Resolution 20-1929 RESOLUTION NO. 20-1929 DIREC'rING THE VJORK TO BE DONE UNDEH THE DIIUW'l'rUl'! OIi' CITY ENGINEER. WFiEREAS, the Llayor 811d Common Council of the City of Gilroy did on the 22nd day of I.':ay, 1929, pass its Hesolution of Intention No. 9-1929, to order c~rtain work to be done and improvement to be made in the said City, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars and said Mayor and .-'f Cornmon Council ~1-dihereafter' on the Lq1l day of June, 1929, duly pass its Resolution ordering ';lork to be done and impl"ovement to be .made in said City, which Hesolution ordering the work to be done is also referred to for furti~ier particulars. WHEREAS, the plans and specifications for doing said wOl"k and making said improvement have heretofore been !ldopted by the Mayor [-md Common Council and are no':: on file in the office of the Ci ty Clerk of the City of Gilroy and hereby referred to fOl" further particulars; and r'l1IEHE.AS, said l.:ayor and Common Council de sire that said work be done under the direction of the City Engineer of said City and that the assessment be made by said City Engineer, Nm~!i, THEHEFORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the i\layor and Common Council that they direct, and it is hereby directed that the aforesaid work shall be done under the direction of the City Engineer of said City of Gilroy and to his satisfaction; and it is hereby directed that the assessment hereafter to be made in the proceedings shall be made and signed by the City Engineer of said City instead of the Street Commissioner. I hereby certify that. the foregoing l1esolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Layo=::> and ComFJon Council of the Oi ty of Gilroy at a regular J~urned meeting of said liayor and Common Council held on the ~~ay of June, 1929, by the following vote: ,/1.1 C.:r ' ..../J" .. . 9 ' r'l/ ;.~YES)_Councilmen 1o.6.J~~, (J/lJ;{.rn, ~t'&.,' . NOES: Councilmen iI.BSE11'r: Councilmen . . OVJ...~ED:. . I;) ./14 J //1., A/I/.4"'/d~>/1 /,,' / t./1/f/t/f...,(/-Vfl,V ~, M yor of the City of Gilroy.