Ordinance 390 o R D I Ii A He B If o..~. ArrnOVED: \Y\(\)'C~ ~u} \ q'~ 3 . AN qRDINANOlJ: REGULATINC THE CON8Tl~t1CTIOR, ];R,ECTION, :D.'lARG!MJlNT, RAISING, AL'l'mA'l"ION. HFfAIR, R~;)ADVAL. J4A.INT'J'. )lANOF, USE AND MANNER eli' CONSTH.t:C'lION Cl' 3UIL)!:WS USF:.D *'0'" "'lp'1!l' f'tlT')IC~,'L lJl'('\'tl'I'lI'I.'~ '~I"'l'l"no"" a":} '''T';,?PA''''If'' '.LJf.; .2 .'i',\.. j.llit~,*.n,.. ~."., .k.YiUIf ...\;../.<< v.L..j;.\L \.'.\' l,-,t "":'1"(.'C~.1I. V ' '..iJ,., '!l'.... .. 1UI~. tl"T....TiG j.J...;, jI(U"~J.lrr,.."L."'" f"'J1'!:~'tP 1,~,,,i; J....o \'10L\TImr c; NY OI' TfrE 1"ROVISlm':s OF rrEL~ O;,tD!~LNCF. A ~I ~ n?;~.~~AltOR. ANn PRESCRIBING FUtu 9i:!MMT 'rRIREFOR; RTI'F'F.ALING AlL OHDIrtANCEB 1ft OONt'LICT 1TR rffiI8 OHDINAlfCE. TBE MAYOR lU1D COW,,'ON COUNCIL Oi' ':'HE CITY Oli' GILROY DO ORDADf AS iOLLOV;S,- ! ~ . i , .L.."'"""".......__..... !!J~O ....;t'....... 1\ -- .I ~TaIS. BECTIO. 1. J'or the purpo.e ot this ord1auo. a "th.atr." i. de.ienat.d a. a building Wbich contain. ..at. tor the publio. and to whlch an actm1..ion tee i. oharleel. A plac. ot dus..ent wherein moviag pictures are glven i8 a "theatre" wtth1a the .ean1ng ot thl. ordinaDoe. All th.atre. hereatter oonatruoteel, and all buildiDgs or .truotur.s her.att.raltered or repalred to be u.ed or oooupi.d as theatr.. and tor theatrloal and moviDg plotur. purpo... .hall oonfor.m to the requlrements and the provi.ion. ot this ordlnanoe. PlCRIlI'1' '1'0 USE BUILDIBO SBCTION I. Ev.ry theatre h.r.atter .rect.d and all building. altered or repalred. to b. u.ed tor theatrioal .0Tiag plotures or operatlo purpo.... au.t b. construoted in aocordanoe with the r.quirement. ot thls Ordinanc. r.latlnl to Cla.. "AW or .t.el tr.-a coutruotion. .0 buildlnl which at the tiae ot the pa..ase ot this Ordinanoe i. not in aotual u.. tor theatrical or operatio purpo.... and no building hereatter .reoted not in conformity with the re- quirements ot this OrdinaDoe. .hall be u.ed tor th.atrioal DlovlDg piotur.. or operatic purpo.... util the .ame shall have b..n made to oonform to the requir.ent. ot thi. Ordinanc.. ADd no buildinl hereln d..crlbed shall b. opened to the publlo tor operatlo. aovlq picture or theatrlcal purpose. untll the Mafor and Common Counol1 ot the Clty ot GilroJ .hall hay. approved the awa. In writing. a. cOnforming to the requlrements ot this Ord1Danoe, and the Tax Collector shall r.tuse to i.su. any lioeDBe tor anr pertormance ln aD7 suoh bullding until a oertltlcate ln writing ot suoh ,Y "._n'... r ) I I I '\ .I approval shall have been given by sald Mayor and Oommon Counol1 ot the City ot Gl1roy. J'ROBTAGE AND COURTS. SEOTIOIf 8. Every auoh building shall have at least one tront on the street, and in such tront there ahall be auitable means ot entrance and exlt tor the audienoe. In .4dltion to the atoresaid entrance. and exits on the street there shall be re- served tor service ln case ot an emergenoy and open oourt or apace on the aide not bordering on the street, where said building 1s looated on a oomer lot, and on both aides ot aaid buildlng where there ls but one trontage on the street. In the oa.e ot a one-story building havlng an area not exoeedlng 4,000 aquare teet and with a .eatingoapaoity of not less than 500 people. a oourt flve (5) teet wide on one aide onl7 shall be required. provide! that all seats ahall be on one tloor. and no galleries be allowed ln suoh bulldiDg. In all other theatres the width ot such open court or courta shall not be le.s thaD aeven teet Wbere the .eating oapacit7 is not over 1,000 people, above 1.000 and not more than 1.800 people, eight teet ln w14th. and above 1.800 people, ten teet in wldth. Said open oourt or courts ahall begin on a line wl th or near the proscenium wall and ahall extend the length of the auditorium proper, to or near the wall separating the aame troa the entrance lobby or vestibule. A separate oorridor shall oontinue to the street trom each open court, through suoh _uperatruoture a. may be built on the I street slde of the aUditorium. with oontinuous walls ot briok or fireproot materlals on each si4e of the entlre length of aai4 oorridor or corrldor., and the cell1D8 and tloors .hall be flreproot. -8- r: t ~ I l f: , r: Ba14'oorrldor or corrldora shall not be reduced ln width. by more than three teet, trom the wldth ot the open oourt or oourts, and in no case ahall the width ot aaid oorrldor be le8s then tour (4) teet and there ahall be no proJectlon in the same; the outer openlngB to be provided wlth doora or gat.a opening toward the street. Dur1ng the pertormance the doora or gate. 1n the corridors ahall be kept open by proper tastenings, at other timea they may be olosed and faatened by movable bolts or looks. The aald open courta and oorrldors ahall n~t be used tor storage purposes, or tor any purpose whatsoever except tor 8%lt and entranot trom and to the aud1torlua and atage, and must be kept tree and olear during the pertormanoe. I ~,' [:"1 !~ ~" IP ~ f ~':, .'~:: l'" ~, f The level ot sald corridora and oourts shall be graded to the aidewalk and tluah therewith at all poiata at street entrance.. The entrance ot the uln tront of the bulldlng ahall not be on a lower level than the sidewalk. and ahall not be on a higher level than the aldewal1c thu 81% (6) 1Dohea. unless approved by the Mayor end Common OOUDcl1 ot the 01 ty of Gilroy. TO-Gveroome any dltter- enoea of level 1n and between courts, corrldors, lobbies, paasagea end aislea on the ground tloor. gradients ahall be employed ot aot over one toot rlae to ten teet horlzontal (1-10). wlth no perpendi- i: cular rlses. UITS 100 COURTS. l t{' ~ ~ SECTIOJI.. OpeDing into sald open oourta. or on the slde atreet. trom the auditorIum, there ahall be not lea. tho two exit. on eaoh slde ln each tier. trom and lnclud1ng the parquet u.d troa eeoh and every gallerl. Each 01 t ahall be at leaat t1 ve tlet in width in the olear, and provlded wlthdoors ot ,lron or wood; it ot wood, the doors shall be .etal covered aDd shall be oonatruoted aa deeorlbed in this Ordinanoe. " -3- l. Allot aald doora ahall open outwardly and ahall be taatened with movable bolts. the bolts to be kept draWD durlng pertormances, unleas a device aatlatactory to the Mayor and Oommon Council ot the 01ty of Gl1roy be applied, 80 as to keep the aame looket ttom wlth- out. but to unlook autamatloally on the applloation of pressure trom within on a bar for.adng part ot the door. There shall be balcolllea not le8s than tour teet wide in the said open oourt or oourta, at eaoh level or tier above the parquet, on each side ot the aUditorlum, of sutticlent length to embraoe the two exita. and trom said balconies there shall be staircaaes extending to the ground level. with a rise ot not oyer eight and one-halt inohea to a atep, and not less than nlae inChes tread. excluslve ot the n081ag. The stairoases traa the upper baloonles to the next below shall not be lesa than three teet In wldth ln the clear, and tro. the tlrat balcony to the ground three teet 1D wldth in the olear. where the seating oapaoity i8 tor 100 people or less; three feet and slx inohe. In the olear Where 600 and not more than 900 people, and four teet In the olear where over 900 people. and four feet slx inohes ln the olear where above 2.500 people. Hand ralls shall be seoured to the walla. three lnches therefrom and about three teet above the oenters of the treada, and other hand rails shall be plaoed on the outside of sald atalroaaes, about thre. teet above the centers of the treada. and seoured to sald stalrcaae 80 as to re.lst a pressure of 100 pounds per 11near toot, applied horizon- tally to sald ral1. CONSTRUCTI OR OF BALCONIES AND STAIRWAYS. SECTIOlf I. All the before .entlolled balcoue. and stalrways ahall be coutructed ot lron throughout, includiq the floor., and -6- J of aaple strength to sustain the load to be carried by them, and they shall be oovered with a metal hood or aWDlns, to be con- struot.d in such manner