Ordinance 350 ORDINANCE NO. J 6':0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICTJE I, 08' Cl{F.PTEH III 0:8' PART III, OF THE l'iiUNICIPliL CODE OF S.'HE CITY O!~l GILr10Y, RELr,TING TO WATER RA'l'ES, BY ADDING TWO NE~j SECrl'I Ql.j S Tl-iEHE'l'O TO BE ITUE,'BEHED 354 AND 355, AIm PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME, AND REPEALING AIJL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. The Mayor and Common COlmcil of the City of ~ilroy, do ordain a s follows: Section 1. That Article I, of Chapter III of Pert ~II, of the Nunicipal Code of the Oi ty of Gi lr oy, be and the same is hereby emended by adding .Sections to be numbered 354 and 355 respectively, to read as follows, to-wit: Section 354. Consumers "iishin0; to install one-half inch meters must first deposit with tho City Ulerk one-half the cost of such meters. ;''hen the Ci ty ha s received for wa ter 11 se from such consumer a sum equal to the whole cost of said meter, then the one-half deposited snaIl be ppplied on the succeeding monthly bills of said cosumer until the 1{1!ole thereof has been applied. Section 355. Fire plur;s may be installed on privAte premises upon the payment of tIle costs of installation, and a monthly charge of twenty-five cents, said fire plug not to be used except for fire protection purposes. Section 2. All ordinances and Darts of ordinances thereof in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. Any person, firm or cor00ration, either as principal, agent or employee, violating any provision or provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed r;;uilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convictionther8of, shall be 01nished by a fine not exceeding One rtlmdred Dollars ('iJlI00.00), or' by impri sonment in the Oi ty Prison not exceeding t~irty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ,3 ~cJ - , Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ar'd 8fter its passage and approval. Passed and 8dopted this 5th day of March, 1928, by the follovrinr: vote: AYES: ( ,E. ~~ l NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN r:rJ b'"W IL... Approved this ~~ day I' / / v/ ~~ Trl1EST : rf (y. U?,A>>J. C i t:'T C 1 e r k . -2-