Resolution 23-1929 .. .. RESOLU'I'ION OI<' IH'I'Ji;l:'l'ION l~O. ?..3-hi29 Ri~SOLVED,byt_.Ma,ori':~,.""'0_K~\1::)"rr,rthEf :ca ty nu of Gi lroy , that it is the ih t$nt\lbtir~Ofptne.'Malyor;:a.nd UotnmdriV Gouncil to order the following Flork and imT,)rovement in said City ofqilro~>.t()~wi.t: :' . . ;~;~ :<\>,~~'t",:';.~i~*;:(, ''",: ,/,,~tt~;~. i, Tha t E'1 gIe be rrt\)~~'i'e'@.t~~"1'>tWn:;, ,.. Se\'enth " pI street to the Sont}} line of 'Sixth street and from tbe }:orth line of ;~)econd street to the South line of PiT'st ::street,; also 'l'hat Sixtrl street from the Easterly line of RaiJ,road ~lley to a point two feet West of the most Westerly rail of the S. P. H. H. Tracks and from a point two feet :l~ast of the most ,:j,;a s ter1y rail of' the S. r. 'Q R. Tracks to the 'estc;rly ...... . line of +~j o:e est street and from the Easterly line of Church Stl~eet to the ';'/esterly line of Eigleberry street; also Tha t the Alley lyinG betw'een k onterey street and Eir;leberry street from the Forth line of Sixth street to the South line of ?ifth street, and from the IJort'h line ofc;'ifth Street to the SOt1 th line of ,,'ourth street; also That Martin street from the '[esterly line of Ha ilroad ,.lley to a point two feet 'est of the most'esterly rail of tb,e S. P. R. R. T1racks and from a point two feet East of the most Easterly rail of the S. P. R~ H. Tracks to the esterly line of ~orest street; also That Second street from the Easterly line of Church street to the \/esterly line of Eigleberry Street; also rl'hat Third Street from the be sterly line of Gnurch street to the ',Jesterly line of Eigleberry street and from the Easterly line of Eigleberry street to the est,:,rly line of IVionterey street; also . That Fourth street from the Easterly line of Church street to the 1'Jesterly line of ii:ir;leberry street; That the roadways of all of the portions of said streets, '. ..... .."",~,_._'.'''--'-'''-''----' ""--_............. avenues and lanes as aoove descpj_bed, aed all intersections thereon, be improved by gradin;; and constructing and laying thereon a Portland cement concrete paven;ent, in accord wi th t'1.eir respective grad~s and in trle manner indicated by the plans and specifications herei~after referred to; Also, for Portland cemen~ concrete curbs, gutters and sidevval1cs, where tbey do not now exi st at place s shown on plans, along the above mentioned streets; Excepting, hov!ever, fraiL the at) ove de scri bed ':vork such portion or portions of tl'le concrete curbs, concrete gutters, concrete sidewalks and pavement above described as are already constr'ucted to the line and .?;rader}ereir:c'lfter l'eferred to; and' excepting also from the a00ve de sCl"'ibed 'work any and all portions thereof vih,ich are described more than once or repeated because of descri!Jtion.s recrossinr:s streets at inter- sections, it being; t!'le intention to describe~ only one improve- ment at such street crossing., Tha t all said v!ork be done ace ording to the plans, profi Ie s and specifications therefor, prepared by R. 'N.B'isher, City E::ngineer of the Ci ty of Gilroy, duly and regularly adopted by the L;ayor' and Common Council on Lay 22nd, 1929, and nOYi on file in the; office of the City GlerL of said City, and according to the elevations and lines ardzrades as shown on said plans, vihi ch said plans, prOfile sand spe cifi cati ons are hereby referred to for the full and detailed description of said proposed work and improvement. And the said 'Mayor and Common Council does hereby determine and declare that the aforesaid 'llork and improvem,ent is of more than local OP ordinary public benef:i, t and vlill affect and benefit the district, the boundary lines and description of . -2- '. . " .... ,.1'..'.....;:.<- which is s,nOVln upon a map or cli:l~I'am oj:' said Distl~ict, prepared by H. J. \:"i sher, Gi ty .2ngineer, approved by the l..;ayoy' and GonT\1on Council and on file in the office of the Oi ty Clerk, vlhich said map or diag1"'am is hereby referred to and made a part hereo~, and is hereby declared to be the District benefitt~d by such work and improvement, and that, therefore, the entire cost and expenses of said vvork and improvement sl'lall be an~: i.s hereby made chargeable agaj.nst, and shall be assessed upon said District, l1ereafter to be known as Improvement :Jistrict ll'\},mber rl'bree, vvnich District is sitlJated wittcin the City of Gilroy, Count:l of santa Clara, State of California. Exce'oting, hovvever, from tt1e said area,. as shown upon the rnap or diap;ram thereof as ado'()ted .ay trie L,ayor and Common Council, of all public streets, lanes and public ways, the same not to be assessed for any expenses of said work and improvement. Eotice is here:JY p;iven that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear intereBt at tne rate of seven per cent. per annum, will be issued heI'e1.:mder, in the manner provided by the irnprovement 30nd icCt of 1915, and aIi}endments thereto, the last installment of which ~onds s~all mature ten (10) years from the 2nd day Oi' July next succeedinp; tne! (10) months from their elate. Except as.hereinabove otherwise provided for tt1e issuance of said serial bonds, all of the herein pr'oposed ViOl~k shall be done in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of t,he State of California, desig:''lFited liThe Improvement li.Ct of 1911", aDproved April 7, 1911, and auend.rnents tb,ereto. \ . . NO'l'IOE is hereby given that on the l?th clay of July, 1929, at eig,.'ht 0' clock P. M. at the regular meeting place of -3- .... ...,"-''''_....~,.~.,-''".--''''''-_._-~..._--'''~,-~,.....''''....._..- the or and Common Council, to-"iiit: the Gtty;-~all of said city, any and all persons h~ving any objections to the pl~oposed worl: and improvement may appear before said 1,;ayor and Connnon Council and sl'lOYJ cau,se \"lhy slo'l,j.cl jJl>oposed irmrove- ment should not be carried out in accordance wi th t1lis resolution. 'rhe Clerk of the Ci ty of Gilroy shall ca:use tl.i s re so- lution to be published t'J\Tice in the llGilroy 2'.vening Dispatch", a daily neYJ'spaner printed, pubLislJ,ed and CiI'culated in said City of Gilroy, and hereby desin;nated for t'!:lat pllrpose, by said Layor and Com,L10n Council of said Gi ty of Gilroy. rrtw street Comrd ssi On31' of said Ci ty of Gilroy shall cause to be conspicuously posted alan the lines of said contemplated '.iIOrl( or improvement and along t,J.e lines of all open street'S', i),'\7enues, lanes, alleys and roads within said District, as herein adooted and described, notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in tile manner and form r.equi red by law. I hereby certify t at t"8 foregoing Resolution vms duly and regularly passed and adoDtecl. by t1'le Layor and Common Council of the Ui ty of' Gilroy at a regular 1.1 , meeting of said 1',.ayor and Cornman Council held on the I st day of July, 1929, by the following vote: <'~ES: GOUnCilmenY~-b.,7r~'C,['.~ J.~~#..dJ_A1A< / ~ -;~- w j ()~!; 7h~...:z..~M-. NOES: Councilmen ~ l\'BSEl','r: Councilmen . /) / .I / -4- v/ \ . .....