Resolution 100 , . . t: ,i, R r ~: 0 t t T I () IT n 0 100 ............------..........., .......~ !i'1 t by the tinyoren<l COl-'InOb. Council of ti:'..o CIty of UI1roy _ tlmt said City 01' Gl1I'Oybere'b1' accepts the con'I'Jo;.ranco horato attnc;1od consento to the reeol"c:~utlon thErreo:f. POBDe(~# nrrprovoC n:.lt'J adopted this ~ (f:.1Y of October', 1938 I f'.~.r) ,......,1....... r.'eet.ll \"1....0.. oi' tin COF'uon GOlln. c11 oi' t lie C1. t'\l' o. f' ."_..,, _~ ~~~..,,__-....__...-.....".i . -....10."'" ,_ ' ., , j~ill" J~ . "L: Cotmd.lr:icrn - Ge orge C.Milias ,Jr. ,Jac k Rogers, George A. Martin,George It.Mason. ~"-: (~ot.l.r~;e:7- lL,~f::n:" I-J"one /1. ~' 'f:'; C:o'U:1^.:11Dcn: - James Battersby,Nat He iner. fA ;;proveO: S.D.Heck lJayop' -4 t1 M;ett: (seal) P.A.Cox lltl J~ ~:r .1 ,', "'I.""; ,I.... L":'~;( ...,~.\, .1,., CLI-J{!t t S GEr'II' III C1\ TE ....-..._~ . ~ I" r. l\. cox, tbo C.'t:.r Glcl'lt of tho City of ({11roy. do hC:r'obi cert.ify th,lt the c.moxa<) cOrTi' of liesolut:1on haa ooQn comparGd by LD \11 th 10 t\1 tr:.lc and CO!'!'cctcopy of' tbo whole of sucb resolutIon (!ul;;l uC:\OlJtec' at ..111.(; a peerin.c; amOOg tho oi'flc~al o1nutea ot tho reg- ular neot1nc o:f the C'00l.l0n Council oi' such C~ ty of" Gilroy held on the ~ uy or QIf OQtob~:r.. a 1938 II? ~ I hnva hero to set m:I hand and a1'1'1.:",:oo the of':f'1c1.al seal of on1c CltJ of Gtlroy t..":l.ls A:th cay or 9ctQQ~_-, 1\:~~ nny ~ ~ ~t7 'of Ciilroy, SU.nta Claro CmX"lty. 1for 18" . ~' . ,); EASET/ENT FOR AND IN CONSIDEEATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to the undersigned in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledsed GREGORY G. FOURET, also knovm as G. G. BOURET and ~TGENIE A. BmJRET, his wife of the County of Santa Clara, State of Cal i fornia, do hereby grant to the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, the right of way to construct, erect, maintain, operate, repair and renew a levee, bulkhead and/or other flood control structures, together with the rL3;ht of ingress and egress, to, over, and along and from the same and together '\;vi th the right and continued rie;ht to take and use material from the lands of the undersigned on the Carnadero Creek side of said levee, to construct, operate and maintain the same, over, through and along that certain parcel of land sitm1.te in Santa Clara County, State of California, and described as the following, to-wit:- Beginning at a point where the westerly line of Ranch lot sixteen, as ~)8,id lot is shown on Map No.7 accompanying the final report of the referees in the partition suit of Henry Miller et aI, vs. Massey Thomas et 13.1 in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara, Str.te of California, intersects the center line of the Carnadero Creek, and runnin"; thence, along the westerly line of snid Ranch lot sixteen, N.150- 45' E. a distance of three hundred and eleven and 33;100 (311.33) feet; thence alone; the following courses and distances: 8.-560- 49'- 30" E. a distance of three hundred and six and 59/100 (306.59) feet; S.880- 51'- 3011 E. a distance of seven hundred and eighty-five and 67/100 (785.67) feet; 8.520- 0' E. a distance of two hundred and seventy-nine and 20/100 (279.20) feet; 8.370- 46'- 30" E. a distance of three hundred and five and 99/100 (305.99( feet; S. 280- 4'- . 301l E. a distonce of three hundred and thirty and 16/100 (330.16) feet; S..370- 23' - 301l .b. a distance of three hundred and six and 74/100 (306.74) feet; S. 510- 57'- 30" E. a distEmce of three hun- dred 8.nd sixty Dnd 70/100 (360.70) fe t; S. 620- 37'- 301l E. a distance of one thousand and thirty-seven and 30/100 (1037.30) feet to the center line of a sixty foot road known as Miller Avenue; thence along the center line of said road the following two courses and distances: S. 320- 40' VV. a distance of thirty-eight and 06/100 (38.06) feet; S. 29(;- 5' Vi. a distance of four hundred and thirty-seven and l2/lCJO (437.12) feet to the cent er line of the Carnadero Cree~ thence along the center line of said Carnadero Creek following its meanderings up stream with the following courses and distances; N. 480- 45' W. a distance CDf three hundred and eighty-three and 92/100 (383.92) feet; N. 550- 15' VI. a distrnce of three hund.red and seventy-three and 56/100 (373.56) feet; N. 400- 15' W. a distance of fj.ve hundred and eleven and 50/100 (511.50) feet; N. 470- 30' W. a distance of three hundred and eighty-five and 44/100 (385.44) feet; N. 610- ,30' V,. a distance of six hundred and seventy-nine and 80/100 (679.80) feet; N. 850- 45' W. a distallce oJ' six hundred and i'ive and 22/100 (605.22) feet; N. 400- 30' Vie a distance of five hundred and forty-seven and 80/100 (547.80) feet; N. 610- 55' W. a distance of ninety-one and 74/100 (91.74) feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of said Ranch lot sixteen. ;.0- IN WIT}JESS V'!1IJEEOJP, these presents.. are hereby signed this L day of If ~~- . 1938. A ." . , ., srrATE OF CALIFOm'IA ) ) ss. C OTTlcTi''-Y OF S: "7 TA CL r'RA ) '.- .~ 1 ._ "U~ . _ Ol?nthis J IY/.r day of [f ~ , A.D., 1938 before me ~ ,y~ ~ a Notary Public in" nd for the said (;outy and tate residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appei?red GREGORY G-. BOURET, also known as G. G. BOURET and EUGEHIE A. BOURt:T, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub;~crlbed to the within instrument, and acknovlledged to me that they executed the same. IN .WITNESS \iV1:TEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County and Str3tte aforesaid the day and year in this certificate first above written. ',e. f9-~, Notary FUblic--ln nnd for the County of Santa Clara, State of California CLERK r S CER'l'IFI Cl\'rE I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Common Council of saidCi ty of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of October, 1938 accepted the fore- going conveyance and consents to the recordat~on thereof. Dated thIs 10th cay of October, 193f3G ' . Cl ty - Cle-rk-- ,-~~-------