a. .hall be approved by the Kayor and Common Oouncil ot the C1ty or Gilroy. Where one .ide ot the bulldlng bord.r. on the .treet there shall ba balconlas and atalr- way. ot like oapaolt, and klnd. a. betore mentloned. carried to the groWld. OTHER USES 0]' BUILDIBG.. SEOTION 6. When the theatre i. located on a corner lot. that portion or the premis.. bordering on the street and not r.quired tor the us. ot the theatre ma,. it suoh portion b. not more than siaty teet in depth. be used tor oftice.. store., hotel. or apar'tments, provlded the walle separatlng this portion troll the thea tra proper are oarried up so11dly to and through the root. 8Dd that a tireproot exit i. prov1d.d tor the theatre 'on each tier, equal to the combin.d wldth ot ex!ts opening on open court. in .ach tler, commualoatlng with baloonles and staircase. leading to the str..t in maDller provided el...kere 1. this Ordinano.; .ald exit pas sase. Shall be .ntir.1y out ott by brlok walls trom .aid ottloes, store. or apartments, and the floor. and oelling. In eaoh tier aha1l b. tireproot. No portion ot any bullding h.r.atter ereot.d or alt.red, us.d or intended to be used tor theatrloal or other purpo.... as in this .ectloa apeoitied, .hall be oocupied or used a. a hotel, boarding or lOdging hou.e, tactory. work shop or JUDutaotory. or tor storage purpose., exo.pt that a building to be used a. a hotel may be built ov.r or wlth a theatre bu1ldln.g provid.d at l.a.t 6000 square t.et of the oombined ar.a above the au41toriua and .tag. root. .hall remain uaocoupled by a.y oon.truction not direotly -I- oonneoted with the theatre. No portion of sald unoooupled area shall be lea. than 40 feet wide at any point nor ahall the average width be le.. than 60 tt. wlde. Where a hotel bul1ding i. built over or with a theatre building said, hotel building shall be en- tirely a.parated traa sa14 theatre bul1dlng by walla ot the same constructionss herein required tor exterlor walla and by concrete tloor. slab. conatructed not less than 6 inchea thiok properly relJ1toroecl. ORDI!lA.RY IXITS. SECTION 7. Ivery theatre aooommodatlng 250 persons shall have at least two (2) exits; when aooommodating 500 persons. at least three (3) exlts shall be provided; thes. exlt8 not reterr1na to nor inoludlna the exlts to the open court at the side at the theatre. Doorways ot exit or entr~oe tor the use ot the public ahall not be less than tlve teet In width. and tor every addltion- al 100 persons or portlon thereot to be accaRmodated in exce.s ot 500 an aggregate ot 20 inohe. additlonal exlt width muat be allowed. All doora ot exlts or entranc.s ahall open outwardly, and be hung to awing 1D such maeer as not to become an obstruotion in a passage or corridor. and no such doors ahall be olosed or looked durlng and presentatlon. or when the bul1ding is open to the pUblio. unless locked by selt unlooking syatem. Dlstinot and separate places ot exit and entranoe shall be provlded tor eaoh gal1err above the first. A ~Oll place ot exit and entrance 118.1 sene tor the main noor of the audi toriua and the tirst galler,-. prov14ed its oapaoity be equal to the aggregate capaoity ot the outlets traa the main tloor and the sald gallery. No pa.aage leadlng to any a'airway oommunlcatlng with any en- trance or exit ahall be less than tour teet in wldth ln anT part thereot. .... I FOYERS, LOBBIES, ETC. SECTION. 8 The aggregate capacity of the tOJers, lObbies. corridors, passages and roams for the use of the audience, not lncludlng alsle apaoe, between seata, .hall on each tloor of gallery. be sufficient to oontainthe entire number to be aocom- modated on sald floor or gallery in the ratlo ot 150 superfloial teet of tlc.or room for every 100 persona. , ,'y- , " Gradients or lnolined planes shall be employed instead of stepa, where poasible to overcome slight ditterenoes of level in or between the alsle., oorridors and paasages. AISLES AND SEATS. SEC'l'IOIT t. All &1s1es on the respeotl ve tloora in the auditorium having .eats on both sides ot the aame ahall not be less than three teet wid. where they begin and ahall be lncreased In width toward the exits 1D ratio of one and one-half inches to tive running teet. All seats in the audltorium. exoeptlng those contained in boxea, ahall not be le.a than 32 inChes tram baok to baok. measured in a horizontal direction. and firmly seoured to the floor. No seat in the auditorium shall have'more than slx seats intervening between it and an aisle. No stool nor seat shall be placed" in any alsle. All platforms in galleries tor.med to receive seats shall be not more than 21 lnohes 1D height of rise nor 1.88 than 32 lnche. in width of platform. The maximum nuaber of movable aeats or chairs in boxes ahall be eight. In boxia coptalnlng a greater number of seats the seats ahall be taatened to the tloor. .7.. f' GALLERY FRONTS, PARTITIONS AND CEILINGS. SECTIOI' 10. The trout. of each gallery ahall be tormed of tireproot materlals. exoept the capplng, which may be made of wood'. The oeilll18 under eaoh gallery shall be .ntirely formed ot flr.proot materiala. The oelllngs of the audl torium shall be torm.d of tir.proot materials. All lathing wh.never used shall be of metal. The partitions of that portion of the bulldlng which oontains the auditoriua, the entranoe and vestibule and eve17 room and passas. devot.d to the use of the audienoe shall be oonatruot.d of tireproot materlals, inoluding the furring ot outside or other walla. Bone ot the walls or c.l11ngs ahall be oover.d wlth ~od aheathiq, oannas or any other ooabuatlbl. materlal. But this ahall not exolud. the use of wood wainsootl118 to a heiglt not to exceed six teet Wbloh shall be fl11ed in solld between the walna- ootlng and the wall with tlreJroot mat.rlala. IHSIDE BTAIRWAlS. SECTION 11. All stair. w1thln the bulldlngs ahall be con- struoted ot flreproof materials throUghout. Stairs trom balconiea and galleri~8 shall not oommunicate with the baaement or oellar. All stairs ahall have treads of unitorm wldth and rlaer ot unitor.a height throughout in eaoh flight. Stalrwa18 s.rvag for the exit ot 50 people shall be at least four teet wide betw.en ral1ings, or between walls, and tor every additlonal 60 people to be aocommodated six inches muat be add.d to their wldth. The wldth of all atalra ahall be measured In the clear b.t....n hand ralla. IDno case ahall the riaer ot any atairs exoe.d s.v.n and one-halt Inohes high. nor ahall the treada lnclual ve of noalugs. b. les,s th8Jl ten and one- half inches wid. ln straight atalrs~ Ho olroular or winding stair. tor the ua. ot the pUblic shall -a- i be permitted. Where the seatlng capaoity is tor more than 1.000 people there ahall be at least two lndependent stairoaaes, with direot exterior outlets provided tor eaoh gallery in the aUditoriua, where there are not more tha.n two galleries. and the same shall be located on opposite sides of said galleries. Where there are more than two galleries, one or more additlonal stairoases shall be pro- vided, the outlets tram which shall oommunlcate directly with the prlnolpal exlt or other exterior outleta. All aald staircaaes shall be ot wldth proportlonate to the seating capacity aa elaewhere here- in presoribed. Where the seating capaoity is tor 1,000 people or less. two' direot lines ot stairoases only ahall be required located on oppo- site sidea of the galleries, and in both oases shall extend traa the aidewalk level to the upper gallery, with outlets tram each gallery to eaoh ot said stairoases. At least two independent stalrwaya, with: 41rect exterior out- lets ahall also be provided tor the aervloe ot the atage and ahall be located on oppoalte aides ot the aa.me. All inside stalrway. leading to the upper galleries of the auditorlum shall be enolosed on both sidea with walla of tlreproot materlala. Staira leadiDi to the first or lower pllery -7 .e lett open on one ai4e, 1n which oase they shall be constructed aa herein provided tor aimilar staira leading tram the ent~noe hall to the main floor of the auditorium. But 1D no case shall stalra lead1Dg to any gallery be lett open on both a14es. When stralght ataira return direotly on theaselve. a landlDi of the tull width of both flighta. without any steps shall be pro- vlded. The outline of the landiq shall be our".d to a radlus ot not le.. thaa two teet to a"old square angles. Stalrs turning at an aD8le shall have a proper luding wi thout windera introduced at aaid turn. In staira, when two tlighta oo.eot wlth one main tlight. -1- -4J.'