Bonfante Gardens Inc.and Eagle Ridge HOA - Easement and Maintenance Agreement-� INSURED G - rTC CHICAGO TIT E RECORDING REQUESTED BY MILLER, MORTON, CAILLAT &. NEVIS AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL. TO MILLER, MORTON, CAILLAT & NEVIS 25 Metro Drive, 7u' Floor San Jose, California 95110 Attention: David L. Nevis Esq. DOCUMENT: 18382319 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title Pages: 23 Fees. 73 00 Taxes... Copies AMT PAID 73 00 RDE a 003 5/20/2005 1.56 PH USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX S Sipum of Deekrm or A'em dowmin* fax — Fire Name EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Preamble and Recitals This Agreement is entered into on A4W L 3 , 20 v Y by and between Bonfante Gardens, Inc., a Delaware nonprofit corporation ( "Grantor ") and The Community of Eagle Ridge Owners' Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation ( "Grantee "). A. Grantor is the owner of certain real property situated in the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California (hereinafter referred to as "Parcel 1 "), and more particularly described as set forth in Exhibit "A ", which is attached to this Agreement and hereby incorporated by reference. B. Grantee is the community association created to manage the common interest development known as Eagle Ridge, located within the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California (the "Eagle Ridge Development "). Grantee's homeowner members are the individual owners of lots within the Eagle Ridge Development. C. Grantee desires to acquire certain rights in that part of Parcel 1 described as follows: a non - exclusive right of way easement over the real property described in Exhibit `B ", which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference (hereafter referred to as the "Servient Tenement'). 1. Grant of Easement. For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor grants to Grantee, for the benefit of Grantee and its homeowner members, an easement, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 2. Character of Easement. The easement granted in this Agreement is in gross to Grantee and its current and future homeowner members. 3. Description of Easement. The easement granted in this Agreement is a nonexclusive easement for driveway purposes for motorized vehicular traffic only. For purposes of this Agreement "driveway purposes" means use for and by moving motorized vehicular traffic for ingress and egress over and across the Servient Tenement by Grantee's homeowner members living with the Eagle Ridge Development, specifically excluding however, any right of any guest, invitee, employee, agent, or contractor of such homeowner members to use such easement. No pedestrian traffic or parking rights shall be permitted on the Servient Tenement. For purposes of this Easement, the term "homeowner members" shall be broadly construed to include renters and other persons whose personal permanent residence is within the Eagle Ridge Development. 4. Term. The easement granted in this Agreement shall be perpetual. 5. Nonexclusive Easement. The easement granted in this Agreement is nonexclusive. Grantor retains the right to make any use of the Servient Tenement. In addition, Grantor retains the right to grant concurrent easements in the Servient Tenement to third parties, including emergency vehicles; provided however, that grants in favor of third parties shall not unreasonably interfere with the Grantee's use of the Easement. 6. Maintenance of Easement. Grantor shall maintain the Servient Tenement in good repair, at Grantor's sole cost and expense. 7. Agreement Nonassignable. This Agreement shall not be assigned. Any purported assignment of this Agreement or of any interest in this Agreement shall be void and of no effect 8. Right to Relocate Easement. Grantor retains the right to relocate the easement and the Servient Tenement to other portions of Parcel 1, provided, however, that: (i) all costs and expenses of the relocation are born by Grantor; (ii) the relocation does not unreasonably interfere with the Grantee's and its homeowner members' use of the easement, it being agreed that any relocation which lengthens the distance of the easement by more the fifty percent (50 %) would be deemed unreasonable; (iii) Grantor gives Grantee at least ninety (90) days advanced written notice of such relocation; and (iv) the easement, after such relocation, shall be similar in width and surface quality as the existing easement. 