Resolution 102 !l!!2.~!!~!.Q.! !2. J.Q.2. FE IT rmSOr,vED by the Mayor and Common Counoil or the Clty of Gilroy, that 881d City ot Gilroy hereby accepts the conveyance hereto attaChed and conaents to the recordation thel~eof. Said conveyanoe bav1r,.g reference to a certain Decree of Distribution made and entered in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Banta Clara, in the matter of the Est~,.te of MARY E. OnSLEY, deceased, and where- in under said Decree of Distribution there was distributed to the City of Gilroy certa1nreal property therein described, and said Decree being dated October 28th, 1938. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th cay of November, 1938 at a reguJ.~r Gilroy. ,meeting of the Common Councll of the City Of NOES: Counci1men:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers ,James Battersby,George A.Martin,George M.Mason, Nat Heiner C01,mcilmen:None A T.3S : AESE.'N1J:': Councilmen:None Approved: ~~{#k~~ A tte:Jt: ~.Q~ y C er! , CLERK'S CERTIF'IGATE --.-.-....-.--........ I, P. A. COX, tLe C:1.ty CIEJl:'!<: 01' the City of Gilroy, do hel'eb.:r certify that the annexed cO'PY of' Fesolution hus been comp<::.rcd by 1:16 \'1i th ("no is a true Dnd correct; copy of titLe whole of .such Reso- lution duly adopted at llnd E.ppearing among the oJ.1101a1 minutes of' the ~lar .....-.Jlle~t:Jn[; of' the COF111on Council of' such C!.t;y ot' Gilroy lield on. the ?th c/uy of' November, l~)3U. City ClerlrC}'~~~y-or 1111roi,- S.nt;a Clf,;cQ County # C lforria 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 S 4 5 e 7 ENDORSED FILED Oct. 28, 1938 FRANK W. HOGAN, Clerk By Ralph F. Dethlefson Deputy 110. 21186 LeIb & LeIb. 512 FIrat National &Ink Building. San Jose.. VtI11f'orn1a. Atto1"D878 tor Executor. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TPili STATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN AND FOR THE COUlin OF SAlrlA CLARA. ---.,-..-....--..000--.... J........ In the Matter of the Estate or ) ) ltARY F;. OUSLh'Y.. ) ) Deceaaed. ) ORD}:::"~ AND .DECRF~. OF PARTIAL AnD RA'fABLE DISftIBtJ'l'IOB PRIOR TO FINAL 8~~EIT. ............ -,...000-.................. .. WIlLIAM. I... fIOEY.. Executor ot the Last WIll or MARY E. OUSLEY.. deeea.ed, having tl1.ed herein. on October 1.8.. 19:i8. hi. pet! tlon pray1ng tbat this Court make It. order authorizing and direoting ..ld Executor to make a ratable distrIbution ot the sum of' TWENft-FOLJR 1'HOUSAlID and 00/100 (24.000.00) DOLLARS to the resIduary legatees and de.1..es under the Last WIll or sald deoea..d, or to theIr succeaaora in Interest entitled thereto, and to pay over and deliver aIel .,. to .ald NaIduarr legatees and devIaeea" or to theIr aucce8sora in interest ent1tled thereto, In proportIon to theIr interests 1n the residue ot' saId eatate. and by its Deeree d.1atrlbute to the CIn OF GILBOY. a 1INIl1eIpal corporation. in Santa Clara Count,." Callt'ornla. the real property hereinafter d.scribed. upon the tel"'l'U and conditions and aubJeot to the easements. usee and condi tl$ns hereinafter Bet forth. and. proof' there- at' havIng been made to the satia.factlon ~ the Court. the -1- 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 cOUJ.-t now tinds tha~ notIce ot tt1e bearlDs t4 aald petItion baa been regu1arl7 given tor the tlme and In the manner required by Section 12000t the Probate Code of th1a state. 