.;" I _0 winders ahall be lntroduced, and the width of the main flight ahall be at least equal to the aggregate width of the slde tlights. All stairl shall have proper landing a introduced at oonvenient die. tano.a. All enoloa.d stalroaaea ahall have on both.ides strong ~ ral1s tiral)" aeoured to the walls, about three inches distant . there trOll , aad three teet above the sta1ra, ~ut aaid haad raile shall .ot run 01'1 level platfOrms and lddings where the same i. more 1n length the width ot the stai rs . All atairoaaes eight teet and over in width shall be providea wi th a oenteJl hud rail ot metal not leIS than three teet above the oenter of the tJleada, and supported on wrought metal or braaa atan4ards ot suttioient streqth, plaoed not nearer the tour teet, nor more than au teet apart. and s80urelr bolted to the treads or rlsers ot atalra, or both. and at the bead ot eaob flight of staira, on each landing, the posts or standards ahall be at least slx teet in beight, to whioh the rail shall be seoured. D'TIRIOH WALLS. 8'lC'fIOB 12. Interlor 'Walls bullt ot tlreproof materials ahal1 leparate the audltorium trom the entrance vestibule, and troa aD)" room or rOOM OTer the semel also trom any lobbies, oorridors, re- treshment or other roams. All stalroaaea tor the use of the audlenoe shall be enolosed with walls of brick or ot flreproot materials approved by the Ma70r and Oommon Coun.oil of the Cltl' ot Gl1ro,.. The opeDings to said atalroa.ea tram each tier ahall be full wldth ot aald ataircases. Bo door shall open lamediately upon 8 flight ot stairs, but a landlng at leest the width ot the door shall be provided between such .taira and suoh tloor. ....10, " ,/ 10" PROSCDIllIf WALL. SIOTION 13. A tire wall shall separate the auditorium trom the atage. and the same shall extend at least tour teet above the .tage root. or the auditorium root. it the latter be higher, and shall be ooped. Above the pr080enium opening there shall be a ateel girder resting upon steel columns extending to foundations and 01' sutti- cient strength to support sately the load above, and the lame shall be co.ered with fireproot materials to proteot it trom the heat. Should there be constructed an orchestra over the stage. over the prosceDium openins. the said orchutra shall be placed on the audi- torium si4e 01' the tire wall and shall be entered only trom the auditorium alde ot aaid tlre wall. The molded trame aroud the proscenium opening ahall be tormed entirely 01' flreproot materiala. It metal be used said metal shall be tilled in 80lid with nonoom- bustible materlal and seourely anchored to the wall with iron. The prosoenium opening shall be provided w~th a fireproot ourtain of asbestoe or other tirepltOof material a pproved by the ~ayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, Sliding at eaoh end within iron grooves securely fastened to the brick wall and extending lnto such iron grooves to a depth of not less than slx inches on each side of the opening. Said fireproof curtain shall be raised at the commencement of each performanoe. and be operated by approved machinery tor that purpose.. The proscenlum curtalna ahall be placed at lesst three teet distant from the toot lights at the neareat point. 1'0 doorway or opening through the prosoenlum wall. trom the au41toriua. shall be allowed above the level ot the first floor, and such first tloor openings shall have tireproof doors on eaoh faoe ot the walls. aDd the doors sball be hUBS ao as to open trom either aide at all tim.a. -11- , DRESSING ROellS. ncuo. 1". All 8bel \fug ea4 oupboar4. in e..h ad fIVer., dreasing rooll, property room or other storese room. shall be oonatruoted ot 1I8tal, slat. or some t1reproot _,terlal. Dr.a.l.. noma _,. be placed 1n the ill pllerlel. pro...14e4 that proper exita are a.oure! theretrom to the tIre esoapes in the open court, and that the partitions and other mettera pert.iai.. to dr..aiq roau ahall oontorm to the requirement. herein contained, but the stall'S 1..dlIl8 to the same .ball be tireproot. The 4rea.il18 rooaa .hall b... an inlependent ex1t l.ading d1reotlr 1Dto a oourt or atr8.'. and ahall be ....ntllated by w1Ddow. in the external -.11, and no dre..lng room shall b. more thanteD teet below street le...el. wnmows. BlenOK lIS. All wIndows ahall be arranged to open, and nODe of the wlndowa ln out.lle walls ahall he"e tlxe4 .sh.a, iroD. grl11. or bara. STAGE nOORS. SBOTIOW 11. All that portlon ot tbe ataae Dot comprised i. the worldng ot a.enery. trap. and other mechen10al apparatus, tor the presentation or a aoene. u.ually equal,to the wldth or tbe, proa.em. opening. ahall be ot Ol.as "A" conatruotloa. FLY GALLERIES. SEOTIOR 17. The fll salleri.. entlre, 1DGluding pin raila, shall be oon.truoted ot iron or at.el. aDd the floora or sai4 plleie. ahall be of.llpoae4 of iron or s'teel bea.. tilled with tlreproot mater1als. and no 'Wood board. nor sleepers ahall be .ea aa oOTenap over b..... but 'the said floor ahall be entirely tire- proot. The rlg1as lott ahall be tlreproot. All atage aouel7, -18- .' . ,.. ""'i1illl'/ ... , . ourt.iu and .eooratlona made 01' ccabustlble uterials shall be painted or saturated '\lli th SOIne arproved. con-oombuetlble material. or otherwise rendered Bere agelnst tire t end the tinlsblng coat of paint applied to all woodwork shall be 01' such kind .a to real.t tire, to the sat1staotion ot the Mayor and Common Counol1 of the 01t1 01' Oil:ro7_ Fireproofed oood may be used. 11' satistactory to the lle.J'or aDd Common Counoil of ttlEt City of Gilroy. 11,. galleri.a ahall reat upon OOlUlUl8 extending to the base.e.t. FIRE FROnCTIO.. In addition to the requirement. oontalne4 in tbl. .ection there- to 8hall be provided . four....lnch atandpipe, ruuiag tro. oellar to -13- " . ' ....",., root. wlth one two-_,. three-inch al...... oODnectio. to be plaoe4 on street above the curb level. and with one two and one-half inoh outlet with hose attaohed thereto on eaoh floor, plaoed aa near the stairs as practicable. All buildlnga ahall be provided wlth an aux111&1'1 tire apparatus and applianoe., CODsisting Of lWlter tank Oil root or i. cellar. stand pipes. hose. nozzles. whenchea, f1re .xtinguishera, hook.. axe.. and other appliances, aa may be required b7 the 11re Depar'tmen t. A ..parate and dlst1nct s7etem ot automatlc sprinklere, with fuaible pluge, approve4 by the Mayor end COBon Counoil. aupplied ..i th water froll. 8 tank located Oil the root over the stage. and not counecte4 in aD7 ..nner with stand plpe.. shall be plaoed aa ea.h 814e ot the proscenlum openlns and OD. the .eilins or root over the etage at .uch leterval. as w1ll proteot every square toot of .taae surtaot wben 8aid sprinklers are 1n operatlon. Automati. sprinklers shall be alao plaoed wlH,re.er practicable. ln the dresslng rooms, under the stag.. and ln the oarpenter shop, paint rooms. under the rooms end property rOODl8. The entlre installation 01' automatic aprlDk1era shall be in aocordanoe wlth the rule. ot the Board 01' Flre Underwriters. A proper and suftioient quantity of one and one-halt' laG cotton, rubber lined hos., not le.8 thaD 100 teet. ti"" w1th the regulation ooupllngs 01' the Fire Depar'tment. and w1 th rel'1lati_ :Fire Department shut-ott nozzles attaGhed tbereto. and with hose spanners at .aoh outlet. sbell always be kept attached to each ho.e attaChment, .e the Chier 01' the Fire Department ma7 dlreot. There ahall e180 be kept In readlne.a for tamedlate us. Oil the stege at lesst two oasks 01' water. and two buokets to each oaak. The oask and buokets shall be painted red. -l~- , ' ~,d~j There shall also be provided hand 'pumps or oth.er portable tire extinguishing epf.'