Resolution 34 x .' .... Lotion by ',7entz seconded by Rush and carried that the following resolution be passed and adopted. ./, Res c:> I f-( f-/ 0 YI - ~ .--.. .31- BE IT HESOLVED by the Llayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy: that' the intersection of Sixth street and Hailroad street, within said City, is hereby designated as a pubiic highway; and that vehicles shall be stopped before ')P'O - ,) entering Railroad stre t at both entrances thereto from said ~ixth street; that such entrances to dailroad street frml Sixth E:treet shall be clearly marked or signposted to give notice of such fact, pursuant to the provisions of Section 145 of the California Vehicle Act. Vote, Ayes <~ounc il;:nen J:.aston, Hush, ., ent z, LIilias; i.oes, Counc ilmen, None; Absent Councilmen Boock D.nd ==eck. .' C:..:l - """'" 0" r::2 Q