Resolution 88 4~1' , ~i iUSOwrrIOIi JIO. 88 Jt'l80t.t11'1()R OF fll'lt orn ~OUJIOIJ" or i'IE: OITY (\7 ;.1.I'L,.,~f v. ..rl<"\~"rlf;"'<~nt"'ti1, ?<M ?(<';:" !A~": ;!'Y\i);.;":fT',~I' tjtl"f:-';-';: . ;,,!".'f!l?' !"''''':,~' .'fII "-_ -. _ _ ~,.4'V"''''' -..if "" ,;...y."""..,..~/..J.. *, ,."....... .J.~.... ......:~~.,.;" "'-1Ii-\l"]'4 '-* W'__4,"~""'r;.g",W;i,} ~"}l:~~ ti'~:tJ'!1t-T,<; III .{Jll-\::Jl4 7:~ IN Zit.":; "r 71 ';:1~:~; I!..ri i'-Y . 0<; t Q pro~tl.' st.t8I'a8Dt for tho expendIture of the;:' ,OMIt _ tax .. :tor 'he 19M-lt59" blotmlllll &J.looaW tor atata hlg'l1waJ8 ... . po1"tloD of tbe :=:- oont ga8 tax for the :n.so.al ;..1' eD41Dg Ju.ae 30. 1938 all00a'hd for streets of 1;'43\)1$ !mportame 1. ihe d1t1 of Gl1r~. has o.ft ~_CH1tod to t11. C 1 t3;}ounol1. ana , the 01tJ Couoll Faa ~d real eatd project statGmQDt and 1s fBmtlla:r nth the Oont~8 t~eof. T1l2"{;1"(c:.2:. ,be it rClllOlye4 bl the 01 tl Cou.aoll of thG C 1 tl otGllrQ1 that_14 pro3oo' ._~, be &ad It is bGr!'eb,dop\$d a8 th. ~ of .. pHpOH4 ~t_. of 'be l. .,at .etas allooaW tor etat. ~ aD4, aponlon ot the,~ _eat 8Q.8 tex .11ooa'" tor ab..t. of lia.3or lmportanGG. and the $V_t ",mrl11sttloner etl4 the 01 t)' ;;~ are tUreoted toalgn th4t ~ on behalf of aa16 01t3 o'f:.llJto,. L u... I n 1f Jlllii>Wl >or. .j>,......... P$Uod Md adopt" tills eighth d83 of Deo$mber Ul:>? bi the followlog ..ot., to"": · (Jonnol1meJS. George Mil1as, Jr. t Jack Rogers, J.H.Rush,George Mason,George Martin. N0'~3. Couooll11&a. None .\:1,~!~;rl' . Gon.nallmttn, Na t Heiner Slgnet (J ~ .~ all, ola ' ,~ ,',I .'