~ratu8, and at least tour u... and a180 two 25-toot hooks, two l:S-toot hooks and two Ie-toot hooks on each tier or floor of the stage. LIG!ITS. sxanON 19. Every portion ot the bulldlna d....oted to the ueea o~th~ aocommodations of the publio, elso ell outlets le.dine to tbe streets and inoluding the open courts and corridors, sball be well cnd properly lighted with eleotricity dur1ng every perform- ance.and the same ehall remain lighted until the entire audienoe bes 1ett the premises. Allot said lights in the halls, corridora. lobbies and any other part ot said ~uildlng used by the aUfUenee. exoept the aUditorium. must be controlled by a separate 8hut-ott located 1ft the lobby and controlled only in thet particular place. Qe~ malns supplying the building shall have independent oonneotions tor the work shope. n,. gelleries and stage. aDd, provis1on shall be made tor ahutting oft the gas fram the outs1de ot the bu1lding. ' All 11ghts in passage. and oorridors in 8a1d bul1dlng when.~.r deemed neoessary br the Mayor ~nd Commo. Councl1 ot the 01t7 ot Gilroy ehall be proteet.ed with proper w1 re network. All border lighte ehall be constructed aocording to the best Known methods and subJeot to the ap,,:,rove.l ot the Mayor and Common OOUDell ot the C1t1 ot G11rol and shell be suspended tor tpn teet by w1re rope. All ducts or shatte used for oonduoting h~ted air troa the aln obandellers or from any other ligbt or 1igbts shall be oon- struoted of metal and made double, 'f'11 th en air spaee between. LI GRTS I~ T F;XI T8 . SECTION 10. At eaob and e"817 exit 1D any theatre or opera -I&- ( ...". ~ .....",..' '1' . . ." house there ahall be placed and _lat.in84 a lamp in which only mineral. sperm. nut or other nonexplosive 011, or eleotricity UJOR an independent circuit. satisfactory to the Mayor and Common Counoil ot the City of Gilroy. shall be used; and said lamp or lamps shell be lighted prior to the openlng of the doors or said theetre, and shell be kept lighted until the audience shall have departed trom the premises; and there shall be insoribed upon 8a14 lamp or laapa the word "EXIT" In dlatinotlyvlalble letter. not 1... than eight (8) inch.a hlgb.. VltNfiLATION OJ' '1'RE STAGE. SECTION 81. There shall be provIded in the root ot that ponlon of the building over the stage. smoke vent openlqs. the total net a~ea ot which shall be one-tenth ot the area ot the atase lnclu4ed between the three outer walls ot the buil41ng a.d proacenium wall. 110 single opening shall be ot an area le.s than one-tltth ot the total require4 area. These _Ok. vent openlnse shall be 010se4 by abutters so oonatructed that ther will open by theIr own welsht. Ther ahall be held in place by oords or ropes extending to and controlled trom the open ataae. Aa a part ot eaoh rope operat- ing .aob shutter there Shall be inoluded two tus1bls links deslsne4 in aooordanoe with the requirements ot the Mayor and Common Council ot the 01ty or Gilroy to open at 1&0 desrees !'ahrenheit. All parte of shutters and trame sball be ot lnoaabuatlble materials. Gla... it used. shall be plain 81&8s. Shuttera may be ot two type.. It 8hutters oooupying a vertical poaltion when 010a8d are used. they ahall be hinged,.t the bottom and provided with a metal weights which shall cauae the to open outward. Thi. we18ht sha.ll be 80 pleoed that the shutter 1e held in a closed positIon by the rope and on release or the rope the shutter will open its tull width. It shutters built on the !Acline ot the root are us84 -1.. .p' , "", ,iN tbe,. ahall be arranged to reat and travel on rollers. They ahall be "0 built that they ~ll open by their own weight end ahell be held in e. olosed potlJitlon by the rope. Theae shutters aball be opened at lea.st onoe a week 01' aore otten lt required by the Fire Department. No taaten1ng or other dev10e tor holding the ahutters at the aoke vent openiDS. in a olo.ed po'ltiOl1. other than the ropea with fuaible links ,ball be attache" -to any suoh shutter. The OWDer or le..ee ot any theatre of' any .plo,... ot auoh owner or les.._ vlolatlag thl, provl.lon shell be guilty of a misdemeanor under the terms or this OrdInance. 50 obstruction ot eny kind shall be plaoea In tbe way ot a oo.,18te dratt tram the stage to the amoke vent openings exoept that required tor the operetion ot tbe 8cene17. No tloonq sbell be pleoe4 OD the 81rdlron but its entire surtaoe sball be olen. STEAM HOlLERS JJ~D HEATING APPLIANCES. SltCTI05 II. Iv_1'7 ateam boller whlch ma, be required tor heatlng or other purpose. ahall be 100ete4 outa1de the buil4iua. ~,=- and the apaoe allotted to the same ahall be en.losed b7 walla at maaonry on all aidea. and the tloor and oel1Ing or such apaoe ahall b. oonstructed ot tireproot material. All doorway. 18 ..14 wallo aha1.1 JaIl.,.. fIreproof doors. Bo noor regla".r tor b..t1q ahall be perm! tt04< No 0011 or radiator .hall be plaoed In any al.1e or passa.e- way used a. an exi", but allsa1d 00118 and radiator. sball be plaoed In re..sses !or,med 1n the wall or partltloDa to reoeive the same. All suppl,. return or exhauat plpe. ahall be properly 1ncase4 and protected where passing through tloors or near woodwork. G.a turnaoe. ahall not be used tor heating purpose.~ -~,- pL ;~ . . ..., '"<.,:' #' WOD: SHOP t STORAGE ROOM. PROPER'n' ROOMS. SIOTION 83. No work shop, storas. or ....1'&1 prope"7 rooaa .hall be allowed 0J1 the audi toriua slde ot t.be prosopl_ _11 t 801' aboy. or u.der the .tagEt, nor 18 alll ot the t17 pllerie.. Allot ..14 ro_s or .hop. -7 be located In the rear or at the .1d. ot the stase, but In suoh .... they .hal1 b. .eparatect tro. tbe s\age b7 8. '-...'* wall aa4 the opel11.g. leadinl Into .uGh por- tlob .hall hay. tinproot doors on .aoh .1d. ot the ope.1q., hUDS to iroD e,.s buIlt 1D the ....11. RESTJUCTIONS AS TO USE OF BUILDING. 8EeTIO. ... .0 portion ot .., building hereatter ereot.4 or alt.r.d, u.ed or lAt.nd... to b. u.e" tor th.atrlcal or oth.r purpo.... .. ID thls .eotion .,eoltie", .hall b. oooupi.d or us." a. a hotel, boardiq or 10c1giq hOu.., taoto1'7, work ahop or aanutaoto1'7, or tor .toras. purpos.d. exo.pt a. _,. her..tter be .peoit!oal11 proYlde" tor. Sald r..trlotlon relat.. not oDl1 to that poniOD. ot the buildlns w!Uoh contaia. the au41tonum and the .tase. b~ appl1.s also to the .ntlre struoture In con3unotlon th.rewith. Stores 01" .hops tor the sale of lood. .hall be pera1tteet on the ground tloor. No .tore or roc:a contain.d 1a the buildiq Dor the oftice., .tores or apar1taent. ad30iD1q a. atore..ld Ball be let or us.d tor oannas on aIl1 busin... dealiDS i. uti ole. de.lanate" . .. espeolall1 haaar4ou. ill the .la..itloatlon of tbe Board ot lire underwriter. ot the Paoltio, nor tor JIIflDutaoturing purpo.... No lodging aoc08Odations shall b. allow.d i8 aD)" part ot the buildlD8 00Dll'tQl1oat1aa with au4itor1ua. EXISTING BUILDINGS. SECTIOR 81. All .xl.tlne th.a.tr.. .ball b. ..4e to coap17 wi th tbe pro"1.10a. of thl. Ordiunoe. under the 4i"0\i08 aad -18- '" ..... , . . , ' ""h.':'';' .upe~alon of the MaJor and Oommon Oounol1 ot the 01t7 ot Gilro1. to .uch extent cu. mar be deem.ed nec.ssary and praotical b1 ..14 1.101' and Common Oouncil of the Clt1 ot 0111'01_ DIAGRAM OFTHiATRE ON PROOIWf. SECTION 16. A diapaa or plan of each theat". pller,- or floor ahow1q dl.tin.t17 the exl t. theretroa. .aoh oooup)'lq a .pao. 80\1.s. than tltteen .quare inche., sbal1 b. printed in blaok line. in a 1es1ble manner on the program ot the performanoe. RIOErT OF EJ'l'RY BY AUTBORITIE8. alien O. .,. The Ma70r. the ....n fit the ao.OIl Counoil ot the Oit1 ot Gilroy. the arobitect and the Inspeoton ot Build- lqs ot the Department of Public Works, and Chief ot the Fire Department and tbe Chiet ot the Polloe DepartmeDt shell have the rlpt to enter at an1 tlme aJlr building u.ed tor theatrloa1 or operatlo purpo.es or tor pUblio entertaiaaents of any kind. nRE DUAnTMEBT TO CONTROL FIRE AflPARATUS. SIOTIO. 