Resolution 66 ".) i' O~' ,)-+ Motion by Rush, seconded by neck that the following resolution be passed and adopted. R Z C 0 L UTI C N. 66 NO_ ',ihereas a deed to the hereaf'ter describer "'e~,l property has been issued to the City of Gilroy by rial tel' '.:hi te, the tax collector of said City by reason of certain rlcJinquent taxes 2c;ainst said I'r01Jerty, and, ,il'.ereas 3E-in d elinq118nt taxes b 'lve be en ::;'aid h~T P' (:'0 armel'S of s'lid reel pro rty ~,l'1Cl a~crT.ificate of relemption has been issued th3ref'or, :::aid rC2l property being c_escribed as foJ.,h'J':rs: ==):4 r~ tn3 G. t the ,JOiJi:'!l east corn'!' of l"tr.'U and Church S+r':>ots '~l'd :,mminc therce easterly alone; the Jouthc;rly Ii n(~ of ?ifth. utre,?t 90 feet; thenae Southerly 120 feet; t!:encc ~,,;s t8:::-1~7" S'Q fr'ct to the .wasterly line of Church 3treet; arL~ thenc:3 IJorthGl'ly al::m.[; said lest nention'3G. line 120 foet te tlle nlacc of hee-inning, no":'T cc ~ CO ~ Q 1 i I I I , I I I I ! I I I ! j i , ; I , t,., " Y'O f'r;r J ~.,,_.__J 'f I ; proper officers ':,::cc1,1te a rro::vrluit cJ9irl deed to tho E~ IT n~uLV~ thD. t the C i. ty oj! Gilroy, by and thrlJ j t s ovr'lers of 28.10. T88.1 :DI'operty, tc''.'it to Jonas C1ark, Jchn A. Cl.ar~': und :.:uric Clark, 2"'.io. <lee(" to be in joint tene.ncy. . :2assed and approvec1 by the l.~ayor and Comrron Council of the:jj,ty of Gilroy in reguJ:.ar session assGT1blO<ithis 6 th. clClY c f :.:ay. 1936. i I I I , .1 , of CJ.ilT' C1Y. Motion duly made and seconded that Resolution No. 66 be passed and , a(lopted as follovvs: Vote: ~wart, George A. Wentz, c~ncil Fred C. Boock. ~: -, f l, j AJESt Councilmen J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Ben George C. Milias, Jr. NOES: None. Absent: *,