Resolution 24-1929 '~)~-1'C)\O'LUC'L"IO]': OT;1 -11.!fi"i'l;r!'I01.T ITO 2t:t.1929 .... 1...i....:J !.. . _ . .1.. .l. ........ .~...:J..I.," - 1. ~ . -v-- . HESOLVED, by the LayOl' and Common Council of the City ot' Gilroy, that it is the iTltention of the Layol'" f3.nc1 Comrnon Council to order the folloiIin; viOl"'1\: and imnrovenlent in said il' i ty of Gilroy, to-wit: . That Church street rrom the Southerly line of Sixth street to the Souther'ly line of "il'st street; also Tha t Seventh Street from tb.e ~asterly line of .Eigleberry Street to the resterly line of Lonterey street.; also That .L;lorest Street from the Southerly line of Sixth street to the 1: ortherly line of l.Iartin street; also That Pirst Street on the South side from the esterly line of the alley lying bet\veen ,-losanna and ChU1'ch Streets to the Tfesterly line of Lonterey street an.d on the Forth side from the esterly line of Eigleberry Street to theesterly lina of Frr;~~>~l'ey street, excepting a strip eigr1teen feet \'lide along ~he center line of 7irst Street; That the roadways of all of the portions of said streets, avenues and lanes as above described, and all intersections thereon, be Llproved by grading and constrlJcting and laying t.hep8 on an aspJJal t-concrete paven16nt, upon an a sphal t concrete base, in accol~d vd th t'leir 1'0 spe cti ve grade s and in the manner indica ted by the plans and sp(;cifica ti ons her'einafter referred to; c-\.lso, f or .Portland cement concrete c'lu'b s, ::;11 tters and ;3ide- walks, where they do ~ot now exist at places shown on plans, along the above mentioned streets; Excepting, hov'lever, from the above described work such portion Or portions of the concrete curbs, concrete b~tters, concrete sidewalks and ~Lvement above described as are already constr'ucted to the line and grade her'einafter referred to; and -\ 1 ,. . , " ~ " , , . . ",--- - "'~'~'_._,,_.--...<. .-...,--"'- ._,~_....~ ..-'....._-,..-......"..... ......--,....""'-.......... .,..,.~._...__.,'.. ,..... ---". - ----_......"_...~ ,.._-~~..---., excepting also from the auove de::;c:::.~ibed '0'101"1: any and all protions thereof' ch flre de sCl'i bed mO:t'e tii:ln Once or repeated because of descriotions recrossing streets at intersect ons, it beinFs the intention 10 descl~ibe only one improvement at such street crossing. That all said work be done according to the plans, ':" ",. ."" ....".-. '..--."'.':" """'<';,: ,;","1,' -,:":.-,\.'''.' _':~. /i'V' ""'" ____ profiles and specif'ications t:l:Jerei~or, prepared by H. W. Pi sher, City Rnr;ineer of the Ci ty of Gi lroy, duly and regulal~ly adopted by the hlayo:r and Common Council on l,:ay 22nd, 1929, and now on file in t'.!"" ..!.v offi ce of the Gity Clerk of said City, and according to the elevations and lines and grades as shown on said. plans, which said plans, lYeofiles und specifications are hereby referI'ed tOf01~ the full and detailed description of said proposed work and improvement. imd the said J:ayor'1.nd Cormnon Council do hereby determine and declar>e that the aforesaLI "i!O:::"]: and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and benefit the district, the boundary lines, and description of vIhich is StlOWn upon a map or diagram of said Di strict, t:)reT::>al"ed bW ':'.J _"I ..\, l.. ~v. Fisher, Ci ty b'n:;ineer, approved by the Ea:ror and CorrJnon Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk, which said map or diagram is hereby referred to and made a part hereof and is hereby declared to be the District benefitted by such work and improvement, and t:lt.-Lt, t:lcl'ef"ol'e, t''1C entiJ'8 cost and expenses of said work and improvement shall be and is hereby made chargeable against, and shall be assessed upon said District, hereafter to be knovrn as "Improvement District Number Fouru, which Di strict is si tua ted ':ri thin the City of i-ilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of california. F.;xcepting, however, from the said a rea as shown upon the map or diagram tb.er'eof .as adopted by the Layol' and Common CounCil, of all public streets, lanes and public ways, the same -2- ... \ l , . , " . y-.-<.. ; ._. .-.-...---- . ...-.------- .._..____....._,........._._---..-.~".~--.. ._.._~_.~.M._.._.'_."...___.__._.....~"___ not to be asse s sed f or any expense s 01' s::tid 1.roI'l= and iraprove- mento Notice is hereby\i"en that sepial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of seven pSI' cent. pel'" annum, Hill be issued hereunder, in ti:le nanner pro- ":~~;~~d.by trie_mprovement Bond Act of 1915, and amendments tl:<.ereto, the last installment of which bonds slulll mature ten (10) years from the 2nd day of <July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date. Except as herej_na:Jove other'i'Jise provided.f.orthe issuance of said serial bonds, all of the herein proposed V;Ol"'1<:: shall be done in pursuance of an llCt of the Legislature of the state of California, designated tiThe Improvement l1Ct of 1911fl, t).npl'oved ll.pr;i.1 7th, ""]..9.4:4. and amendments Hl,6reto. HO;.2rCE is hereby given tLLat on the. 17th day of July, 1929, at ei.D:ht o'cloclc F. E., at t:-'e r>e;;}.llar Eleeting place of the Layor and Common Council, to-vrit: In the City Hall of said City, any and all persons having any ob.lections to the proposed work and improvement may aP1?ear before said 1..ayoI' and Cornman Council and shoW' cause why said proposed improvement shOll.ld not be carried out in acc02dance i.-lith this resolution. The Clerk of' tne Gi ty of Gilroy shall cause tl1i s resolution to be published twice in the "Gilroy :;veninp; DispatchU, a daily newspaper printed, published and mb.rculated in said city of Gilroy, and hereby desigrBted for that purpose, by said Layor and Common Council of said city of C;.il:roy. The street Commi ssi oner of said City of Gilroy 811all cm.J.se to be conspicuously posted along t.h.e lines of said contemplated . \7ork or improvement and along the lines of all open streets, -3- "" \ 1 I' . , ; avenues, lanes, alleys, and roads witbin said District, as herein adopted and described, notices of tb.e pa ssage of thi s Resolution of Intention in the Tnannc.p and fOl'm l~equired by l,aw. / I hereby cel'tify that the fOl~egoing Hesolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Eayor ,'''end Common Council of the (;ity of Gill'lOY at 11 l'egular .... ceetlng of said LaYOl' and Common Council held on the 1st day of .Tuly, 1929, by the follovving vote: (9rrOVED: \/ . .l'1.YES: NOES: Councilmen 1\.BSEliT: Councilmen . /.// / / Mavor / ',- Y . -4- ...,.. \ 1 I' 1 " ,