18. Th. .tand plpe., .... pip.., .leotrio wires. ho.e. footli8h'. and all "~paratus tor tbe extlqul8hMa\ ot tift. or suar41q ..a1Dst the ...., aa in this Ordinan.. specitied. ahall b. in ohars. and under the control ot the I'ir. Department atter the oertiflcate haa been i.sued bJ the llaJQr an4 Co_on Councl1 of tbe City of GilroJ, .s requlred bJ this 0r41nanoe. SPBCIAL PROVIBIOBS RELATING TO PLAOIS or AMUSDm1ft' WHERnB MOVING PICTURE EXHIBI-rIOIfS ARB GIVD. SECTIOB I'. All plac.s of .1Iua.ot hereatter to be ooa- -1t- '"'d~''' .truoted, ereoted or altered whereln .0.ln8 ploturea ar. exhl. bite" tor publle entertalument. end where an a4m!s.lon t.e 1. obarsed, h..lns a ..ating capacity or 300 or more persons, .hall be bull' and oona'ructed to cont01'lJl to all 1..., oon41'tona aDd r.qu1reaen'a now exiatlng or hereatter to come in toree and etteot nlatiq to \11.'"a and plaoe. Wbel"e theatrioal or operatio p.rto...... are Sl... a.mOB 10. AU auGh pla..a of ........t h.reafter to b. oonatruotec1. ere,teet or altere4, whenln ao.ins plctun. are ex- hlblt." tor publlo eatenal..ent, ahall be ~lt and eonstnoteet 1. aooordanoe with the tollowins lawa, oon4itlo88 and requlr..enta, to wi t I A. All su.h places or emu.emeat mus' be and shall onlrbe ooatalned 1n Cla.. -A- bulldiDla. B. All alale. ln the 8u4i 'ori_ havlng a.ats on both s14.a ot the aame ahall not be le.a thaD 31 teet In .i4th whe. the aisl.a are 60 teet or less in leDgtb and not lesa tbaa . teet ln width when the .1.1es are more than 60 teet in 18Jllth. Aisle. hauna .ea'a on 0118 ai4e oalr shall Dot be 1... than 2i teet In width , wh.n tbe als1.. are 60 teet or lea. In lenatb, and not less than 3 te.' Inwldth whe. the als1ea are more than 60 teet in le..th. . o. All .eate in the auditorium shall not be 1... than 2t lnohe. trom baCk to baok, .e.aured In a horizontal 41reot10n, ... tlrmll aeoure' to the tloor. No .ea' in the au41torium ahall have acre thaD aU aeate lntenening betw..n 1 t an4 an aisle. .0 .ea' nor stool ahall be plaoe4 in any aiSle. D. All .uoh plaMa of Ulusement haviq a seating 08peol t7 ot 100 or aore persOIls ahall be equlppe. with at leaat one 1t-inoh .20- .' plvan1zed stand pipe 1n the middle of 01'18 aide wall ot the audl- toriua. Said stand pipe sball have a ll-inGb dlreot conn.ot10D. with the .treet main. Attached to said stand pipe there shall be .~ teet of It-inoh hose,and at the end ot suoh hose there ahall be a tive.ellhta lncb pla7 pipe. I.' In all .uob places ot amuaement ot wbatever ae.'lag O8p.- oit7. two buokete, each oontaining at all, t~ea not lea. tban three &allons ot .ater, Blust be keptw1 th two tire utinauishera i_edl- ete17 outa14e the operator's booth, or mov1ng picture box, and .ai4 buoketa and t1re extinguiaher. ahal1 be ready tor a.rvice at all t1mee. "I.- There aust be 1n the operator'a booth a ..tal ventilatlq pip., aot smaller than aix inohes in diameter, whioh au' exten4 throush aD exterlor wall or root ot tbe building. or .,. be ooaneoted to a brlok or patent ohimaey. A window OpeD1~8 direotlJ to the outer air may be uaed ln lieu or the above ventl1atlng pipe. G. Openlaaa tor p10ture and operator'8 Tlew shall not be larser than 11 bl 12 lnchea, and IlUst have 8ft'V1t7 doors _4e ot No. 14 B. &, S. gause aheet 1ron erraneed to drop tree17 in hea"f7 metal gl'Oo"e. OD. Inaide of booth. Doors to be held 1n positIon (open) by tuaIb1e 11nka pl&0&41. .erles with a slngle strand ot cord, ao arranged that oor4 w111 be suapended. 41notll abo"e tllm whe la place in mach1ae. 80 that in ca.e of ignition ot tilm the link will tua. or oord w111 burn and allow sravl t7 doors to drop and oloa open1ngs. There shall be DO opel!ng traa the operating booth lnto any olos.t, storeroom or blind 'lao.a. and but one exlt door. B. All eleotrio wiriJ18 ..uat ooDt01"a to the rule a of the natloD.. a1 oode. The operator's oabinet or pioture box .'Qat be absolute17 tireprOor. I. 110 wooden ti:a:turea. benohea or appl1ances. ulesa.ame be .I'~ ,*, """ ,.~/ """"tlc"- ..\81 olad and no otherintlammsble mat.rials not required tor the operation or movlng ploture maohines shall be allowed ln the operatlq room. J. All suoh plaoea ot amusement .hall he'f. at least one tronta.e on a street. and in suoh trontase there ahall be .t lef' at two exlt8. 880b ot whioh 18 to be .t le.st tl.. t.et wlde. .In addItion to auGh exita on the stre.t th.r. ahall be r..ened toraenlc. in cas. ot ...rsen07 t where the .8&tll18 capacl t7 It 150 or 1.... one exit 1D the rear, where the seatIne oapaolt7 is sreater than 150 and le.. tbu aoo, th.re shall b. one a1 t in the rear aD4 an addltioaal exit in the rear halt ot the auditonal wh.re the ..atlq capacity 15 greater than 300 and l.sa tbaa 400, tbere ahall be one exlt In the rear and two a4dltional ex1ts. one ot whlob aust b. in the rear halt of the auditoriua and _hioh. in the cas. ot au41tonUlla le.. than 30 te.t in w14th. sust be at the alde n.ar the oenter. SUch rear ex1 ts, it In the .1de -.lls t aust be wl thin tea t.et of the rear wall. Eaoh exlt ehall not be 1... than fl.e teet ia width. All exits au.t open into pUblio .tr0et., publio or prl.ate alleys or into pasaaleway. at lea.t fl.. teet wide oommuaioatins dlreotly with the street. Sa14 paa.aseways must have thelr Interior. 11.ed throughout with sb.et metal or be metal lathed and pl.st.red. Ixita whioh le.d into five-toot Int.rior paa.aseways must haTe no doors, butma7 be h\1ll8 with curtalas or porti.res. All doora and exl ta must open outward and be uataatene4 at all tIme. durln.g whlch people ar. assembled. Rv.ry exIt ahall have over the s~e, 18. the in.let., the word ,"lUIT" painted ia l.sible lettera not les. than eipt inoh.. h1sht oyer .aoh suoh exit there ahall also be a r.d 11&ht on an independent olroult trom all oth.r 118hta in the buildlDS. All oourta and paasaceway_ ahall be lighteet eturin8 the pertormanoe. -11- ......., E. There ahall be als1e. or the wldth her.lnbetore apeoltled. extending the entire length ot the auditorium ,0 eaoh and ever,. exlt opeD1as into aaid streets or alleya. or passagewsys; there ahall be apaoe ot at least ten teet between tront tier of ae.ta and aoreen or atase. oroas aisles leading to alde exlts ahall exten4 tZ'OS '. oenter aiale to aaid exi ta. Where exit. are at rear J aisl.a leading to aame ahall be ot the maximum _14ths hereln preaorlbed. throughout their entlre length. CLASS "A" BUILDINGS. SECTION 81. Cl... "A" bul1dinas are deflned .a tho.. havil18 tlreproof tram. a ot a'.el and wlth all struotural parts or lnoaa- bu.tlble materlal. Walla ahall be ot briok, atone. conorete or reintoroe4 eonorete. Ol..a ftA" bull41naa with all wall loads abov. the third tloor carried on the steol trsae shall not be ltmited as to height. Claa. "Aft bul1dlnga,wlth selt-aupporting curtain or bearing walla on the exterlor shall be 11mlted in height to 86 teet. 01a.s "A" buildings mal be built anJWbere in the oity. SPECIAL. PROnstoRs Rta...ATlBO TO THE CONSTH.UOTIOR OF CLASS" A" BUILDINGS. DESORIPTI 0.. SROTIO. aa. Claaa A buildlnga ahall be bul1t with a ateel trame 08l"1'7il18 ell floor 10848 and all walls trom the tlrat tloor up. 01... A bu11dlag8 ln whioh the height doe. not exceed 86 tee' .11- .., have tbe ext.rlor wall a bearing wall oarrying the adJao.nt floor load.. or the exterior _11 ma1 b. a ..If-supportlq curtau wall without op.ning, the floor loads belna carried on coluaa. built ill the wall. Ca8' iron colUJDlls mal be USd. ill such buildings. PROlIDD, that no sohool. hospital, th.atre, or bu1l41Jlgtor pub110 ..s_blase required to be tlreproot. ... conatruoted w1 thou' 001__ built into the .xterior walla whlob oolU11dls _,.. -oaR)' the tloor load oDl1. 