8ftd no per... appearing to contest the __. the C'.o\tt"t. after hearing the evIdence. t1nd8: 'flb.:t a1.1 .or ~ a1.1eptlOD11 of_!.d peUtlcmaN tr\>>' That more tban &1x (6) IIOnthllhave elapM<1 since the apl>olntment or 8ald Executor and sInce the t1rst publlcation ot notice to credl tora; that the time tor rUIng or presenting o1a1as aga1nat the Estate of said deo.~.sed has expIred and that all claims 'IIh1ch haft been presented agaInst sald Estate have been pald. or satIsfied} that all expenses ot administration thws tar incurred have been paId other than balance ot Executors' and Attorneyat teas ~nd expenses of adm1n1atrat1on a.dvanced by HId Attorneys. papnent of which at thIs t1:me haa been waived as Ii contUtion precedent to the antry ot this deeree, that ..11 pl'Operty taxes which have become due have been paid; that all inheritance taxea due the State of" California heve 'been paid, that the Fe de 1"8.1 Estate Tax haa been t1nall:r detera1ned and paid, T.b.at said Estate Is but lIttle indebted and that ft.table dIstributIon of' sald8Ul1 or TJEN'rY-POUR THOUSAND and 00/100 (24..000.00) DOLLARS may be made and paid.. and partial dl8trIbutlon ot the real estate hereinatter described may be _de. without InJurr to aald Estate or any person interested ~relnJ That af'ter said partial and ratable distribution there wIll remain sufficient undIstributed assets ot 8ald estate to pay all unpa1d taxes a.nd expenses ot adldn.1atration not now paidJ . That J'A1:fES n. HOn died August 18. 1938.. leavlng a document purport1ng to be his !ast Wlll. in which he 11A1I8d -2- 1 ETHEL M. HOEY ... Bxecutnx thereof # but that ..14 doe.. -. 2 haa not 7e' been adld.tted to pJ'Obate .a the Last Will of said 3 deeeased. nor baa a pe:N01'J&1 repN8.tat1_ Jet beeR appotnte4 4 or qu.a11.tled 'to repreeent ..14 deceaae4. or h1e estate, 5 r.r 18. ~. OJtDBIUID, ADJ1'JDOED AJfD DKCBEIm. tbat 6 ..14 lIV.l.IA1l A.. BOD. .. .,,~.. or .. Lad. .11 Of' URY E. 7 OUSLEY, deceaM4.pa,. OYer aa4 dell.... ., .tbe 'henGE1clar1e. or 8 the Last Wl11 01' said deceaae4. here1nat'ter na_d or deaJ..&nated. 9 tbe portion. ot ft'Elft'Y-Potnt TROUSAliD and 00/100 (24.000.00) DOLLA 10 to whlob he 18 entItled lIt1IIar .. WNII ot aa14 Last Will. beIng 11 the per cent. and IUIlOUnt be"1Datter set forth. and aa 1'ollowa. 12 to wit, 13 14 To DI..D EAS'!lOH EllERY. Trustee. 1n truat forth. ch11dren of JiOHA-OR EASlfOK.. . 1~ or .............................. $8.400.00 18 To CUM _GOWAll, ~ or ................ 2.160.00 To JOSEPH 1i. THOMAS. 97S or ............. 2.160.00 15 17 ~o MARY lIoLEA'N. 9% or .................. 2,160.00 18 ~o WILL.IAK A. BOEY. 9~ or .............. 2.160.00 19 20 'to the personal repreaentatl" of JARS D. nORY. deceased. or ot hi. estate. n or ............................... 2.160.00 21 To CAmERIl\!E LADNER. ~ or ............. 2.160.00 To ELBC'fA EASTON ltAlmON. 9~ or ......... 2.160.00 To Iit'WARD B. EOEY. 9~ or ............... 2.180.00 To VIOLE? ROE! SY~\NSON. 4.5% or ........ 1.080.00 22 23 24 25 To (Mrs.) J. };HETH F;AST'vll WlIITE" 4.~ or 1.000.00 26 To IRENE noE!'. 4.5'& or ................. 1.080.00 1.000.00 27 '1'0 HELEN li:ASTON HlF:RY" 4.5% or ... . . . . . . 