Resolution 22-1929 .. * ~USOLU-L'ION NO. 22,-1929 ,{.:!j~~cnmnlG l:\ESOLUT'IONS NOS. 6-1929, 9-1929, 14-1929 15-1D29, 16-1929, 17.,..1929, 18-1929, 19-1929, 20-1929 and ~21-1929 . -000- 'JlHJ:::RE."I.S, an err o~ .'lia.,l!:l,~!t:~~,;~B.t;~.~,'i'~~':l!,~~~.",;p,~~",:e,~~" recei vin'1; and hearing protests as provided for in-('3 solnti ons n ~ t ,. OI J.n e'"L;lons _ 0.6-1929 r:x'.d eTo. 'J-lg~~9, t;1:};Jt TI1':lY invali(late Ul.f; DI'oceedin :::8, and 8 s new:1e soln ti ons of Ir,ten ti on must be adBpted, therefore be it XESOLVED, That desolutions lias. 6-1929, 9~1929, 14~1929, 15-1929, 16-1929, 17-1929, 18-1 9, 19-1929, 20-1929 and 21-1929, be, and the same re aereoy rescinded. I hereby cer.tify thHt t e'f; -;-' ol~e;r,oin?:~e 3 oluti on 'lIas duly and regl..llarl:y passed ar,;,cl ccdoptecl by t'!18 0:::>: '^ '1' C O:Jl';on JClUICi1 ot' the Gi ty of CTill~oy i:lt a 1'6 11 ~ii i ---~.~.i1 r:,1eeT~l11g v said a','o" ?nd CO](lrJOn Cmmeil (1.<::;1d on t~le 1st day of ,J'uly, 1)(,:;; , the followin~ vote: C!L:;~:~~;;X;:::C:~ 1T 0 ,,' c, . (1 Y '1 1 ; ~ ~ - - - _'. ,i;"~. vOlL1C_ T,en ~ ~ · ,lBSBlIl' : Councilmen . / ....