Ordinance 315 . ORDINANCE NO. ~,! .~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION 28 OF SECTION 310 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF GILROY RELATIVE TO THE LICENSE TO BE PAID BY PEDDLERS AND REGULATING THE SALE OF GOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDISE ON THE STREETS OF GILROY. The Mayor and Connnon Council of the City of Gilroy do ordain as Tollows: Sec. 1. That Subdivision 28 oT Section 310 oT the Muni- cipal Code of the City of' Gilroy is hereby amended to read as Tollows: PEDDLERS: 28. For the business or soliciting or canvassing for the sale of' books, maps or pictures, the sum of $5.00 per month; for the peddling of grain, hay, farm products, vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, eggs, butter and cheese, not the produce of the per- son vending same, the sum of $2.50 per quarter; f'or the hawking or itinerent vending or skins, Turs, dry goods and clothing, whether made up or in the piece, the Sum of $25.00 per day; f'or the hawking or itinerent vending of groceries, hardware, jewelry or any other goods, wares or merchandise or commodities not otherwise provided for in this Section, or for canvassing or soliciting tor the sale of the same, with or without samples, the sum of $5.00 per day, or if' paid tor one month, the sum of $15.00 per month, fully paid in advance. When two or more persons canvass or solicit or accompany each other when canvassing or soliciting, each person shall pay the license herein prov'ided :ror. The sale o:r any notions, medicines or any goods, wares or merchandise on any public street in the City of Gilroy at auction sale or at public outcry is prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation having no fixed place of business on Monterey c5-. /~ 'I I . ,~ . " - Street in the City of Gilroy, to exhibit and sell or exhibit and of'f'er for sale on Monterey Street in the City of Gilroy, or within one block of Monterey Street on any street leading into Monterey Street, any goods, wares or merchandise, of any kind, other than vegetables or fish. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to apply to the employees of any established business house in the City of Gilroy, canvassing or soliciting for their goods, or to oanvassers or solicit- ors of established wholesale houses or dealers, or to any person, ~irm, or corporation who shall canvass or solicit orders from established dealers only, or make sales to such established dealers. Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe ~rom and "after its passage and approval. ADOPTED and passed this 3~ day o~ April, 1922, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen ~ ~ ~'-V, -to .t,.~/I/, ,#, #. /3~ ./?tUU;Icu,_/2.Zl2!.2J.J~~ tU~;I, ~,~, / ?tr-n ~ ~4 ".......,*"""-_~""*~"'....._,_.. -.'-'0 ,-*-_,.~.,._.,. .',,,,,__ Noes, Councilmen Absent, Councilmen _.~_....._..._-o.._........... ......._..__-'1 __.____ " ._. _.~____.,,___.__ / th22 day of' April, 1922, ~ Mayor Attest: City Clerk "