Resolution 1872/02/05i C16 x 152 R ESOLUT1ON OF INT1� NTION TO improve Fourth street from Monterey street to Eigleberry- street Resolved, That it is• e intention of the Common Council to order the following street work, to wit: That Fourth street. from 3lonterey street to Eigleberry street, be graded and • i eurberi. - And this resolution is hereby ordered to, he published for two consecutive weeks Iii the Gilroy Advoeate, a newspaper pub- ; fished in the city or Gilroy, from and after i its passage and approval: and uptice is hereby given ja all persons objecting to any Portion' of Bald trork, to file their objee= tions in writing in the office of the .City I Clerk, within the tune specified for the publication, stating in said objections how much frontage is represented by then. Passed this 5th day of February, 1572 by the following vote: Ages -- Councilmen Finley, Hitchcock, Isaacs, Reither aid Stouben. Na1� on Absen Ln' , ARSONS, City Clerk. l Approved this 5th day of February,. 1873'. i fo10 -2 V OLSEY HOWARD, Mayor._