9. Subject to Provisions of Operating Agreement. Grantee's and its homeowner members' right to use the easement is further subject to all of the terms and conditions of that certain Operating Agreement, executed by Grantor and Grantee, concurrently, herewith, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C ". 10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Grantor and Grantee relating to the above easement. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agreement are of 2 no force and effect. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be of no force and effect unless it is in writing and signed by Grantor and Grantee_ 11. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of Grantor and Grantee. Executed on Ags-r.-_3 12004. X'Xr � BONI+ANTE GARDENS, INC., a Delaware nonprofit corporation 492 ay: Its- V'C'e- GRANTEE: THE COMMUNITY OF EAGLE RIDGE OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, a California non - profit mutual benefit corporation Wfl By, Nam Its: GG c..� CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California off ,, County of &�cc On'� ' S . '34 Z= ' before me, — personally appeared JC�t?tC DONNA tFW COmmiWon t 1408442 soft cam Calbrrera wf�Ewtllor�q -DfD - N m are Wo of aaoa to 1, *Jvo Do, Naaw Poftl - -MUn�W � rge�r(N 'Vwzonally known to me O proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in his/herltheir authorized capacity(iss), and that by Ns/her/their signatures) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNE �yhandando ap....d OPTIONAL ThoWh the kftm ahcn below a not Aogwod by law, d may prove wefuabfe to persons relyetp on the document end mold prevent ftudu(mu removal and rea m*rrenl of tole farm to arofter document Description of Attached Document,, } / Title or Type of Document:(�Y Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity (ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: O Individual Top at hart boo • Corporate Officer— Title(s): • Partner — O Limited O General • Attorney -in -Fact • Trustee • Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other. Signer Is Representing: DIM N&WW ?4WV Afe07faan • 9850 De Sara Ave.. PO 4=240- Chdwmrd%G 91 itsN@ • wwnelor,ek,ol!/Pa FWtl Na 5007 fleadu Ud TaFFar $4006*SW CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Sslytl _ On ` -V%A S 2-r0 04 before me. Saf-b 1I '>;� X16 personally appeared 51iRON tiJ1VCN Cornmisdon rM 1445141 Nowry "le - Colilonda Sputa Coro County , bpw Oct 13.2007 I LL ❑ personally known to me O, proved to me on the basis of satislaclory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) istare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she/they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by histher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITN my hand and offt,6t-o/ al. 1.A &rub.•d N"Y t+f.p OPTIONAL rmW the into —4on below is no( required bylaw, it may prom wb&e ro pentads rebw on the d affWN and OOCdd p►v w# rrnvdL*nt removal and reattachment of this tom ro arrorher document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ❑ Individual • Corporate Officer — Title(s): _ • Partner — ❑ Limited 0 General • Attomey -in -Fact • Trustee • Guardian or Conservator • Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: a IGHTTHU,'.1RPR f7 OF S'GUEFI 9 1WV H4W W Mt" A0 Ian • SM 0! SM A". P 0 5w 2t02 , CMfi- k CA 21212,2402 - V NIg1W nolmy pry Pled Np ON Aswdm AI Ta&Ffw 1- W"72.8ni CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Calitomia County of QD U(A On �'�=�" . t 1'C" be�forf me, Won &a This aoeerNa•.al -000 k*"Awki personally appeared dQ�OiIA tai11FF COwa tdon 1400442 Nokoy tjbw . Caftrnia Sam Clwa Cm* MIICortlert E7t1t1�30.6 ❑ personally known to me roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helsheAhey executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by histherttheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entrty upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNES �offici oP77ONAL Trwugh 1179 kdemwWn below is nor Muffed by few, if may pmve Vatueble to persons *ivv on the document and Could pmwnr kaudutant rem vat and rwaadanant or Ma corm to another document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document fate: Number of Pages; Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ❑ Individual 7000t"". 