28 29 30 31 The pa1men~ l:.ierelnabove ordered to be made by the Execu~or ot the Iflat W111 ot DRY E. OUSLE.Y" deceased. to the peraona1 repreaen'tatlve ot JADS D. Ron. dece.aed" or or b1. ..tate. ahall be _de by such Executor on1y upon hIs be1ng t'ur- 32 ...:3- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 nlabed. by aid p8raoaal 1'8p"____I.,. wlth . cen1rle4 00P7 of hi. Lettera 'lea-..ntary or at Ad1d.nlatrat1cm. IT IS PUiflRBIt 0B.DBBm>. J~DJlJOOED AJln DEC1tBBD that the toJ.lowing de.rtbll4 fttll propeftJ' _. and tbft 8_ 18 hereb7 dlab'1bute4 to the CIft' 9!. p~~. .-telpa.l corporaUoa 111 Sank Claa COUll_. Ca11t~...... .... and coadlUcma and nbj.." to the ___. ....aad eoad1tlona he1"81na.t'te~ ..t tortib. All that cefta1a 1ot.ps..o. or parcel ot land. situate. l.,ing and be1Da 1n the Coun. or. Santa Clara. state of CalUorn1a. met 8lON particul.ltl,. (itlUJorlbe4 aa 1'ollowa. to w1 tt BEGIlfNlIm at a tace picket marbKt 0-4. atand1.ns where the tence on the South 11118 ot properq- tOndr1,. ot Clara 1.{. OUsley tntersects the tenoe on the Eaaterl,. lIne ot: Burchell Road,runn!ng thence along the ten.. line on the Easterly 11ne or the Br.1rChe1l Road North 60 44' w..t 3.00 chains to te.DCe picket marked 0-5. North 190 28t W.at 4.25 chains toa tence picket _rked 0-6. North 430 02' Weat "'.42 eha1na to a rence picket marked 0-"1" 'Borth 10. 05' Weat 3.367 cha1na. to a teDO. pioket marked 0-8.. and Borth 6.11 oba1ns to a po1nt where the Burchel1 Road .runa -.aterl,.. and oont1nu.1.Da theDce 'North f'rom said Burchell Road along tIl. tenoe line between the ~nd.a tormer1,. or C1ara U. auale,. and the landa or ll11M. 8.9,. ch.~_ to . 1'enoe picket / It? 0 ff1 "'W _rked <>-9, thence South 480 28~ F..t 15.28 cba1na to a stake marked 0-10} thence South 79. 15' East 18.'70 chaina to a rence pIcket marked 0-11. 8tpMb~ in a rence line,. thence along 8ald tence 11ne sout;h .S. 12' Eaat 3.M"1 clla1na to a ranee picket marked 0-12. South zgo ~t Weat 1.39 obaina to a .fence picket 4 5 6 7 8 9 -4- 1 2 marked. 0-18. South 40- 43' Eaat a.7&-3/_ cba18e to a fence pIcket _:rDd 0-14, q4 South .. 58' Eaat 1.52-1~ eba1Da to .. S- x o. t... poll" ..fttt'"C in the tenoe 11M b4ttwlIen tbe laadtt of tM Clt:yot OUror aD4 tbe 1.... or 0U1.,.. \1:leMr at.. .. t-.e UDtt _W.. ~1~. at. .. ct._ eI su...r and tbe 1..,... of ~...... .' ...t 25..2M cha1D8 aDd South 1. M' But I.to ~1u to a stake. South sa- 06' 'Jest 0.994 cha1M to .. p1&.. of' beg1nn1ng, cem.- ta1n1J\& 36.61 aarea or 18ll4. IIQJIJe or 1e.8. nCEPrIIm trom the .boTe described landa all water r1&hta CODft7ed to BLBCTA OUSLXY" her he1n aDd a..lg1'18, by tho.. two (.) certa1D 1n8tramenta reepeet! ...17 executect by DONALD lIcDNZIBaa4 D. S. K. BUICK, and b7 tbt CITY OF' GILROY, re.pectivel,. dated Feb1"'Ul\1'1 14, 18'11. an4 June 16, 1888, and rtJapectl vel,. recorded 'November ?" IB8S, in VolUJa8 71 of Deede, Page 1?5. and September 10, 1956, in Volume 785 or Otflcla1 Recorda, at Page 444, Recorda of Santa Clara Count,., Cal1tom1&. stmJ11:CT. IIOll'E~"ER. to all ex.1st1Dg easement. of pipe linea, rIghts of .a7. water r1gbta and other ........,. and uaea to whIch sald SI.6l acre traot or land 18 now subject in favor of the 435.8 acre tract of land con'Y87e4 "' WILLIAM A. BOBY, as Executor of the Last Wl11 of MAHY E. OUSLEY. deceased, to EDWARD B. HOEY.da~ed October ?, 1\)38. and recorded October 1'1, 1938 1n Vo1\1m8 892 or Offlclal aeckrda, at Page 5Sl. Recorda or S8D.taClara Count,., California. whleh sald 435.9 acre tract ot land formerly comprised a part ot tbe Estate ot sald deceased. Including, 11'1 thou~ I1m1 tat10n ot the easement. and ...ter . rights above referred to, all the water r16hta. eaaementa, privl1ege. and pIpe line r1gbta ot "7 to wh1cb _14 435.8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -5- 1 acre tract ot land 18 entitled under t'bIl tbrM (S) 1natru.