Resolution 33E T Motion by Councilman Heck, seconded by Councilman Boock that the following resolution be passed and adopted:- Re60 J L(tio~ =#- 32 - F Michael Casey died in the City of Gilroy on the twenty-third day of February. 1933, being at the time of his death of the age of eighty-four years. Mr. Casey was born in Ireland. Vfuen six years old he came to the United States, the land which has been his country and his home at all times since his coming. He arrived in the City of Gilroyin 1871, one year after the legislature of the State of Galiformia saw fit to grant this place a charter authorizing it to function as a body politic. He immediately entered into public life and took an active part in all municipal and public af- fairs of the city, laboring in the interest of the people and for the advancement and betterment of the community. He took a prticular pride in the ,Volunteer Fire Department, to which he devoted much time and energy, and which he helped to de- velop to a high state of efficiency and later he was raised to the position of Chief of the Department, an elective position of honor much coveted and prized. Mr. Casey served the Cityas a member of the Council for several terms and as a member of the Water Committee of the Council he was . most active in procuring for the city its municipal water plant. In 1894 the voters elevated him to the exalted position of Mayor, an office which he retained for a period of two terms. As Mayor he served with honor to himself and wmth credit to the people. To his suborinates and to the employees ofv the City he was the impersonation of courtsey, kindness and consideration. He was faithful to every trust and he carried the torch of progress. Co Ai 4] " . <-<. ','. tl"'?, ....a::v C'.J.:) On his relinquishment of the duties of that office, it was universally conceded that no public official of the City of Gilroy on retiring from office has been the object of more -- ~~ t:V ~ Q public confidence and esteem than he. In private life his counsel and advice was sought by many and he was ever found to be a wise adviser and faithful friend. In his dealings with his fellow man he was always scrupu- lously honest and upright. No dishonorable or dishonest act was ever attributed to him or laid at his door. He was a thorough Christian gentleman. He respected the right of all, His home life was ideal and his friends are legion. Dear to his mind was the sentiments of the poet: "We live in deeds, not years, in thoughts, not breaths, In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." His worth and his works as an efficient official are in- scribed on the public records of our City. His worth allld his works as a man and as a citizen of our country are im- pressed on the hearts and on the minds of those who knew him. "None knew him but to love him, None named him but to praise." The memory of his labors for our city, the life he led in our midst, and the work he has accomplished are an inspiration to all who are left to follow. His good deeds and kindly acts will ever shine forth as beacon lights directing us on the way to the greater advancement and good of our city and the better- ment of our fellow men. ; l' We will miss him from the daily walks of life, but the mem~ ory of his kindly acts and achievements will linger with us. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in the death of Michael Casey, the Nation and State have lost a valuable citizen, the City has lost a most trustworthy laborer tor civic betterment, and the people of our city have loast a most dependable coun- , selor and adviser and a faithful, kindly and lovable friend. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread on the records of this day's session of the ~yor and Common Councilo of the City of Gilroy and that ~COpy thereof be eng~ossed and delivered to the family for whom this memorial is enacted. Noes, Councilmen, None; Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Easton, Milias, Boock, Heck, Wentz; Absent, Councilman J. H. Rush. .' "~~--~, 94';'; 6,J _