17919 O Corporale Officer --- Title(s): • Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General • Attorney-in +act ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator D Other: Signer Is Representing: V 1 W0 lat=W wary a.aa=dW • 1780 a Soo AM.. P 6 Bea 2k4 Cl�sworfn, CA Otl13NO2 • �wv tinaW llpgty op Pod No 5007 Pa r CA To6F," 140687&w Exhibit "A" Legal Description of Parcel 1 EXHIBIT low LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF- PARCEL 9 Ali that reel property situated In .the City of Gimy. County of Santa Clara, State of Cellforiria, descrtbed as fotlCays: An of N=j 4 and 4 as Bald parcels are shown an tfie map entitfed' lot Line Adjustment parcel Map`, iced for record an January 7, 1982 in Book 494 of Maps, at Page 43, Records of Santa Clara County, Gagrn* and d of Parcels 8 end C. as said p8=16 are de=rt and in that certain Ceridcats of Compliance (tit line Adjustment Sw to Clara County OnDnB oe Coda Section C 12-11), filed for record on April 14, IM as Document 0 14139227, Reoards of Septa Clara County, Caltfomta: taw Jul W FETiLEY 341 160 - %V. Pt= ['nzy. Pu 62 ' ." �k DATE 1R S: MARCH 31, 2006 NM 6202 C Exhibit `B" Legal Description of Servient Tenement 61 EXHIBIT NV' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVIENT TENEMENT Al that real property situated in the City of G'bW, County of Santa Gars, State of California, described as follows: A strip of land over an existing access road fran the soumerty right- of-way of the Hecker Pass Highway (Route 152), described as follows; A portlon of Parcels 1 and 4 as said parcels are shown on the map entitled `Lot Una Adjustment Parcel Map ", riled for record an January 7, M12 in Book 494 of Maps, at page 43. Records of Santa Clam County. Calkmia, and also being a portion of Parcels B and C, as said parcels are described In that certain Cartlficate of Compliance (Lot Una Adjustment: Santa Clara County Ordinance Code Seeft C 12 -11), filed for retard on April 14. 1896 as Document # 14139227, Records of Santa Clara County, California, end being more parikulady described as follows: Commencing at the most northwesterly oorner of acrd Parcel B; thence running along the Iate common to said PsmW B and Parma C a.) S001W020E, a distance of 483.34 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said common line 1.) N42•42'SM, a distance o(43.31 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 308.00 fact; thence 2.) Northwesterly along salt curve, through a central angle of 16'52'4x; a distance of 108.42 feet: thence 3.) N25'5p*041W, a distance of 884.73 feet; thence 4.) N31'14'1 6"W, a distance of 123.43 feet to the beginning of a curve to the Left having a radius of 107.00 fast; thence 5.) Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 58 °4845"; a distance of 109.83 feet; thence 13.) S89'56'S9"W, a distance of 531.54 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 58.00 feet; thence 7.) Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 59'59'36"; a distance of 60.73 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 142.00 feet; thence 8.) Northwesterly along sald curve, through a central angle of 4I "3550", a distance of 103.09 feat; thence 9.) N711139115"W, a distance of 171.45 feet; thence 10.) NI6'20`45 "E, a (fistanae of 8.00 feet io the beginning of a non - tangent curve to the right from which the radius point bears N18920'45"E, a radial distance of 90.00 feet; thence 11.) Northwestady along said curve, t vmtgh a central angle of 90 °48'65", a distance of 142.88 feet; thence 12.) N19'1041"E. a distance of 159.53 feet, more or less, to the beginning of s save to the right !having a radius of 30.00 feet; thence 13.) Northeasterly slang said curve, through a central angle of 87'2738", more or less, a distance of 45.79 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly right- of-way of Hecker Pass Hlphway (Route 152), being a point of cusp, and the beginning of a non - tangent curve to the right, from which the radus point bears appraodmately N1f3 SWE, a radial distance of 1,550.00 feet; thence running slang said southerly right-of -way of Hetdcer Pass HigtYway (Route 152) 14.) Westady along said curve, through a central angle of 04'47'i 7", more or leas, a distance W 129.53 feet, more or less, to a point of cusp, and the beginning of a non- tangent curve to the right, from which the radius point bears approodmately : 21 M*37'W, a radial distance of 30.00 feet; thence leaving ssld southerly right- of-way of Hecker Mass fthway (Ratite 152) 15.) Southeasterly alone said curve, through a central angle of 87'4504", more