Resolution 65 (2) I .-......_--~._-_..-.'-.__..._.,.-_._._-'".- 1, " ',-..,1 - - 0- -, I: I' 11 \'i 1 ;1 Ii 1\ II j' I' II II I I t ~ ! R = SOL UTI 0 N. --------- 65 1~0 . ',;hereas the City 0 f Gilroy is the ovrner 0 f certain real property located on North L10:nterey street in the =:-;:."iG. .::;i ty of Gilroy, hereinafter describe6CL.11cl referred to as the I.:onterey street property, and "vVhereas , the ',-]11 tehurst and Hodges Corporation, is the owner of certain real property located on 6th. street in thesa~d City of Gilroy, hereinafter described and referred to as the 6th street property, and, ~hereas, the said City of Gilroy is desirous of purchasinG the said Sixth street property of and from the said ':-:11i teh1lrst and =~cd~:;es, ~. corporation, for the SlUn of ~4500.00, :"uid real pro:Jerty to be free and c1('ar of all enCl.Hlbrq,nces Gave and ezc ept th e tazes fC:1 tlJe year:: 1936 and 1937, and, -.ihereas the said 'lIhi tehurst and Eodges, a corporat ion is desirous of purchasing the said L~ntery street property of and from the City of Gilroy for the S11m of ';4500.00, said real property to be free a nrJclear of all encu'"1brances save and except the taxes for the years 1936 and 1937, and Vhereas, each of said parties desire to have the title to said real properties certified and approved by a responsible Abstract Company to be in the manner aforesaid, and each is so willing and ready to sell and purcJij3e according to the true antent and meanine hereof, nOVi thel"fore, Bl;,; IT R:=SOLVm by the Layor and Common Council in rec;ul8.r session assembled this 6th. day of l,:ay, 1936, th8.t the City of Gilroy purchase said 6th. street property unon the ter:ms afores:lid and that it in turn sell the said l,:ontc;! street property upon the aforesaid terms, provided however that said purchases and sales s1"3.11 be consu:mat"?cJ ',~Ti t~ih a reasonable time hereafter and in a manner and custom as is usual in the premises. The said Sixth street property is further described herein as Lots one (1) and six (~), Block One South, Hange 3 ',":est. The sachd ,Llo~terey street prOpE"rty is further described as The Northerly portion of Lot four (4), Block 3 ITcrth I{anGe Cne ',;est, with.a front~age on Liontery :treet of 70.20 feet, and Lying Northerly fr5m the property of one E. L. Robinson. Be It furthe:, resolved that the purchase each of said properties shall be condi tionecl other. Done in regular session the and sale o:f one upon the 6th:i)"Y~ ~~'aY. 1936. c1e'r!,f/;f~ of Gilroy. 1 ... .... - u lTow therefore as a resul tn of sUl1h oanvass the Idayor :=JTIcl r-;ornI10n Counc il find the number of votescast for the ve.rious candidates to be as follows: For Mayor, 3. D. r.;eck, 658, Geo. I:. ~.cason, 1, iT : . Oddie, 1, . J. Chesbro, 1, Geo . ~. Renz, 2 t:rs. Gingg, 1, For Council, Nat, Feine:,:" 625. Geo. r,:. ::ason, 60? , ~eo. C. Eilias, Jr, 606. J. H. Rush, 621. "en st eWRrt , 6~~5 . ~hBs. Fredricks~9 600. 1 TIa rry L. . ilkinson, ITiss TIous(~, 1 For 'I'reDsu 81', P. R. ':';olson, 652. For City C.lerk, E. F. ::1ogers, 535, r. H. TrellS ine, 318. For-;i ty !'a1'shal, 'alter S. --:hite, 643, Di cle Goodrich, 2. Dick ::;:owBrd, 1. And the 1':'1yor .' n(' ';ormon;ouncil finel ths t the following officers are duly elected to the resnpctive offices as follows: Ira: or, s. D. Peck, Councilmen Fat Leiner, ';-eo. E. I:''1S0n, Geo. C. Milias, J1', J. H. Rdsh, Pen 3teTIart, Farry L. i1- kinson, ::;ity T1'e'1su1'er, P. H.-;olson, City "lerk, i. F. liogers, Jity l:arshal, ',-alterS.',.'hite9 ana thAt certificates 01 election be issued to such officers. I I' ,. , ,I I ! ,. ! j - II " 1 Motion duly made and carried that Resolution No. 65 be passed as follows: Vote: AYES: J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Ben Stewart, George A. Wentz, George C. Milias, Jr. i NOES: None. Absent: Fred C. Boock, t