Resolution 65 T ~-:; ;~~) ".,,/, t~) 1/:, _'~ f a.SOLUTIOR --...-...................---... ---- (Ob m;::;.,r UtEri. that on Monday. tl1e 41th day of" ~ny. 19~B. an election. 'Will be he1.(l In the City of Gl1x-oy. County or ~~anta Clara. State of Cnl1fornla. for the ~oge of elect~~ the fol1oul~: City :,ffieers fop the Cl1:y of' calro'Y. vlz: iiayor. 81x Counel1man.Tre8.8ttrer. City Clepk and !'Jarshal. Por said election two precincts are hereby established. end the boundaries thereot". polling places and boards of election are as follows : "Aft I"CTt All that 'Oortion of tl}o i ty of Gilroy lncl't3clod , . v1thL"'. the l)(')U!l{'m"!cs of' 3111"o;:r Pl~clnet !~o. 1 611.d Gilroy Precinct ;.:0. 2 of the City of' ;',}11roy as'sste.hl1shecl by the F.\oard of Huperv1sors or the Ccn:~nty of Sa'1tn Claro. ~;tate of California. Por the tit!rpose ..,f t'h1.s election soid Gilroy PrecInct t;o. 1 and :~alrtl;l Prec1nct::o. 2 are h~n~uy combined Me1 for tIle purpose or sald '.1unlelpal 'Flection sf"al1 be !nl0W11 as ",A" 'CT. "011 in ")lnco : unletplll f'irc Houns on f'lrtl~ gtreet. Cl,,'5src1 of fleet ion : Inspector __~,_~_ w_.,~ P:.- _. ,''':';''211]';''',___ Jndges L CHA''')J''fi m1d "jAY HOV'.F:~J3ACK -,-~-,",-_"",_',....--..---'--..._.~~--- ~",~.".I;;.~~"--~--"'---,--,-,"""",--",~~,- ...,...._-"..... ..~,~ HJ\l'iNAH I~SCllEH0flG nnd -'.'.,,"" ...--.--..--"'......--.-..... .~- NIUJLIE J.. 1"~cCOm.;I('K' lerlcB O,lH' : Mn. .' r ~8!Wi . .< ~_,_."~~_,'rit..__"..'...~, ,~,:t, _;l_..~___~ n-,"l, ft (:;11', All that portion of the e',ty of "111"OY lncl',ded. w.1t'zlln ttc bOt:n'1dnries of Cal1"o;:T '1"oo1net ,r,. 3. "il'ro:; 'cel1'''ct "'). 4 .. ~.;:,) ::;11ro~J Irecb1.ct r:,o. 5 of" th.fl it;:t of' Gilroy QS estn'bl1.shed 'by th(J~l of' f',\rperv1.e.ors of 'ount:T f)f ~.nnta ' 1.arn,. State of' eel ~f()l"'fl:1n. 1'01' the purpose thle election sald'a1ro;.! Precinct Le. 3. Calroy reclnet t,~o. <4 flndalp(}'y lJl'"eclnct '0. f) fU"e !"cro'hy .) ~) () !:)';)(i C:~ - -"'- - .f combined and Ghall be knotm. as ItB" PRECINCT. Poll1ng Place: City Hall on Sixth Street. Board of'3:.:1ectlon f Inspector D. n. PAng v '-'--""'l'-"--"",,,,,,,~,_,,,_~,,, Jud[:;os MJ..-P!! Plf..r..:1A!:r """""'_1' and ~:()RGE nn.".// . _l"" . - ... .- Clepks r1If..,DRED RAS;'1':TS:~F.JJ and ~""""--.--.,~--~~~-"'- CmRUY :rrn~HS >_";"_",,~..:oelll- and I;ra. GLEm CUT:VEL.AJZD . -.-.-.-.,~"",,--.. ..-"....._".,...-.'~" """"',",._.,- ..~,_.,~....__.._.;- T'f1e polls will [". open at nine <) 'clock A. . on tho ooy 0'1: 1:1ocf:ion ftnrl remain open until six ()'clock P. . of the smne day. When the poll s wl11 7'6 closed. except as provlded 1n :,ectlon 1164 of the 'oliticnl Gri{).0 of tl,:e ~:;tQte of Ct111f'omla. In (l11 oti"er res':Jeets the saj.d. electlon will he hel(t in accordance_ with the~ener~ll Flection laws of the ~,t(\te of C I1f'orn1t.'!.. The Clerk of the C1. ty- of ::}11ro:r '11111 cause the necessary' procl!ll'n1lt1on to be published. Voto: A"'J.-:'i.S. CouncilmAn-Fred C. Bo1'>ck. 13en f~tErwert_ Cleorge C.. '.Tl11as _ Jr.. J. r. Hu sll. g. . [Teck .3eo. A. entz. . CO'tlncllnK:m-~:one Ii . Gouncilmen-. one Elmer J. Chesbro l~or T <_'-_;'<'--<'1""'- J.....: .. ........_"........-.-. ~,,.,..,.,..--. E. F. Rogers ~ -_.- ~. '-'Clt,.-Clet'k ,