Resolution 83 Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Mason that RESOLUTION NO. 83 be aoontAO~ 0J - - ::0 :-z.j Q RESOLUTION NO. 83 RESOLUTION OF THE OITY OOUNOIL OF THE OITY O.!:!' GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET FOR EXPENDlTUllli O.H' l C~NT GAS TAX ALDOOATED FOR 3~TS OF MAJOR IMI?ORTANOE IN TIlli CITY O.1!' GILROY. . WH.blREAS, a project statement for expenditure of the 4 cent gas tax for flscal year ending June 30, 1938 allocated Xor streets of Major Importance in the Oity of Gllroy has been presented to the City Councll, and WHEREAS, the 01ty Council has heard read said project statement and is familiar with the oontents thereof, T~]'ORE, be lt resolved by the City Oouncil of the City of Gilroy that said projeot statement be and it ls hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expendlture of the t cent gas tax allocated for streets of 1~jor Importance , and the Street Commissioner and City Engineer are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City of Gilroy. ----------------------- Passed and udopted this first day o~ November, 1937, by the following vote: - AYES: Oounoilmen George i..ilias,Jr. ,J.L.l{ush,l:at Lc;iner, Geor:.:.;e L.ason. NOES: Oounoilmen Irone ABSENT: Counollmen Hone Signed j,~,~~ City lerk. (