Ordinance 1640 Ax vii orA 2, or, 2 LE AND CYCLO 10 4 ms, AND TM SAM =X IAYftNTI lkaiwzrolk. illioi ity of, OJIV �40 daiA The `Mayor 0 �y of �C .1 allows : SHo. 1. That Sectiou. 318 of Article 2,,, Chapter; of Part ' 3 of' the, ticipol Code of the City of Gilroy, be hereby, a*e4dea� to read as )ws, to-wit ,.SEO. 318. For the business 'of selling at wholesale or retail, exce, pt as herein ',ptlierwise,provided, at any fixed place of'busi-'. ness within the City of Gilroy, any goods, wares, vvines, liquors, groceries, jewelry, books, stationery, drugs, medicines, furni- ture, wood, ironware, hardware, lumber and all other articles of merchandise, annuaIly,'the sum of ten ($10.00) 'payable in ad- vance; and no license shall be issued for a sum less than ten ($10.00) dollarsY SHc. 2. That Section BA4, of Article 2, Chapter 2, of Part 3, of the nicipal Code of the City of Gilroy, be hereby amended to read as fol- to -wit '`SEc. 314. For each h laundry,or wash-bouse or other place of business where washing and ironing are done for the publie, the sum of ten ($10-00) dollars, per annum, ayable in advance, and no license shall be issued for a sum less ttan. ten ($10.00) dollars." SEC. 3. That Section 320, of Article 2, Chapter 2, of Part 3, of the Micipal Code of the Cityof !Gilroy, be hereby amended to read as fol- Ys, to-wit : , "SEc 320. Foi the business of keeping a bay-yard, barn or corral, shed or other building or inclosure for the sale of any animals, hay, grain or wagons, or feeding the animals of othepersons, persos, the sum of ten (910,00) dollars, per annum, payable in advance, and no ;cease shall be issued for a sum less than ten ($10.00) dollars," SEc. 4. That section 324, of Article 2, Chaptei 2, of'Part 3, of the inicipal Code of the City of Gilroy, be amended to read as follows. to- "Srw. 324. For the business of selling meats, fish and fruit, in any market place, public or private, the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars, per annum, payable in advance, and no license shall be issued for a sum less than ten ($10.00) dollars," SEc. 5. That Section 327, of Article 2, Chapter 2, of Part 3, of the unicipal Code of the City of Gilroy, be hereby amended'to read as fol- ws, to-wit "SEc. 327. For the business of keeping an omnibus,,stage, coach, hack, cab or other carriage or wheeled vehicle for public use for the transportation or conveyance of passengers within the City limits for hire and for the business of keeping a dray, cart, wagon or other vehicle for public use in receiving, hauling or transporting any goods, wares, commodities, or other things from one place to another within the City limits, by the load or job for hire, the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars per annum, payable in advance, and no license shall be issued for a sum less than ten' ($10.00) dollars." SFO. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this tdinance are hereby repealed..' SEO. 7. Any person violating or willfully non-cortiplving with any f the provisions of this ordinance,.is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, pon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding one' hundred .ollars, or by imprisonment in the City Prison not exceeding thirty days, r by both such fine and imprisonment. SEc. 8., This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and ,fter the 30th day of June A. D. 1901, Passed' this 24th day of June, A. D. 1901. by the.following vote: '_yes—Cleveland, Ellis, Eustis, Mayock, Skillicorn. ' Xoes—None. Absent" Thayer. Approved this 25th day of June, A. D. 1901. 1 H. R. CHESBRO, Mayor. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a. true and correct ;opy of an ordinance of the City of Gilroy, passed by the Common council and approved by the Mayor of said City., C. N. HoovEii, City Clerk. L _7- 31 zi C. _ 4, C/ CZ- 1\7 Z�� ,-T.L .1 t- � Wiz- �- �" _ � -Q ,. C� � _ _ CZ It,tck dLCz, Aq -41 I Je IL Ae AIL i�l, :- vt-" 411- dt t-e -6,L4 zz�/ _a eld) t/ y � V 6r d-t J r s--- -- If s ol / C� r.� �� ���