or less, a distance of 45.95 feet, more or less; thence 16.) S19'10'41" W. a distance of 9920 feat, more or less, to the beginning of a curve to the left have$ a radius of 162.00 feet, said curve being concentric with the curve described In Courses 10 and 11 of this description; thence 17.) Southeasteity along said concentrle curve. through a central angle of 9004755 "; a distance of 256.82 feet; thence 18.) S71'39'15"E, a distance of 171.45 feet to the beginning of a trove to the right having a radius of 78.00 feet; thence 18.) Southeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 419315"50'; a dlstanoe of 156.63 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 122.00 feet; thence 20.) Southeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 59 059136', a distance of 127.74 fast; thence 21.) N89.581591E, a distance of 531.54 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius 0( 43.00 feet thence 22.) Southeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 68048'45 "; a distance of 44.14 feet thence 23.) S31'14'16 "E, a distance of 120.41 feet: thence 24.) S25 °50104 "E, a distance of 1107.14 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 65.00 foot; thence 25.) Southeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 64'1920"; a distance of 72.97 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve to to left having a radius of 96.00 feet; thence 26.) Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 64 159'06"; a distance of 108.89 feet; thence 27.) S26 °29'50 "E, a distance of 80.69 feet thence 25.) N63 °30'1 0 "E, a distance of 96.32 feet; thence 29.) N00046142'W, a distance of 53.15 feet thence 30.) N21041'391E, a distance of 98.36 fast; thence 31.) N21'2639%, a distance of 118.38 feet to the beginning of a save to the MR having a radius of 192.00 feet; thence 32.) Northerly afong said curve, through a central angle of 21'11 li'12', a distance of 71.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF GEGINNfNG. Containing 198,3119.92 square feet or 4.508 acres, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION. . 1 0- - 1 y.._ I, I MV VG is MARCH 31, 2006 Jai w FttltFY �1 9119! 04, • IVc.6202 �\ KCAL ti zl1 a/o d+ DATE r Ca C1 A116 :38 20 J J�J-1 y�4 Y Ell V 'W �j\s:..rn:.. •'• C `,per pp ry'56'59 "E 531.54' `• :" -a►a'a .nt =.... �.: qtr• 't:l..J•Y�:' "nAW.N�M1f TJ Rir'A.IYM l�F•TA. PARCEL 1 ' N�'S6's9 "E 531.54C12 494 -'M -43 I P.O.C. T.P.O.B. � Y4iY1Nr �i :LEND POINT OF GYM m4WCE'MENT 7RUE POINT OF Brown PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE EASEMENT LINE EXISrm LO or LINE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT RADIAL BEARING APPROXIAM rE DIMENSION (SEE NO7P) CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Cl 08.41' 368.00' 16'52'47" C2 09.83` 107.00' 58'48'45" C3 60.73' 58-00'.-A 5W 6" C4 103. 9' 142.00' 41'35'50" C5 142.68' 90.00' 80'49'55' C6 45.79' 30.00' 87' 7'39" C7 ' 29.53' 1550.00' •4'47'17" C8 45.95' 30,00' 87'45'04" C9 256.82' 162.00' 90149'55" CIO 56.63' 78.00' 41'35'50" C11 127.74' 122.00' 59'59'36 - C12 44.14' 43.00' 58'4 '45" C13 72.97' 65.00' 64-9'20' Cl 4 08.88' 95,00' 64'59'06" C15 71.28' 192.00' 21'16'12" EXHIBIT "A" W (d:) PLAT TO ACCOMPANY INGRESS�EGRESS EASEMENT PORTIONS OF PARCELS I & 4, 494 -M -43 AND PORTIONS OF PARCELS "B" & "C" AS DESCRIBED IN THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED AS DOCUMENT #14139227 NTH CLARA COUNTY, CAiIFORNIA s PARCEL 4 494 -M -43 .PARCEL C DOCUMENT #14139227 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH I BEARING Ll 43.31' 42'42'50 "W LB 2 .43' '14'16 'W L3 171.45' N71 9'1 5 "W L4 8.00' N18'20'45 "E L5 89.53' N19' 0'41 "E L6 89.20' N19-10'41 " L7 171. 711915 "W LB 120.41' N31'14'16" L9 .69' 6' .w 1-10 86.32' N63'30'10" L11 53.1.9', '46'42 "W L12 N21'41'38" L131 118,38' 21'26'38 "W Cl :-T.P.O.B. OTE: PARCEL B 0141ENSIONS DENOTED THUS (fJ DOCUMENT SHALL BE AD.V57ED TO COINCIDE #14139227 W17H THE SOU7HERL Y L INE OF HECK£R PASS HIGHWAY. ' 0 300 600 900 SCALE IN FEET, 1 300' 4i�j�Gll 1+rnsen tzar a Associates 01 am 055 OA PHONE B 8-0300 �NL (408 9� a -0802 SCALE: DATE: JOB N0. �" n 3 D0' 7 -15 -2004 032045 tf� PARCEL A DOCUMENT *14139227 P.O.C. `% B 'o r= 50 - - Cl :-T.P.O.B. OTE: PARCEL B 0141ENSIONS DENOTED THUS (fJ DOCUMENT SHALL BE AD.V57ED TO COINCIDE #14139227 W17H THE SOU7HERL Y L INE OF HECK£R PASS HIGHWAY. ' 0 300 600 900 SCALE IN FEET, 1 300' 4i�j�Gll 1+rnsen tzar a Associates 01 am 055 OA PHONE B 8-0300 �NL (408 9� a -0802 SCALE: DATE: JOB N0. �" n 3 D0' 7 -15 -2004 032045 tf� Exhibit "C" Operating Aixreement COPY OPERATING AGREEMENT This Operating Agreement is made this j�: day gGi�n 2004, by and between Bonfante Garddns, Inc., a Delaware nonprofit corporation {"Bon te''j and The Community of Eagle Ridge Owners' Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation (`HOA "). RECITALS Whereas, Bonfante owns and operates a horticultural nonprofit theme park (the "Theme park" or "Bonfante Gardens') on Parcel 1, described in that certain Easement and Maintenance Agreement ("Easement Agreement') executed by the parties concurrently herewith; and Whereas, HOA is the entity created to manage the residential development located in Gilroy, California known as Eagle Ridge (the "Eagle Ridge Development "); and Whereas, it is the desire and intent of the parties in entering into this Agreement to establish restrictions, limitations, and covenants to develop a general scheme for the mutual use and enjoyment of the Servient Tenement (in this Agreement, also referred to as the "Access Road"), as described in the Easement Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Permanent Fencintt of Servient Tenement: Shapell Industries, Inc. ( 'Shapell'% has agreed by separate agreement, to install a six -foot (6') tali galvanized steel fence with three strands of barbed wire, surrounding the Servient Tenement, at the locations shown on Exhibit "A ", in order to separate the Servient Tenement from other properties owned by Bonfante. During the term of this Agreement, the parties agree to retain and maintain such fencing in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 2, below. 2. Maintenance. Bonfante shall maintain the Servient Tenement, as provided in Paragraph 6 of the Easement Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that their respective duties towards the operation, maintenance, repairs and replacement of certain of the fencing and landscaping surrounding the Servient Tenement shall be as shown on Exhibit B. HOA further agrees that it shall, at its sole cost and expense, operate, maintain, repair and replace (as necessary) the two electronic entry /exit gates and related operating systems, including a devisee to prohibit vehicular ingress through the egress lanes. In addition, HOA agrees to maintain, repair and replace (as necessary) the camera surveillance system originally installed by Shapell, however, being the personal property of HOA. Each of the parties agrees to perform its maintenance duties in a good and commercial manner. 3. Access Rights and Procedures. HOA and its homeowner members shall only enter into or exit from the' Servient Tenement through the entry/exit gates, using an electronic pass, code or similar device, consistent with the procedures adopted by HOA for its members' ingress and egress through the electronic gate system currently being used at the Ballybunion Drive, Gilroy, California, entrance. All access shall be limited to HOA homeowner members and shall not be used by a homeowner member's guest; employee, agent or contractor. In addition, access shall be limited to motorized vehicular traffic (pedestrian traffic being expressly excluded) as a drive through, with no right to park. HOA shall take reasonably commercial steps to insure that the access is limited to its homeowner members. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "homeowner members" shall be broadly construed to include renters and other persons whose personal permanent residence is within the Eagle Ridge Development. i 4. Restriction] on Ilse and Enjoyment: Notwithstanding any thing stated in the Easement Agreement to the contrary, during the period this Agreement is in full force and effect, the right of HOA and its homeowner members to use the Servient Tenement shall be restricted as follows: (a) We During Bonfante's Operating Season, Legal Holidays, and Special Events. To help mitigate traffic and security problems, the parties agree that HOA and its homeowner members' right to use the Servient Tenement shall be restricted as follow: (1) Operating Season. During Bonfante's operating season, HOA and its homeowner members' access to or across the Servient Tenement shall be restricted to Mondays through Fridays of each week, and only then during the hours commencing at 5:00a.m.and continuing through midnight of each day. (2) Speelal Events. In addition, Bonfante may close the Servient Tenement to HOA and its homeowner members' use for