Resolution 15-1929 RESOLUTION NO. 15-1929 OHDi~HnjG Trill ;!ORK 1JVHERE,,-S, the 1.,ayo1' and Comm.on Council of the Ci ty of Gilroy did (l)1. the 22nd day of Lay, 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 6-1929 to order certain work and improve- ment to be made in said City, which Hesolution of .Lntention was duly and legally r.mblished as required by law, as appears from the Affidavi t of Joh.Yl F. _-:,,1.11, nml on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and WuErlEAS, the said notices of the passage of the said He solu ti on of' Intenti on headed lilT otice of Improvemen tll , were duly and legally posted along the respective lines of said contemplated work and impr'ovement, and also on and along the open streets and alleys \'Ji thin the district des- I cribed in said Hesolution of IntentioE 8nd sbovm upon a tIap or diagram shOWinG the boundary line s of said district on file in the office of the Oity Olerk, ~nd the district to be asse ssed f or said V10I~k and iplprov ement, 11'"1 f OI'P and Gannel' as required by lavT, after tl'1G pass'lGe of saiel Re solution of Intention, as appears by the I'.ffidavit of George;;;aston, stl~eet C omli1i ssi oner of said Oi ty of Gilroy, -liDO per sanally posted the same, and who, 1:tfter the cOlIlpleticn of t:l8 posting of said notices, filed his said Affidavit in the office of the Ci ty Clerk of said lii ty, lw.:ddnc7 oath that >:8 completed t~'le posting of said otices on the 28th day of , 1929; and t,BHKI.S, all protests or obi3ctiops presented havo been di spased of in the time, f Ori:1 and r:ar::ner a s required by law, and said Irayor> and COlillYlOn Coullcil has nmf acquired jurisdiction to oI'del'tne proposed worK and improvernent, I'll IS HEHEBY nESOINED by the j;ayor and Common Council tbat the public interest and convenience required the \:,rork herein described, and said or and Cmnmon Council does hereby order tne work to be done aEd ir1provement to be mp~de in said City, as described in P-'o :?,esolntian of Intention passed by t,be or D_nd Common Council on l:ay 22nd, 1929, clnd in accordance nitb t-,laDs, profiles, and spccific'tioDs on file in t~le office of the Cit;T vlerlc, said Resolution of Intention, plans, profiles 8~d specifications being hereby refer'red to D.nd made ::1. part }..,ereof fer further p~3.rticulars of said \Vorl: and in!provement and tho::isseSS"c,ent district. That said City ClerI' is hereby directed to ]:lost notice of said ,,-:oI'k, togetll.er' wi. th plans 8. r:d specj.fi ca ti on s the ref or, conspicuously for five (5) days on or near ti-18 Council Chamber door of l":ayor and Common Council, i"':lvi ting seEtled proposals or bids for doing the work ordered. rle is also directed to publish twice in Vle l1Gilroy F:venir'f'; Dispatch", a daily neVJspaper of general CiI'cula ti on, printed, Dubli s~ed ~Hld circulated in said City of Gilroy, Hndhereb~T desip;nated by said lmyor and COrQrJlOn Caunci 1 for' thnt pnl':nose, Ci not.ice i~lVi ti~-f, such proposals and referrinn; to tbe specifj_cations posted or on file. i'.ll proposals or bids offered shall be accompcmied by a check payable to th0 City of Gilroy, ce.rtified by a resoonsible bank, for an at101.mt which shall not be less than ten per cent of tCle an;gregate of the pJ'oposal, or b;I 2. bond for the said am01.mt and SO JX-1.yable, signed by 1~'lC bidder and t1'TO sureties, who shall .;-ustify, before any official competent to aclr;linister an oath, in double thr:) said a!?1ount, and over and above all sta tlltory exenpti ons. -2- l hereby certify t"r1at the f'oreo;oin,g Hesolution was :,,.' duly and regularly passed and adopted by the L':ayol' and Common Council of the City of Gtlroy, ,at an ad5tl..rned regn.lar meeting of said Council held en the!iJ - day of ,Tune, 1929, ABSElTT: Oouncilmen '~ ~ .t\.YES: 9(W~ /~, HOES: City Olerk 0 -3-