Resolution 82 T .."_~.__~,,_._ . "".h~_''''''_'_~'''''''"''_''_''''''_-' ,--'-_"""Y""""",_-. ... "_'''"''''":'"'''''''"'''~:''-'=''''''';p''''",,<.f''= '~~q""~''''-''~,-~,~~"," Riaolutlon No. 82 RBSOLUTION OF THB CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET FOR JaPENDITUR.15 OF l_ CENT GAl TAX ALLOCATED FOR STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY O~' GILROY. WHEREAS, a projeot statement for ejpendlture of the i oent gas t.x for the 1937-1939 blennium allooated for State Hlghways ln the 01ty of Gilroy bas been presented to the 01ty OOUDcll, and WBBRBAS, the 01ty OOUDcil baa heard read said project statement and is fam1l1ar with the contents thereof, TRKREFORB, be lt resolved by the Clty Counall of the 01ty of Gilroy that sald projeot statement be and lt la h!reby adopted aa the budget o~ proposed expendlture of the . oent gas tax allocated for State HlghwsY8, and the Street Oommi881oner and 01tl Engineer are directed to sign the 8ame on behalf of said 01ty of Gilroy_ -~----~--,~--~--~----- Pas6ed and adopted thls flrst day of November, 1937, by the following vote:- Ayes:Oounollme:b George I.iilias,J-r. ,J.E.Hush,Nat Heiner, George r,lason. Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Oounoilmen None Slgned (].Ck- .~~ 01tl Oler