Resolution 58 T I - - RES 0 L UTI 0 N. NOJ$- BE IT RESOLV"LD '" the MQ'Or and Common Counoll of 'the 01_ of G1lnq'c Tha't the oe"&1I1 proJeot atatemen't .ubmitted herewlih aD4 Dated Ma7 Ind. 1935. bct and the a8M 1. h.reb7 approved and adopted by sald Ma70r and 0080n Oounoll 1n regular ae..10n Gonvened; that Elmer J. Ohesbro, Mayor ot said 01t7 be, and he is hereby authorized to ex..ute Ba1d appl1catlon, and that the sem.e be attuted b7 E. F. Rogers, C1ty Clerk ot the ,aid Cit,. after approval there- ot by R. W. .1aher. 01t7 Engineer ot the City of Gilr07, suoh applloatioa being direoted to 'the Due.tor ot Pub!!o WorD at Sacramento, California and havUl8 to 40 wlththe improvement ot Old Gilroy &"re.' 1n a&1d Cl't7. PASSED AND APPROVED tl11s 6th. 4ay 0 f May. 1935. Att..": ~~ir07 ~g~ . dltye1" 0 e C1ty of Gilr~ ~VEDI (/t,-tJ ~ O~'1 ~ or. . ------- _~r{ 1- -~ ~:- )