Ordinance 349 , . r ~ ORDINANCE NO. ~. AN ORDIN~NCE TO AI/fEND PARAGRAPH NO. 4 OF SECTION NO. 106, OF ARTICLE I, 6F PART II OF THE fuUPICIPAL CODE O~ THE CITY OF GILROY, REGULATp\TG 'l'HE INSPECTIOr AND SALE OF taLK IN THE CITY OF GILROY, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATING THE SAME. The T>tayor and Common Council of the Oi ty of Gi lroy do ordain as follows: SECTION I. Paragraph No.4 of Section No. 106, of Lrticle I, of part II, of the ]\;uniciDa} lJor'!e of the City o-FJ'ilroy is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: 4. It shall be unlayrful for 8,ny person, firm or corporation to sell, offer for sale, distribute, or hBve in possession for sale 01' distribution any lililk or creme, in the City of Gilroy, until a re~istration fee of two-thirds of a cent for e8ch gallon ,~,~.}"~,, 1..,..:....... .' \ of milk produced b:{ said person, or persons, firms 0.1' corDorati~s, " . ......"...,...."1; or s~ents, employee, or servant of any person, firm or corporation, '\ dlu"'1np:" the precedinrr C'.8lenda.r month has beEm paie" i:r:to the City :::::u::: ::O::::d:h::W~~::l:::sm~::~:n:::,f;:G::g~:::.tion shall corstitute a milk inspection fund and shall be paid on or before the first day of each mont}l, fnel snall be expended solely for the enforcement of milk inspection. SECTION II. Any person, firm, or corporation or association, either as principal, a gent or employee, viola tinGS any pl'oV"ision or pro- visions of this Ordin8nce s1;.all be deemed rmilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be puni shed by B fine not exceedini; One Hur~dred (ClOO.OO) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the city prison not exceedin~ t~irty (30) days, or bY'both such fine and imprisonment. <d .y~ SECTION III. All ordinances or parts of ordinHnce in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after .~ Passed thi s 5th day of lI;arch, 1928, by the follo\"Iino; vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN~. J.{(l~. [ /JJ~ ~U. '~~l::::fi~~~~, g~~:~ ABSENT: COUNCI~~ 9J d'II.JL, Approved this ~ d8Y of M8r~c~, 192B. ~ // . · ~,ec, / Maypr. I , 192L. . , / 1./ ATTEST: C:1 U(1)>-0. Ci ty' Clerk. -2- r