- " 2 .ents laat abOve referred to. to a r~ or ...,. thlrt7 3 (30) teet wlde171Dg aouther17 of and alons the northea.t.- 4 e1"11 bouldary line or 8a14 S4.61 acre tract of land. to be 5 wsed tor the purpoae of Uldng oattle tJlOll ODe part or a.14 e G5.8 aeN tJ.'ac1i or land to another pan t.bereot", and to 7 the right of the 0WDe" ot aa14 435.8 aere tract ot 1and 8 at all tlzre. to oross aa1d 38.81. acre tract ot land with 9 au'to trueke or otr.r 'ftIh1cl... /f 10 5a1d eaafmlt11'ltB .8Dd us.. sb&l.l 1"--.111 a burden upon 11 sald 36.61 aere tract ot land in favor ot Bald 435.8 acre 12 traot of land and ot aU tuture tnmftr8 ot sa14 4:S5.a aore 13 tract or landJ and all 1'\tture OtfDftra or ..14 435.8 acre 14 tract ot land shall 'be permitted to receive and take 15 water tram the pipe lines ot said CITY OF GILROY cro..ing 16 sald 36.61 atn"tt -tract of 1abd. ,'t... ot charse :an4 to tt.e 17 ... extent aa aueb r~t. weft enJo"f8d b,. sa14 DRY E. 18 OUSLEY dur1ng her "11tet1:me. 19 5&.14 36.81 acre tract ot lamt shall bek:nOwn ... 20 "OUSLEY PARI". and aball b. used by ,_14 e;J:fi OF GIUtOY / f 'c' " 21 only as a municipal park or .a a ~cl)8.1. goU"-eou:rae. I ....~ . 22 23 Done 1n open Court thls 28th cia,. or Oetoberf< A. D. / 24 ~9S8. ,>;,r... or . 31 The fore!(t'ng '"ffl'ument Is . correct ~op,V of the origInal on We in thl. offloe /;111:01 j N 0'1 ~ \) '~38 29 30 32 '" -6- T I I '1 ~ --. ": "'.""c",;,"~ . "'--!t!<~..-",iut~ f ~r~~ :;;~~ -'--'... -~._--_._-._----_.---, -- ---~'----"'--''''---'---' CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Common Council of said City of Gilroy at a regijlar meeting held on the 7th day of November, 1938, accept- ed the foregoing conveyance and consents to the recordation thereof. Dated this 7th day of November, 1938. \Y. Cl.~ City Clerk . ~ .. ~ \;~ , / Ij ......~ ~jt) 3J 30 . >)'::':, ,. " t ',: ,{ "'. ~:: ::g~3 '.!:) ~S f \ :) ,'\j) ~ j~'J ::"'_ o d~' ~.~ ~~, '~ Effi' /'"-), ;8 i ~~ ~' ,', ".~r~ ...~ r '<.",j ~J " )~ '\) ~ ~~. , " ~ . ~' .... " .'.,,,. .' ~ c '. ", ,.' ~,' ~ ",^"-, 't ,c, ' '~,' ".~' ;\;~O~ '{\' ~".' ".' "- ~ \\ " ",'~ . '7';--,' ; "... . ' "",IV:). -I, ;, "'"',,, .. ~, '.,~ . "', :~V) '", ',' ~ ~,,'! ',' i i~ ~ '." ,J g'\l. ", " ",."" , ~"\ "~' \ J~. .;. \~. ":'"'' ~ ~'\'1\' <', ' .. ~ .; ,?. .",;,~; ~'.' ~ '.!:,.:"~ . ':l;, '(,'of ."Ii ", ' "~ " '", . ,.-- ,<~;,,' ",", j , ~--....- ~'I' .fi:, ~ ,,'_.. ~ ,) " ;-, v$, ,", '~.t j:, ,. ~ ~-; '( _,." ' '>" " ~ .it. ~ . I' ,.' _ '. \ 1 !;. C;;. .w_: . . ' "'d~~',: ",I ", '~, ;?!ta:;~j; , J" .', " " ' ,'or.' ''\' " .... " .' ....." -J ,~" ""~ . ,.' --- .~ . .-.- , Of ~. ~ \< ", 'OJ " f'~ ~ s'~~ ~., r ~~ IS J ' ~ (t-T1" "'*..., I~ T .~._ i;J .f' 18 Jf! . ~ .. '::! J ;'~~ ... L- 'i""~ .J "_t ;OT " r, " 8 \ ,-" ,- 'J " :::: -if 3 S --r "' , '-l""',3,_ ..<...",,'t' " v..t<^'i.:,"'l;':I~.i~ r'_;::L::".'-~~: ~~--+ ~~~ - ::~.:::,,'~-~LI" ! i ,r~ '\ 1 - r .;,.. '.~ ?,; ~ "' I(; ;~ i.". 'iI J .\lp