up to eight (8) identified weekdays per year, exclusive of legal holidays, for special events of the Theme Park, provided however, that Bonfante shall give the homeowner members of the HOA as much advance notice as possible to identify the eight (8) weekdays per year when the Access Road will be for the sole use of Bonfante, but in no event less than ten (10) days' notice. The notice will include posting a signboard at the main Eagle Ridge entrance at Santa Teresa Boulevard and Club Drive as well as at the gate leading to the Access Road noticing the closure no Iess than ten (10) days in advance of the intended closure date. (3) Legal Holidays. The Servient Tenement shall be closed to HOA and its homeowner members during all state and federal legal holidays during the "operating season" (hereinafter defined), (b) Determination of Operating Season. Bonfante shall produce its business plan for the season, no later than February of each calendar year. The business plan shall specifically set forth the period of time that Bonfante Gardens is open and in operation and the period of time that Bonfante Gardens is closed and not in operation. The period of time that Bonfante Gardens is open and in operation shall be the `operating season ". The period of time that Bonfante Gardens is closed and not in operation shall be the "off- season." The business plan, in regards to periods of operation, shall be shared with the BOA in February of each year. (c) Access During Off Season. Excepting as expressly provided for in this Section 4, above, during the off - season, access to the Servient Tenement shall be provided to BOA and its members, seven (7) days per week and twenty-four (24) hours per day. If discipline, traffic or other problems arise on the Servient Tenement, the parties shall confer and attempt to develop solutions to address those problems. 5. Cooperation and Participation In Monitoring Use of Servient Tenement. The parties agree to cooperate with, assist and participate with the other party in addressing and resolving problems and security issues related to the operation of, the use and/or misuse, of the Servient Tenement. In furtherance of this, the parties agree to meet no less frequently then annually to discuss and formulate solutions for such'problems. 6. Insurance. Each party, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide and cause to be maintained comprehensive general public liability insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State. of California, against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or about the Servient Tenement. Such insurance to afford a minimum coverage protection of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) combined single limit (per occurrence) for injury to, or death of persons and loss of or damage to, property. Each party shall provide to the other, at least annually, originals or true copies (certified by the applicable insurance carriers) of all insurance policies such party is required to carry. Each of the parties' policies of insurance shall name the other party as an additional named insured, with primary coverage in favor of all additional named insureds. All insurance policies required to be carried by HOA shall also provide that the beneficial interest of Bonfante in such policies shall be fully transferable. 7. Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit. S. Termination of Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate in the event of the mutual consent of the parties, or in the event Bonfante, or its successor in interest, ceases to operate a theme or amusement park on Bonfente's property, described as Parcel I in the Easement Agreement. In the event of such termination, Bonfante or its successors in interest, may, at their sole election, upon no less than thirty (30) days advanced written notice to HOA, remove all fencing, the HOA's electronic entry/exit gates systems, including related operating systems, and the HOA's surveillance cameras surrounding or on the Servient Tenement During the thirty (30) day notice period HOA can remove its camera surveillance system and operating systems. In addition, the notice shall extend an option to HOA to take delivery of its electronic entry/exit gate system, including its operating system or, if BOA gives written notice to Bonfante (the "Acceptance Notice ") within the thirty (30) day notice period, to have Bonfante deliver the HOA's electronic entry/exit gate system and operating system. If the HOA requests delivery, then Bonfante or its successor and interest shall, at its sole cost and expense, deliver same, without warranty, to HOA at the address set forth in HOA's Acceptance Notice, provided however, that the Acceptance Notice shall not specify a delivery location which is more than ten (10) miles from the Eagle Ridge Development. 