Resolution 92 T I I I I . -,.. '," - ,~.,.,""._~~,... .,~ .. "'""-~'>",.;;"_''''"''';"""",,,,-~...,,,_,,,,~._ ,.:-".-.-.."~',,,' -" " -~"';"._' -'_'~""".;;:, ,,:_''''''....'O.'''-....."i?'.'''''.." '._~ rt!~Q~]"TI OlJ li2..n. BE IT HESOI,VED by the Mayor and Cornmon Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the conveyw1ce hereto attached and consents to the recorcation thereof' . Passed, approved and adopted this 18th day of 1~rch, 1938, at an adjourned rei..;ular meetlne of the Common Council of the C1 ty of Gilroy. AThS: Oounc:1lr::en: - George M111as ,Jr. ,Jack Hogers ,George A. Martin,George Mason ,Net He1 nel'. NO!:S: Councilmen: - l\Tone A SB,'1JT: Councilmen: - J .R.Rush. r Approved: Attest: G.Q,~<5}t City Clerk 1,