8'1'DL :&llAY.!t. SlOTIOJl U. .0 mater1al le.s ttat i-inch thloJme.. ahall be ueed in aD, part .ubJeot to atr.... SEC'1'I01I 86. All 00l1Dl1l. ln building. over ee feet in h.lpt shall be ma4e up ot roll.d .t..l shapes and no oolumn. .hall be ua. whloh do not bave one 8011d web of metal alol1g or parallel with one axi8 of oro.. .eotion. All colwma shall ext.nd to . foundation tbe top of whiCh 18 not above the b......t floor 1e.el, exo.pt where the load i8 carri.d on tru.... or gir4er. to otber oolWllll.. 001.... .ball be OODDeotect to each oth.r b1 aplloe plat.. near a floor 11... Th. .plloe plate must be of autfioient .ize to talc. an7 po..i ble 'ten.lon or 8h..r due to wind or .0ceDtr! 0 10a41Da. Co1... _, be builtin Ier.agthe of OI1e or -.ore 8torl... ea.t lron colWIIIUI 1181 be used In bulld1I1S. und.r e. teet ill helpt. LIlII'l'IRG DIS'l'ABO'I8. SEeTlO. 10. .0 part ot the ..tal of an7 oolU8. ex.ept OOJln8otiou 8ad be.. eupport .hall be 1... tho four ach.. troa -M- - - , 1it~. ", the outside of aD,. exterior wall. Portions of the trame support. ing walla shall not be l.s. in width thaD one-halt the width of the wall and the 8upportill8 part shall proj.ot to wi thill two inche. of the outer taco ot t he wall. mE RODS. SECTIOR M. Tie rods ahall coanect all b.... where the floor con.truotioll sive. rise to a thrust. Rods &hall have nut. or turn- buokle. tor a4ju8'-..t. UlTAL BOBTS, OOBBI CIS, lIRE WALLS. ROOF TRUSSIS. swmOB ". east iron or metal troDts 11&1 b. plaoed In tront ot columna ot the .t..1 trame, provided the latter and tUll,. tire- prooted. Braoke's supportina onrhaaglq oomoe., belt oonlce. an4 other pro3..tioD8 .hall be attaohed to 'the ste.l treae. Parapet and tire walls .hall, it over three teet hip above root. be oonneot.d to the st.el treme whiob au.t b. extend.d tor that purpo.e. Root tru.... und.r .5 teet span ., rest on brlCk _Us. Spa.. over 45 te.t Iball re.' on steel OOlU8D8. wnm BRACING. UCTIO. 18. Ia bu11dlq over ODe bUDdJ'e4 8nd two te.t hip, or where the belght exoeeu three time. the lea.t horiaontal d1aen- sioll. the tollowll'l8 provisloll. ot this .eotloa .hall .pp11' The .'..1 or oODorete trame eball be de.l..e' to realst a -81- '- . .. winet toroe ot 15 pour:ds per square toot eoting in any direotion upon the entlre exposed surtaoe. Th. oomblned dead load. li.. load and y,'ind load .tr..s shall Rot exce.d the permissible dead and live load stre.s by more thaa 33 1'.. IR RO o.s. shall the o.erturniD.8 llOJI.ent du. to wind exc..d fiO peroentum ot the moaeat due to the ..1ght ot the structure. All .xterior wall 81rders shall hayekn.e-bra.. oorm.c'ion. to oolumJ1s. Pro.lsiou shall be mad. tor diagonal t portal or lat.e- braokiDS to r.slst wind .tr....s. and. such braoing shall be oontin- uous tro. top .~0J'y to end including basement. WALLS . ) ( I, SEO'I'IOJl M. Tbe .xterior pe.r\J or di"islon walla wheft oarrle4 on the s'..l tr8D8sha11b. ot briok, reinforoed concr.t., oonor... blocka, .tone or terra ootta. Wh.re selt-eupportlq walls are u..d the, shall be ot briok or plain conorete.All walls shall be anchored to tram. at .pace. not exceedlng ti teet with 3/..inCb anchors with 6-inoh square head.. Outside ot tlre limits sheet ..t.l ma,. be used In bulldings used tor purposes ot marmtacture other than WOod-working. BRICK WALLS SEC'1'IOI' ". Briok _118 ..he support.d on the s'..l frame or ln the tir.' and ..oond story. shall be at l..st 13 1nches thiok unle.s reinforoed, exoept that it usect In the basement they ahall be 17 inches thlok. -Stone or terra ootta veneer 8hall not be oounte. part of this thlokn.... It the height of 8 supported wall exeeecta aw. teet or the are. between aupportlq 8ird.1"8 and oolUJllls exe...s .00 square teet the tbiokn..s shall be ..4e 17 laobes. -21- . ~ t'" Selt-eupportill8 ourtain ;^ alla or briok built 1n between oolumns supporting tloor load. mar be u.ed in Class A bu11d1... ot a height aot over aa teet. 5ald curtain walla .hall be 21 inohes thiok in bas.ment, 17 laches thick tor 8 he1ght of 4& tee' above the tirst tloor and 13 inohe. thiok tor the remalD1ag height_ No openlaga shall be made in ourtain walls. .. self-supporting bearing walla ot brick may be used 1a Olaes A bul1dlng8 of a height not over 86 teet. Suoh wall. mal be u.ed to carry adjaoent tloor loads, provided that the adJao.nt laterior column is not more then 20 teet trom th~ bearing wall. REINj'ORCED CONCRET! WALLS. SECTION M. WallS ot reinforoed concrete shall be pe1"Dl1tted in Cl.s. A bu11dings but they ahall be suppo~ed on .t.el oolumae and beams In~t.ad ot reinforced concrete. Conorete made wlth broken brick or terra ootta or cinder. ' 1I1st..d ot broke. .tone w111 be permitted 1n Cl... A. bulldlng.. CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS. SBCTI ON at. Conorete block. shall 'be ot aaueoonerete with oour.e. not over 18 inohe. hiP. except in oraaaentel oouraes. Wall. thall be at l...t 11 inche. thlok. Blocks sh.ll 'be concre'e ., least a inches thiok at all parts, and .hall be made interlocking and se' in Portland cement mortar. The are. ot opening in blooa shall not exoeed 1-1 of the total croes seotlonal area of the blook. Walls shall be supported cn the trame at each floor le.e1. ,~ \ TlmRA COTTA. UCTIOB 4.0. Terra cotta blook1na _, be ...4 in 0\1,.i4e wall. and in OO\11"s. On G.'slde walle 1 t shall be s., in o_t "1"\8.1' ...19. and tied to the ateel trame by anchors ot at le€'1st one-halt1Doh diameter round 1ron. Window aullion8 ot terra cotta aball have a Tertioal steel ...ber enclosed and oonnected to the steel trame. Terra ootta blocka shall be .et in oourses not over 12 inohe. 4..p exoept in omam.ental cour.es. Walls shall be at least twel"fe lnohes thiok and supported on the st.el trame at each floor level. umronmm BLOClt OR BRIOK WALLS. SXCTIOlI 88. WaUa ot oonorete bloOD. tile or briok _,. b. built ot 8 thielen.a. not les8 thaD eisht lnohes. p:tOvided that 1Jl; all _lls o.er 800 aquare te.' between 8upportiD8 pr4ere and oolumas vertloal eteel r04s not less than one-baIt ot an inoh diameter and apa.ed not over 24 inohes apart. horizontally. are used to reintoroe the -.11s. Sue rods mua' be r1Sid11 attaohe too the a,..l traM at e.oh t 1001'. Interlooldng hollow tile wal18 mal be used aJ1d _,. be bull' ot e. th1cmesa not le88 tban eiaht lnch.a. Vertioal or horizontal reintoroement JIB,. be uaed. It vert10al re1nforoing 1s ua,ed , the same shall oomply with require.nts or sWlaI' re1DJ:oroiDg tor briok wall.t It horizontal reinforoement is used members ahall be st..l ODe-q,uarter inoh by one and one-quarter inoh are.ced not 1I0re than tw.t,.-elsht inch oenters. The.e Il_bers ahall be rigidl,. attached to the building trame by an approved band to pre'Vent later- al Ilov..eat. Vertioal reintorcement aball be provided around all openings in elght-inoh briok. tile or conorete blook walla. No elght- inoh walla shall be bul1t ot a height exoeeding 18 teet in each .~or.r. If the area ot wall Burtace lnclu4ed between two ad3aoent walla oolumaa and adJaoent tloor glrders exoeed .00 square tee'. the thiotae.. ot the wall shall be not 1... than t.el.. inohea. and all Joints shall be broken horizontally and verticallr aoroa. the wall. When inter- lookins hollow til.s are used on the 1DDer taoing of a harcl s.leote4 -18- \ ....."",..,,P briok well the tl1es and briok shall be bonded together with soli4 briok headers at lea at every seven~ oours. ot briCk, and suOb walls shall be estimated ae la1<\ up with kiln run briok:. wnrrERLOCKINO HOLLOW TILE." S1:OTIOR at. The tera -interlooking hollow tl1e" i8 herebJ' detlne4 to ..an a tl1e made of ahale, tlre or other 01a7 "hiGh, when burned ahal1 be treetrom undue oheoidag or warpiJlI and ahall be taahlone4 so that when lald ln the ..11, each unlt locta or bonds into the oppoalte tile or tl1... or into the tl1es t.me4i.'.17 below or .boTe. lllterlookina hollow tl1ea ahal1 coato_ to the tOllowlAg requirements: They ahall be burned to suGh denal'1 that in a tortf-.lSht hour teat they wl11 not abaorb aol.tve ex.eeaiq twelve per cent of thelr .elght. They shall de...elop an ultimate oruahing atrensth ot not l.ss thaD tift.en hundred pound a per aquare inch ot thelr bearing JlSmbers. The allowable stre.. ahall not BO'" one hundred tltty pounds per square inoh of net area ot bearing ...