Resolution 14-1929 RESOLU'iION NO. 1'1-1929 OVERRUJ.JING PROTESTS WHEREAS, the l\1ayor and Cormnon Council of the City of Gilroy did, on the 22nd day of' Liay, 1929, pass its Hesolution of Intention No. 6-1929, to order certain VTork to be done and improvement to be made in said City, and describing the district in which the property therein is to be assessed for the \"Jork and cost thereof, reference to whichl1.esolution of Intention is hereby made and the same is hereby made a part hereof for the description of the work and improvement and the assessment district. AND \'fHEREAS, certain property OVlners of property liable to be assessed for said work Inade written protests or objections, in writing, and delivered the same to the Clerk of said City not later t'nan the hour set forth for hearing such objectj_ons; and ',Td.EREAS, at the time set for hearing pl'otests and ob,iections said Layor and Common Council proceeded to hear the same, and all of said prote st s or ob i ecti ons having been heard and duly con- sidered, and said 1,;ayor and Conunon Council being required to pass upon the same; IT IS HE:t1EBY HESOLVED, by said wl.yor and Common Council that all of said protests and objections against said proposed work or improvement, and against said proposed improvement district, be, and the same ape hereby overruled and denied; I'l' IS 8'T.m'l;J1ER HEHEBl RESOLVED, by the "'"ay01' and Conunon Council that it appearing to them, they accordingly hereby find tha t said prote sts and ob j ecti ons against wOl'k and impl'ovemen t . to be ordered as aforesaid, were mnde by the ovmers of less than one-half of tl-:Je area of the property to be assessed for said proposed vlork. I hereby cel'tify that the foregoing Resolution was du:LY a,.nd regularly adopted by the l,ayor and Common Council of the City of GilI'OY at an adj ournt regu.lar meeting of said Common Council held on the ~day of June, 1929, by the following vote: AYES: C~~ben~~~ (f.c. c;?;;d'...t'h~:'_ _ __ -- ----'~ ~ lIOES: Councilmen ~ - · ABSBlf':L': Councilmen ~= 4 t;{: ~ · City { -2-