Resolution 33F J I Lotion by Heck, seconded by TIentz and carriea that the following resolution be passed and adopted,: F(€.- eo I ut Ion '-=#== 33- F ~- , ~ 'lOBUS, The C1V 0...11 .t Gl1.J"o", OaUtoala 1. resuJ.al' _111.. u"*".4 OIl _ 1. 1IlIlI, ~1oJe4 ~h. k1l1oul. Au41~ . sp.... 00.. 1M., to -.ke a 'e'l8.1184 aU41' .t ,he 'boOb. "OOft. .... a..OWl". .f ,he' 01_ of GUJo,. tor 'he na.al ,.eu 'beS~.!l1RS .Tu1J' 1. 19.1. aJ14. \1BlIilWS, 'he aa14 Bl'fl0HAL Atmr,r . 811r.PII 00.. INO.. BAS 0011;; ple'''' ,. aal1 a_I' up ,. ...4 1DOlwU.D8 ... 4&'e ot JIaHh 11. 1111,' ...,. .... 4.11....1'... tJle repon '.'YerillS 1'. t1D4lDgs ot 'he _ t. t1:le 01'7 0...11 ot the 01t1 .t Gl1rOJ' lD. "8- u1u ..._ ....ble4 "hla Ith 4&7 ot ,... A.. D. It., .., 'IBBRD'OJ.B. BISOLVJ:D "bat the BeJOr' ot 'he lU.'fIOJU.l, A.lJDrI & Syst'lDI o .,' DO!, "osether W1. th the JIM, ~ _fat tau oon'amed therelD. H, a4 ue a.. henb70'e ...."" ... 'h.lr ..'1""7. u.4 BE r.r JUJltBlll RE80L'UD that the n!IOJIAL AUDI'I . STeT. 00. t . DlO. ." and. 1 te p ".OJ1$U engaged oa the a....l' ..... p4 'bel benD7 ..... hlp.l1 .._....4 tor 'he a..tlata.tol7 _d lD. .10 the _1"11 ._ ooDluO'.4. u.4 tOI" the ..ep'loD&1 .....10. re.eret b tu'theriDs the bea' lat...'a ot ,. 'axpaJ8n of " 'he 01',. of GUJo7. u4 .t a .0" ot thl. reaGlutlO1l 'be "el- l...e.. t. the ad" the NA.UONAL A.tJDft . SYS2D 00.. DlO. . ) Vote, Ayes Councilrnen,.aston, L=ilias, Eooc}c, Heck, \Jentz; Absent Councilman Rush. The f3treet Cormni ttee a 1), tLori zed to oil ce-rtain blocks on Various streets. Councilman Geo. A. ',[entz excused, for the :cemainder of the session.