Resolution 33D RAYMOND BURG ES8 died on the 27th day of August, 1932, being at the time of his death ot the age of forty-five years, at which time he held the office of Plumbing Inspeotor and Superintendent of the Water Depat'tment and ot the Sewage Dis- posal Plant of the City of Gilroy_ Ra7mond 13,,1'ge88 was bopn 1nthe City ot Gilroy on t,hl!'t tirst day ot Novembel"" 1886. Hie educat ion .\'?9.S aoqt1i~-:,ed in the City ot his birth. At an eal"ly age he Was thrown ap- on his own reSOU1'oea and 1ea~ned tIle trade of a plumber. He was l.llade Superintendant ot the 1flatel', Sewal" and l"1re Departments of the City ot G11roy on the 6th day of January, 1919, and he has been intimately associated with the manage- ment ot munioipal aftair. ot the City ot Gilroy at all time. subsequent to hi. first appointment to ot fioe. Raymond Burgess mapried l!a:rion Dickhout on the 24th day of August, 1924, and J..eaves him surviving his wite, ;iarion, and two sons, Raymond Burge.. aged 7 years and Charles Burgess aged 3 yeal'8. Raymond Burgess was a natural athlete and always took an active part in all sports and athletic games. He was an active member of the Gilroy Fire Department, and in the days of firemen t s ')1" .w.H /"Y 1J1Y " t:J' ~ RESOLUTION OF RESP1<;CT '1'0 THE MEMORY OF RAYMOND BURGESS ....... ......... ~ ___ .d tournaments, trained with the boys and ran with the ho:se team. He was an enthusiastio baseball player and enjoyed r1ahing~ hunting and all out door apol'ta and exeroises. He led. a clean $ and honorabJ..e lire. He was true to his friends. He had no enemies. He took an aotive part in every movement tor the advance- ment ot his native oity. He was ever ready to do his part on any committee on whioh he was assigned and he novel' failed c:.u =::: t:O ~ , f .' I (! {i ( I , i J 21 ~.~ J to pertorm his duty on any oommitte. to whioh he was ap- pointed, whether the appointment oame trom the City 01' Gil- roy, from the )lire Department, from any civio body having at heart the we1tare ot the Oity, or tx-om any traterl':~al sooiety of which he was a member. He was a lovable man, true to his oountry and his family ~ and he was beloved by all who knew him. The memory of his oharacter and of his labor. will be an inspiration tor those he has left hehind to toll ow . We w111 miss him, but we will oherish his memory; his traits of c~aoter, and his labor. among-us will not be forgotten. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in the death 01' Raymond Burgess the State has lost an ideal citizen, the City has lost a faitht'Ul offioial and the community and its people have lost a friend both kind and true. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this resolution be engrossed upon the reoords of the City and a oopy thereof be pJ:'esented to the family of Raymond Burge... \' . , t . \ a 210 c:.v :::: to ~ Q Motion by Geo. A. Wentz,seconded by Geo. Easton and carried ) ) that we advertise the Well Bonds for sale at par. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. City Clerk , t ) J , I J