe. IlVent pipell is the term applied to any pipe provided to ventilate a drainage and plumbing system of piping and to prevent syphonage and back pressure. III. That Section 18 of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following, viz: In the construction of buildings in which the bottoms of the first floor joists are within three feet of the ground, the flooring sha~l not be laid until the rough plumbing underneath such floor has been inspected and tested. IV. That Section 20 of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 20. The house drains must be of standard cast iron pipe and all fittings must be of the same material. All joints on cast iron pipe must be made by using suitable packing of oakum twisted and rammed tightly into place, the joint then being run full of molten lead and calked. The bells and spigots must be adjusted so as to give a uniform space all around, and the lead must completely fill the rabbet in the bell end of the pipe. Where practical, the house drain should run along the cell~r wall. If hung under the lower floor of the building, galvanized iron hangers must be used every five feet, and be securely fastened to the floor joist. Where not possible to run and fasten as above specified, it may be run in a trench dug on a uniform graae. V. That Section 25 of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following, viz: - 2 - ') All "waste pipeS over three feet in length shall be of cast iron. VI. That Section al of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: When a sink and a wash tray abut one another, and they are practically one fixture, and they are in the same room, they or it may be served by one trap. VII. That Section 34 of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereHy amended to read as follows: Section 34. All vent pipes shall run of undimished size, separate or combined, through the roof and for at least one ~oot above the same and left open. "Vent Pipesi, may be connected with the It soil pipe vent" or the "waste pipe vent" at a point not less than three feet and six inches above the floor line of the high- est fixture served by the "soil pipe" or "waste pipe" and vented by such "soil pipe vent" or"waste pipe vent." All horizontal vent pipes must have a continuous slope to avoid collecting water by condensation. / VIII. That Section 35 of the said Ordinance No. 216, be, and the same is bereby amended to read as follows: Section 35. Vent pipes must be run with as few bends as possible and the branches must be connected to the main vent at an angle not exeeeding forty-five degrees, and the pipe be increased in size with every thirty feet in length. When branch vents are com- bined by uniting those which serve several traps, the main vent into which the branch vents unite must be equal in size to the capacity of all branch vents united. - 3 - .. The term "branch vent" as herein applied shall be construed to mean all that vent pipe located between the fixtures and the point where the vent pipe joins into the main vertical vent. , \..... The "soil pipe" I~ all cases shall continue full bore from the water closet installed furthest ~rom the house drain (which shall be known as the terminal fixture.), through the roof to a point at least one ~oot above the roof.. When ..he soil pipe served but one water closet, such water oloset shall be known as the "terwinal fixture." From one to three water closets, when located closely together, ~ (not including terminal fixture) may be vented with a vent of not less ! than a 2 inch vent pipe for a distance of 30 feet, and when the vent pipe is longer than 30 feet, the entire vent shall be 2-1/2 inches in diameter. From four to six water closets when located closely together, may be vented with not less than a 2-1/2 inch vent pipe for a distance of 30 feet, and when longer than 30 feet, the entire vent must be 3 inches in diameter. Nine or more water closets when located closely together, may be vented with not less tban a 4 inch vent pipe. Six fixtures, such as wash basins, baths, wash trays, sinks, urinals and drinking fountains, may be vented with a vertieal vent pipe 2 inches in diameter. Ten such fixtures may be vented with a 2-1/2 inch vent, and seventeen such fixtures may be vented with a 4 inch vent. Single 1-1/2 inch traps must be vented into a 1-1/2 inch pipe when the length of the vent does not exceed 25 feet, and when it does ex- ceed 25 feet, the entire main vent shall be 2 inches in diameter. When 1-1/2 inch horizontal branch vents are used on fixtures, the branch vent must not exceed five feet in length. IX. That Section 39 of said Ordinance No. 216 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 39. Slop hoppers and sculleryL~nks, when set upon a floor must be connected to a waste pipe with lead pipe wiped onto a brass ferrule, and the same be calked into cast iron with lead and oakum. No slop hopper or scullery sink shall receive the waste o~ any other fixture. All slop hoppers and scullery sinks - " - T I - .--- .. '-','~~" .,..... ~ -. -- . shall be provided with suitable traps of not less than two inches in- side diameter. Scullery sinks may be located inside or a build- ing when room has proper air exhaust. Each slop hopper and scullery sink hereafter installed shall have rresh water supply. x. All ordinances and parts or ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. XI. This Ordinance shall take erfect and be in full force from and arter its passage and approval. Paseed this :;, 7U{ day or ry, 1923, by the rolloll"ing vote, 6d.-C~1 -t'~,I~J{.#J?/~ Ayes, Councilmen }f~7fa.4r..-le..//>A~;;t~J lb.)/.. ~ NOES, Oouncilmen ~ Absent, Oouncilmen Approved this (. Mayor Attest. G. 9 - 5 -