Resolution 105
I. I J. ! It J! 11. 11. 11 105
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een"'.,.tIlbee ...... .,...... Ilad -.-__ .. the ..........
....84. IlPI'I'Oftd aDd adopMd.... 6P dq ~ f8bruary. 1118
., a rep10 -dfas at the 6 ~ ~ 01 tM OS.,. or 8t1:l-...
Anra. ~.)-.t George 0.)(111a8 ,~r. ,Jaok Rogerll ,~aae.
Batter8b7,George A.Mart1n,George K.MaaOD,
Kat He1Mr.
.0J:8, ~.- J..... lione
A~ I O~-~ IT 11 I NoDe
I, P. A. COX, the City Clerk of the City ot Gilroy, do hereb,y
certify that the annexed copy ot Resolution bas been oompared bf me
with and is a true and correct copy ot the whole ot such Resolution
duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes ot the reg-
ular meeting of the Common Council ot 8uch City ot Gilroy held an
the ~ day ot February , 1939.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the
off1c1al seal of said City of Gilroy, this 7th day of FebrustJ,l939.
Ci t;y cleQ.~.~~ t;y ot G11ro;y ,
Santa Clara County, California.
I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City ot Gilroy do hereby
certify that the annexed easement and resolution hereto attach-
ad has been compared by me with/and is a true and correct copy
o~ the whole of such easement and resolution.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF' I have hereto .et ., hand and ar~ix.d
the official seal or said City ot Gllro,. th1. ...7.lIL day or
, 1939.
C1t7 Cl.r~ ~h-S-~ or lJ1lro7
Santa Clara County, Calitornia.
FOR AND IN CONSIDBRATIOJr of the sua of One Dollar <11.00)
to the undersigned in hand paId, tbe receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged MARIE LOUISE BRA~ET. a wi~
ot the County of Santa Clara, S ate of ~j]]'ornia, do bereb7
grant to the CITY OF GIIBOY, a IhmIcipal Corporation,~. rlght
of way to construct, erect, maintain, operate, repair and renew
a le~ bulkhead and/or other flood control structures, to,,~r
with the right of ingress and egress, to, over, and along and fr~
the same and together wi tb the right and continued right to take
and borrow DE. terial from the lands of the undersigned on the
creek side of said 1e~to construct, operate and maintain the
same, over, through and along that certain parcel of land situate
in Santa Clara County, State of California, and described as the
following, tOjwlt:-
Beginning at the southwesterly corner of lot six (6) of
the subdivision of the lands of S. P. Fine as the same is shown
on a M.ap of said subdi vision recorded in the Office of the
County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California,
in Volume "F-2" of Maps at page 46, and running thence along the
westerly line of said lot six N. 140 39' E. a distance of
three hundred and thirty-nine and82/l00 (339.82) feet; thence
S. 570 l' 30" E. a distance of three hundred and forty-six
and 58/100 (346.58) feet to a point on the easterly line of
.a1d lot six; thence along the easterly line of said lot six
S. 150 40' W. a distance of three hundred and eight and 18/100
(308.18) feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence a~~g the
southerl~ine of said lot six N. 610 55' W. a distance of~__
hundred and thirty-two and 64/100 (332.64) feet to the point of
beginning, being a portion of said lot six.
,.IN WI~WHEREOF' these presents are hereby signed this
-L1- day of _ ,19~.
f)\]J YY1~~~_JE /La-r-d-
) s s.
~s ~ day O~I A.D., ~~ before me
~ ~ a NO i c in and for the s s. id count,. and
'!ta te, res ng therein duly connnisE,ioned and sworn, personal1,.
appeared NARIE LOUISE BRA~ET. a widow
known to me to be the person W Be name~subscribed to the
within instrument" and acknoWJ..edged-.o met1i8:t-a,he_ executed the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha ve hereucto Bet my hand and affixed
my official sea.l in the County snd ~ tl. te aforesaid the aay and
year in this certificate first above ~~-'"
Notary':;'.~ 1 n an for 'the County
of SanG:. Clara, Sta te of California