Resolution 33G T L:otion by YJentz seconded by Easton that the follo'wing reso- lution be passed and adopted as follows: I~e-o(') I LA ti 0 Yl =fF- 33- C 7lEEREAS, Honorable ',ial ter G. Fitzgerald has passed from among us, and, ~~IEREAS, he was at the time of his decease City Attorney of Gilroy, a former Mayor and counciman thereof and possessed of those sterling qualities that make for the COmIilOn good of mankind, and, YiHEHEAS, his entire life was by him devoted to the better- ') :'., ') ..;..Ie). IT 01'1::';J, that "ve the undersigned IIayor and Common ~ - ......... ::;c ::rJ Q ment of hif; felloc' citizens and the upbuilding of this COIrl- nuni ty, nmv, there fore, Council of the rJi ty of Gilroy, do by these presents make a Dermanent record of our regret because of his passing, and do order that this resolution be spread at length upon the minu- tes of this city; and that a copy thereof be delivered to his widow and children ~lmer J. Chesbro, Mayor, Geo. Easton, Jouncilman, Geo. A. ",:entz, if ~. ,p. Ji. e 9,1( , // cJ. _~. nUsn, Georp~e C. L'~ilias, Jr.', ,Councilrr.tRn, FredJ . Boock. Vfote, Ayes. ,joUnc1lmen ?Ieht~, E~<ik, 'Kusl'1, I,IlI1as', i,:::I?:5>ccIlt ,;OUlilc,i-IlmEDn Boo.ck;. 1\'086, Councimen, None. " '>r-. . Iia s t o'n', .