- ber.. Beariq seber. herein mentioned. shall meM only such ...erti.. 081 webs or _11s ot 8a1d tiles as will reat on tborough mortar beda and stand 1n oaaplete vertical aligaaent with vertioal ...bere ot the adjaoent interloGJdIl8 hollow tile below. The ...ertloal webs and ahells ot all lnterlooklns hollow tilea used tor all bearlng walls ahall be In thioknesa at le.at twen'1 per oent or tbe orOS8 aeotion measurement ot the vold they enolos.. LIGH'l' COURT .AND VENT SHAFT WALLS UD OPDIBOS. SIOTIOJl 40. The walla ot all outer Gourta and ahatts and lot line oourta and shatta and ot all oourts and ahatta the ar.a of whloh exoeeda 60 aquare teet ahall be ot the aqe oonatruotioa aa 'be outer walla of the bu11dlnl. -II- .. . .. .' !h. walls ot all oth.r courts and ahatts ot an area less than 50 square t.et ma7 be ot the same construotion as allowed tor partition but the, must. be plastered CD outside. FLOOR Afm ROOP' CONSTRUCT! ON. EJECTION 41. The struoturel part ot tloor8 and roots -7 be built of terra cotta. brlOk. ateel. or ot ooncrete made ot aton., brot. brl ok. 01nder8 or other con...te. The slabs or arohee shall be p~oportloned to carry loade, 20 pcr oen~ sreater tbaD re- qulred for the supporting .teel beams ot the tram.. TERHA COTTA. nOORS. BEeTIO. 42. Selll.nt floor arches bullt of terra cotta shall have .. ri.. ot Dot .or. than 1-10 the span tor the aroh ponion. Dot le88 than 4 Inches tor spans up to s1x teet. nor 1... thaa . inches tor spans up to ten teet. Spans aTeI' ten teet are prohlbitet. No aroh shall be less than 4 lnohea thick. Aroh.s shall be oonstruoted so that the kef block shall fall in the oenter and the ahella and webe alwa1. abut apiut each oth.r. flat aroh.s shall have spana not axo.e41ns tea teet and the depth at the tl1a .hall Dot be le.s than on. and tbr.....uart.r Inoh.. tor eaoh toot ot span. BRICK ARCH FLOORS. SECTION 43. Brlok lald 1n oement 11ae aort.ar -1 be used tor floor. up to ten teet spo. Th. ria. shall b. 1-' the span with 4 1Dohe. orOWD thiokness tor .pans up to six teet and e iach.s orown tblokD... for span. up to ten teet. REIN!'OROBD CONORETI !LOORS. BeTIO. ... lloors ot relntor.ea oOllore'. -7 b. bull t i. -10. . , .' .' " 01aa. A Building. Ho conorete slab ahall have a span exoeeding sixteen (16) teet and in bul1dings over Be teet in height no slab shall be over ten (10) teet span. .0 alab or stone conorete shall be 1.8s than three and one- halt inohes thiok exoept root alab8, which may be three inche. thiok. Slabs over e1ght teet apan end less thaa twelve teet spaD .hall not be lesa than 4-1/2 lnch th1ck. Slabs over t..lve tee' span ahall not be leas than (\ inohes thiok. Slabs 11&7 be bul1t ot ooncrete 10 ..h1oll bJ.'oken brick, terra ootta or oi04ers are used 1D plaoe or stOlle, prov1ded the;y are _de Dot le.s thaD " lnohes thi ok tor tloors and not less than 3-1/2 1nohes thiok tor roots. Where .l.lpportlng ateel be_ are not more ~an a'uohes, .enter to center, and the superimposed load do.. not exo.ed 115 pounds per aquare toot, root aDd noo~ slaba ma1 be oonstruoted 110t 1... than 2 Inohes thiok of Portland Oement concrete with ston., briok, terra cotta or Ginder agregate. Suoh slabs may be supported on a rib metal reinforoing lath weighing not le~a than 4 pounde per square yard. If not supported on rib metal lath the 2-1noh slab shell be relDtoroed with .01 square inohes of ate.l p.r toot ot wldth tran.vers. to the be... ed .015 10a81tudluJ.. .~ SPECIAL nOOKS. SEOTION "8. :rloor. -7 be built ot len" 11lht aot .:x...4i1&8 tour lnoh.. .quare each. set in _at aDd oou'ructe4 ill a MaDer stm11ar to sidewalk oonatruotlon. Floon ot lroD plate. resting on ateel supports DU17 be 'USed in boiler roam.. -a1- " .' -.., floors ot gpeolal design must be submitted to the lia70r ud Common Counoil of the C1t1 ot Gilroy tor approval. nOOR COVERIlfO. SECTION <&,. The wearing surtac. of the floors ahall reat 011 the struotural part and mar con.i.t ot Q oement tinlah, terrazzo, marbl.. tl1.. encaustic or other tIle. wood resting upon aleepers tastened to the structural part with concrete tilling or other material approved by the !.~ayor and Common Council ot the Ci t7 ot GilroY'_ HARDWOOD FLOORS. SECTiON "7. Hardwood tloors ahall be laid upon a 8ub-tloorlas ot at leaat merchantable T. and G. pine tlooring of pine boards DOt more tban .1% (6) inches In wldth, and not leas than seven-e1gbta ('/S) ot an inch in thIcknese. 8urt!ced one slde end edge. and laid &s tightly 8S possIble. and to be doubl~ neiled on each floor Joist to obtain a amooth and eYen Burface. FIR lr.'PROOI!'I NO. SEC'l'ION "8. All parts ot the ateel trame. including cast iron oolumns. shall be covered with tlreprooting. The fireprooting ahall be oontinuous and no pipe. ot any aesoription ahall be laid in any fireproofing, nor ahall any fireproofing be out t.o 8110w t.he paasase ot any plpe or duet. through 8117 part' except floor ~... In ~ota where spaoe is lett. between the oel1ln8 and root 'be_, tireprootlq .Y' be omitted trom the ste.l trame, .:s.ept around columna. and where columna proJeot above the root they shall be tireproote4. but this ahall not applY' to the exposed beam support- ing tanka, eto. -sa- .. .' In tloor slabs where air space 1s left betw.~n the floor slab and oeiling, end said ceiling is not lees than 3/4 inch thiok. oomposed or a soratoh ooat ot Portland oement plaster 1/4 inoh thlok and two ooats of gypsum plaster. supported on metal lath. fireprooting may be omitted from the steel frame exoept around oolumna and beame and glrders traming into columna. COLL~~ FIREPROOFING. 81lOTIOlf 41. ,All columna ahall be proteoted at all places with a.la18r of concrete, brlok. terra ootta. or metal lath and plaster. It ot conorete the tireprooting shall be ot such thlok- ne.s as to till all outer apAces ot the colum~s end to extend at l....t three lnches outside of the extreme metal of the oolumns. ') Conorete ma.y be made of broken stone, broken briok, broken terra cotta or cindera, no part or which ahell be o~er one inch In major dillenaions. A mesh of metal leth or other form of ~et8l reinforcement ahall be placed in tl-'le concrete not lese than one lnch trom the outer sur- taoe thereof.. , lf the, fireproofIng is made or terra ootta it may be of either dense, semi-porous or porous blocks not l.as than tour lnoh.s thick. A .pace ot one inch shall be left between the metal of column and the inside or the terra cotta. which apece ahall be tilled with conorete grouted in. Terra cot'a ahall be .et in cement Dlortgar and the blooks . tastened with metal ties 01' approved pattern. If the fireproofIng be ot brick it shall be 8t leeet 2-3/4. inohes thIck outside ot tbe column metal and set in cement mortar. The main reentrant portloDs or tbe column shall also be tilled with brIck. -33- , ~ .. \ .. J It the fireproofing be ot metal lath and plaster it ahall be of tIle double forms. lath shall be strapred aroun,l th~ steel column and plastered ~lth cement mortar or herd wall plaster. A seoond aheathing of lath ahall be plaoed outside ot the first. aeparated therefrom by aD all' space of at le at one and one-halt inches. The outer sheathing of letb\Shall be rigidly supported by the column and oovered with oement mortar. A partitlon will be considered 8S a sutstltute tor the outer sbeathlng. . l'~IRE1'ROOFING OF BEAMS AND GI1UlERS. SECTION 50. Fireproofing of the floor beama. glrders and other parts ot the steel trame shall be made in the sanle manner 88 speoified tor oolumns exoept thflt all steel shell be covered at least two lnohes in lts extreme parts. 