Resolution 78 T . .L..-,._......"~_'...T'~""""'T'" """""'F-s;",,,_,,,,,,,,,,"~''''''''o'''',,,,,,,,..u'''''''='~.''''''''~;'-;'''''~,-,-",,,,,/.c,,!,,,,,,,,,c'~;',""''-'''''''='''''''''-,"'''''':'=~,,,;,.$.'_,~,",,,,,,,~'"_''''=:.'.''.-._....''''y=<.''''''''''.~"=;_".,~'''.'''''-=".,,...,'.C...~''''*~~'".,--""...";c~"'..;:;~_""~C-""'='="'''''"..~~n,.,i_,..>:'''-"'%;..;~(.~;'''..,,"-:!-,,',y-.,,~.,4.""'.''''=r''i.'.i;','''"'"'~'''''''',"'';.o;';.=,.2.~:~'~'<,'.ot- RES 0 L U T 1. 0 N N O. 78 lIfIEJtl:ASl a The C__n CODoll ot the Clty ot (alroy, 0a11tora1a. cUd, by a resol\ltlon thereot adopted on the ~<O ~ day of A ?1 \ \ . 1931, iutr.aot the Clt)" Plaraalng C-.laa1.. or aid C1ty to prepare a &01116 or dlatrlot- 1ag plan tor ...ld C1. aad to ake tlw reparts thereon whloh are required by law, &I1d lit WR..,.~. .,,14 ~I'1""1Il& 0_..1 414, ~" ....ol..tl.oa _reot ad.opted .. 1:lJI# ... day ot~etc"Io.J 1''', tetatlyely appl'oye a pro- poeeel &oa1llg orcilnriotlDg plaD tor ...ld Clty aacl cUd. ake a tentatlye report thereon 'by reportiag that aid Oity Plaraa1ng Coma1e.loa bad pre- pared aDd approved a propos. &oamg or diatrlotag plan tor aalel Clty as the ..... 1a ...ocUed and .et torth in a certaa propoaeel ord1-.noe ot ...ld City aad OIl a oertaa .p, aa apeo1t1ecl in ...ld reaol.ation, &BCl by reo~cUag that lald C~a Couacll instruot aid C11;y Pl&Jmlag C..1a- alO1l to hold publlo h_ria,a Oil said propoaed &0Il1ag or d1a1;r1otlllg pl&l1, aa prOYl4ecl by law, now. theretore, be lt UlO~VD. that _ld COIIIUn Couno11, in ..eting a..ellbled. on t~ &! day ot~, 1'37, doe. hereby iaatruot aid City PlaJm1ng COIIDt.1aa1on to hol' ..!'tam publio hearinga on _id propoMd &0Il1Jl& or dlatrlot11lg pl..., whiah hearing. aball be held at tile tollowing tiMa ud place., to-wit. 1. At the hour ot g Pd. Oil 'tile Ig~ day ot ~, 1'37, In the Coooll Cbaa....r 1a the City Ball. Gilroy. Callfornia. 2. At 'the aour ot 9 P.M. on the 31 day ot S;~_ 1937, in the Oounoil Cbaa....r in the City Hall, Gilroy, CalIt~~~ BI ~ FtJB.1'DR RESOLVElh Tbat the City Clerk be aDd the ..... 1e hereby direoted to traasaJ:t a oertitled copy ot thla re.olu-tioa to aid C1V Planning Camaia.lon. I hereby oertity tJaat the toregoing 18 a tul, true and oorrect oopy of a resolution adopted by t.e C... C_ol~ot tae City or Gilroy. Oalitol'lls.... at a ...ting thereof aeld OIl tae ;J II:! day ot ~ ' 1'37. . Q,~.~ City Clerk of the ity 0 GUroy, Calltorata