Resolution 1929/01/07 By motion of' Walter G. Fitzgerald, seconcled by Irvin Hollister the f'ollowing Hesolution was passed and acloptocl: WHEHEAS, Lots Numbers One (1) to Twenty-four (24), both inclusive, in Block 1 North Hange 7 West, as shown upon that certain Map entitled "Map showing Jas. A. Clayton 8 Co's. A<ldi tion to the City of' Gilroy, Santa Clara County, Cali1'o1'- nia," recorded. August 23, 192G, in the orrice of the County Recorder of the County of' Santa Clara, state of' California, in Book V of' Maps, at pages ~~3,24, 25, 26 and 27, records of' said. County, and being all the lots in said block, have been acquired by Wheeler Hospital Association as a site f'o1' a hospital, which hospital building will occupy the entire block; and WHEHEAS, it appears to the Mayor and Comuon Council of' the City or u:U.l'OJ U,.'L tI (; public interests and e~)nv:;.nL.~ncc demanu.s that the alley way in said hlock between the north- o::'ly line of' sixth street ami the Southerly line of' Firth street, as shown on the lllap hereinbe:fore re:rel'l~ed to, he abanclonecl, vacated and closeel. NOW, TlmllEF0I1S, be it Resolved, that the alleyway be- twoen the Northerly line of' Sixth stroot and the southerly line of' Fif'th street in said Block 1 North Hanr;e 7 West of' the City of' Gilroy, as shown upon that certain map entit- led ":Map showinG Jas. A. ClaJTton & Co's. Adell tlon to the Ci ty of' Gilroy, Santa Clara County, Cali?ornia, It recorclecl Au;,:;us t 23, 1\Y~(), in the of'f'ice of' the COlmLy Hecor(ter of' the County of' Santa Clara, state of' California, in Book V of Maps at paGes 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, records of' said County, , be closed, vacated and abandoned, as an alley way. Vote, Ayes, Council1.1en \falter G. Fi tzc;eralcl, E. J\Iartin Johnson, C. E. Freclrickson, John .li.. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Che;;l)ro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Coun- cllHlCn, None.