30tfita ot beams and alrders protected by oonorete shall have e metal mesh embedded 1n the conorete and bent around the flanges ot the beams a8 a support. If such fireprootlng .be of terra cotta. the ooncrete tilling required on oolumns may be om1tted around be... and girders. Scottlta ot beams ahall be proteoted b7 at leest two inohes ot terra cotta. which ahall be locked into the arch.. or around the flangea or the beams. PAHTITIONS. SECTION 51. Partitions m81 be built ot brIck, 8011d concrete, reintoroed concrete. metal lath and plaster on l!letal stude, terra cotta. plaster blocks 01' other torma approTed bJ the !r'ayor end Common Counoil of the City or Gilrol. -H- "'. .' , . No partition ahall rest upon a wooden tloor. but must be oarried down to the Incombustlble material below. Brick partitions shall be laid aa walls and the thIokness shall not be leas than a Inohes. Solld plain ooncrete partitions ahall not be less in thIoknes. thall 1-30 or the heIght., ~{eintoroed ooncrete partitions shall not be leas in thiokness than 1-60 of the height. - rlastered partItlona shall have a base ot metal studs and metal lath. Up to a helght ot twelve teet sol14 partltlon8 two lnohes thiok with olle layer ot lath may be u8ed. For greater heights studs with two layers or lath shall be used. The depth or the studs ahall be at leaat 1-00 ot the height ot the partItion. No grounds tor taatening wooden parts ahall be inserted in the plaster which must be oontlnuous trom floor to oeillns. Terra cotta ~artltlons shall have the blocks aet in cement 11ne mortar and fastened ~1th iron clips. Thickness of terra cotta shall be at leaat 1...40 of the height of partitions provided. howeyer, that where salvanized wire oloth, 2i meshes to the inch ot No. 20 wire or .alvanlzed expanded met.1 lath ot 2& gauge 18 used on eaoh course ot terra cotta, the tull lensth of partltiona. tbe thlcknes. ahall be at lea.t 1-60 ot the height of partitions. lffben lnterlookiagterra cotta tl1e 1. used, metal ollps and wire mesh reinforoement may be omitted. Plaeter blook partitions shell be built or solld plaster blocks ot a thlckne8s at least 1/.0 ot tbe height of partitions aDd dowelled 8t top and bottom or each block. -31- , . . '* CEILINGS. SECTION 52. Ceilings sbal1 be made or reinforoed conorete, terra ootta tile, metal leth and plaster or other approved to~. it ot reinforced conorete or terra cotta tile, the provisions relating to tloor. shell apyly. It the oeilings be of metal lath and plaster the lath aha.ll be suspended trom the floor or O8l1in. beams by a rigl~ trame work. to whioh the lath ahall be tlralr applied. .. WOOD t LATH OR I'lu\STER BOARD. SECTION 153. Whenever in this OrdInanoe. which 1s lcDown ae "The Building Law" ot the Cl.t)' or Gilroy, metal '16th is required. there may be used in lieu thereot plaster board composed ot pure gypsum, wood end Manila tiber, or or other similar materIals, but not leas than aeTenty-tive per o~nt ('~~) ot such composition ahall be ot non-inflammable material. Exoeptlns that in Cla.1 A BuildIngs the use ot plaster board i8 prohiblted In all elevator ahatts and in the walls and oeilings surrounding atalrcases in such buIldings. Suoh pl.8te~ board 8hell be not less than three-eights inoh (3/8") in thiCkness, and shall b& so oonstructed as to form a aeohanical kef or bond between the plaster board and the tinish plaster. Such meohanical key or bond shall be equallf 4iatrlbuted and shall compoa. at least twentf per oent (2~) ot the surtace ot the pla.ter board. On wood joists, turring strips, stUdding or other wood supports tbe plaster board shall be securely fastened by means at nalls ot suoh length that the 88id nails extend at least three-quarter 1noh (3/4") lnto the j01sts, turring.trip., studding or other supports. Suoh nal1s shall be spaoed or driven not more than six Inches (,.) apart in one direotion and sixteen inches (16") apart in the other -36- . r . , ... -. ,. . ,. -,... '.>' 41reotlOD. Where the turrln& strips. stude or other supports are ot metal. the plaster board shall be securely tas'ened to same with galvanized iron wire ot not less than No. 14 gauge or with metel olips or neils, spaced the 88me 8.8 in this seotion provided tor nalls. All wire nails used tor testening pla.ter board shall be at leas' No. 11 sauge with a flat head not 1888 than three- eightns inoh (3/6") in diameter. All suoh plaster board shall heve applied thereon at least two (2) coats ot herdwell plaster to a minimum thickness ot 3/8ft except that when such plaster board shall be so constructed a8 to ha~e e mechanical key tor a proper holding of a mortar coat, the. two (2) coats of 11me mortar to which has been added Keene Cement 1n the proportion ot two hundred (200) pounds ot Keene Cement to one (1) cubic yard of lime mortar, to a minimum thickness ot 3/8" 11181 b$ used in lieu ot the hardwall plsster coats as hereia previcSeel. Sufticient time must elapse to allow th.e soratoh ooat to thoroughly dl"J end harden betore tbe brown coat 1s applied. The mortar hereln provided tor must be m1xed at a standa~d IlOrter m1xins plant or place where the same 18 to be used, in the proportions herein speoitied, and 1t ehall be the dut7 ot the oorporation. co-partnership or individual operating 8uoh plant, or mixing s.ld mortsr, to notify the Mayor end Common Councilor the C1ty ot Gl1ro7 ot the time and plaoe ot eaoh individual Job where such morter 1s to be mtxed, and the Mayor end Common Council ot' the Cit7 of Gilr07 ahall at once cause the same to be inspecte' and, it tound to be ln complianoe with this Ordinanoe, shall make and dell- ver a oertificate or report ot suoh inspeotion to the oorporation. co-partnership or individual that performed said work, o'therwlse the mortar shall not be used. A plaster board not l~88 than one-quarter (1/4) inoh in thiok- ne.. end otherwla. contorming to the provisions ot' this Ord~ano. -3'. . . ~. " . r ., . .. " ..., .. .... ,A. .. .., be uaed, provided. however. the board is ot suttlclent strength 80 88 to be handled in lengths up to twelve (12) teet. SECTION 54. 11' any section. subseotion, sentence. clause or phrase ot this Ordinanoe 1s for any reason held to be lnvelid, auch decision shall not attect the validity of the remaining por- tions ot this Ordinanoe. The Common Council ot the City ot GilroJ hereby deolare. that it would have passed this Ordinanoe, and eaoh .eotlon. sub-section, sentence. clause and phrase thereot, lrrea- peotlve of the tact that ODe or more 01' its sections, sub-sectlona. sentences, claUBes or phrases be declared invalld. FDALTY SECTION 55. Anf person, tlr.m, compen1 or oorporatlon that violates. disobeJs, omits, negleot8 or refuses to comply with, or that resi.ts or opposes the execution ot any 01' the provisIons of thie Ordinance, aholl be guilty of a m1sd...enor end upon convlctlon thereat ahall be punlahed by a tlne not exc..ding one hundred (100) dollars, or by 1aprlsonment tor not more than thirty(30) days or by both such tine and imprisonment; and every such perRon. tir.a. company or corporation shall be deemed guilt}" of a ..parate o;l"en.. tor every day suoh vlo1ation, di::;obedienoe, omission. negleot or re- tusal shell oont1nue, and shell be aubjeot to the penalty 1mposed by this seotion tor ea~h and every separate oftenee; and any build- er or contraotor who shall construct, alter or repair eny bul1dlng ln vlolation of any of the provisions or this ordinanoe, and 8n7 arohiteot having charge 01' suoh building. wbo sllall permit it to be constructed. shall be liable to the penaltIes provided and ta- posed by this seotion. -H- ~t .' I ... .". " <-..p . - .". '!-- .' I ,,/ ., .,fI/I SBCTION 56. .All Ordinanoes and pal". or Ordinances in oonfliot herew1th ere hereby repealed. Passed th1s ~Q{~ day of by the tollowlns vote: M(\'lCn ,A.D. 1. Q~ ..' AYES: Oouncl1aen :S. ~ '\ZU.SV\ I f'le ~ c;., \3 b 0<;: \<.. ) G:~a.e , \"\\\\as. "}'"<,, C';'e.c, 1-\.v..Ie.Y\-1-ZV- I J'O~S: Couno1lmen ti (YY\ e ABSENT: Counoilmen (tea. \:C\sto."n; $. \). r\e<..\:::.... Attest: E, t. RbSQ;~5! dIiii ~ C ty er. Approved: E \YV\e.y 1.0\t1eSbYO a.J'or. .St.