9. Temporary License to Shapell. By separate agreement, Bonfante has agreed to grant to Shapell a temporary license to allow access -over the Servient Tenement for construction traffic (including deliveries, equipment and employees). HOA aclrnowledges such license and agrees that the use by Shapell under such license shall not constitute an unreasonable interference under Section 5 of the Easement Agreement. 10. Miscellaneous Provisions: (a) Successors: This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors. (b) California Law This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. (c) Incorporation of Recitals. The above Recitals are incorporated into this Agreement as if set forth in full. (d) Mutual Contribution of iAka_ guage. This Agreement is the product of the negotiation of the parties and has been drafted on the basis of their mutual contributions of language hereto. It is not to be construed against any particular party as being the drafter or causing the drafting hereof; or strictly for or against any party, but, rather, shall be neutrally construed as a whole according to its fair meaning. (e) Counterparts. Ibis Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same amendment. For all purposes, including recording, filing, and delivery of this Agreement, duplicate unexecuted and unacknowledged pages of any counterparts may be discarded and the remaining pages assembled as one document. (f) Affiliated Persons and Entities. All of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon each party and all persons and entities affiliated with such party, including without limitation, all successors, assigns, predecessors in interest, agents, partners, employees, contractors, officers, administrators, legal representatives, persons and entities which control such party, entities controlled by such parry, entities under common control with such party, anyone claiming by, through or under such persons or entities, and any other person or entity that might now or in the future have a claim as a result of the alleged damage to such party. (g) Severability and Savings Clause. Each provision ofthis Agreement, whether or not contained in separate paragraphs, shall be considered to be separable. If, for any reason, any such provision or provisions, or any part thereof, an determined to be invalid, unenforceable, or contrary to any existing or future applicable law or judicial ruling, such invalidity shall not impair the operation of or affect those provisions of this Agreement which are valid. If such event occurs, this Agreement shall be construed and enforced in all respects as if the inval id or unenforceable provision or provisions had been omitted from the originals thereof. (h) Integrated Agreement, Modification: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter contained in it and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings of the parties. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this agreement will be binding unless executed in writing by all the parties. No waiver of any of the provisions of this agreement will be considered, or will constitute, a waiver of any other provision, and no waiver will constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver will be 4 binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. (i) Captiog t Table of Contents: The captions of this Agreement shall have no effect on its interpretation. 6) Exhibits: All Exhibits referred to are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this agreement have duly executed it on the day snd year first above written. BONFANTE GARDENS, INC., a Delaware nonpro VB .r P)JL THE COMMUNITY OF EAGLE RIDGE OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, . a California non -profit mutual benefit corporation >r I / ��.itE1 rJ i Exhibit "A" Fencing Exhibit A I Exhibit "B" Maintenance Work ,r > i 1 L t� N NZ 7 011"", UZ rL Jaw.x^ r 1 awn; Ib 4rrr�,lrw�y« nww lirwwa � uani aAno 1Yil MI NrUtf/� aM �S tl sw lag ag Z 2: v 0 ,r > i 1 L t� N NZ 7 011"", UZ rL Jaw.x^ r 1 awn; Ib 4rrr�,lrw�y« nww lirwwa � uani aAno 1Yil MI NrUtf/� aM