Resolution 75A
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WHEREAS, George Renz, a contractor in the City of Gilroy,
has been oooupying and using the premises situated at the North-
east oorner of Ninth and Church Streets, in the said City of Gil-
roy for business purposes, to-wit: as a contractor's yard and
storage plaoe for lumber, building mate~ials, refuse, and for keep-
ing and maintaining truoks used in his business, without first ob-
taining the consent of the majority of the property owners within
one hundred feet of the said premises; and it appears to this
Council that the said use of the said premises by said George Renz
is contrary to the ordinances heretofore adopted by the Mayor and
Common Council of the City of Gilroy and now in force; and,
WHEREAS, demand has been made upon the said George Renz that he
cease to use the said premises for business purposes and he has
wholly failed, negleoted and refused to comply with the said demand
and request; and,
WHEREAS, Sydney S. Johnson, an attorney at law with his office
in the City of Gilroy, is interested in property looated directly
across Ninth Street from the said premises so occupied by the said
George Renz, and is interested in the enforcement of the said or-
dinances and has offered to perform the legal services required in
a proceeding to enforce the ordinances appertaining to the said situ-
ation, and to obtain an injunotion prohabiting the use of the prop-
erty for purposes in Tnolation of said ordinances, without making
any charge for his prof'essional serv:i.ces rendered in the matter,
andbas further offered to defray the costs in conneotion with the
case; and,
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy
desire to accept the said o~fer so made by the said Sydney S. Johnson;
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, that the City of Gilroy hereby
engage the servioes of the said Sydney s. Johnson in the matter of
abating the use of the said premises by the said George Renz, oon-
trary to the said ordinances, and that the said Sydney S. Johnson be,
and he is hereby authorized to institute suoh actions in the name
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of the City of Gilroy as may be deemed by him advisable to enforce
the said ordinances of the said City appertain~ng to the illegal
use of the said premises, he, the said Sydney S. Johnson to defray
the costs of any proceeding and any costs recovered in any aotion
from the said George Renz, as defendant in the action, to be re-
tained by the said Sydney S. Johnson, as reimbursement for any costs
advanced by him.