Resolution 55 Motion introduced by Councilman S. D. Heck, seconded by COUD- cilman Stewart that Resolution No. 55 be passed and sdoptec as follows: A RESOLUTION RESOIKDING RESOLUTION NU1ffiER 54 OF THE @ CITY OF GILROY. BE IT RESOLVED BY TF..:E Om/lEON OOli11OIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY: Section l. That resolution numbered 54, heretofore adopted by the Common Oouncil of the City of Gilroy on the 5th day of November, 1934, and entitled "A Resolution Approv- ing a Grant Agreement between the City of Gilroy and the United States of AnlEtricA and Authorizing its Execution", be and the same is hereby rescinded. ~ L.-,.' ~~t-o r1? C~ .~ VP' ,-/V9 '\~/ // """",!:,~," -- -r Vote: Ayes Jouncilmen J. H. Rush, _. D. Eeck, George Fred C. Boock, Ben Stewart, GeorGe C. Uilias, Jr.; cilmen, Kone; Absent Councilmc,n, l~or.e. . ..LJ... -,lent z Loes, :::oun- 'oj (. \ " f)}~t