Resolution 25-1929 * * RESOLUTION NO. 25-1929 'JHEHEl\S, the ayoI' and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, did" in open session, pnulicly open, examine and declare 8.11 .oids ,~~<,,;t ~ g:p.q irn'p:pove-, . !ilif1l'-~1o,.,;";\/;;."'c+J;k~ ment to be made in the said ditv,'!'a.sdesc'ribed. in the Resolution . " of Intention lio. 3-1929 of the Eayor and Gommon Council, passed on the 13th day of Liay, 1929, hereby refer'red to for further description, and find that the bid of ech~. t to be the lowest, nON, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the IVlayor and Common Councilor the Gi ty of Gilr'oy doe s hereby re.'j ect all of satid proposals or bids, except the one herein mentioned, and does hereby award the contract for doin2; the said wOl'lc ay;cl oveGen t to tJLe 1 m'le st, regular, etl...~~, ~?, r.J 11..~..,,~;r~*.... responsible bidder, to-wit: at tre price named in its proposal or bid; be it further RESOLVED, that the Oity Clerk of the City of Gilroy is here.oy directed to l'etlu'n to tneoaI'tie s filin;z: the same, the bond or check accompanying all of said pr'opos,-lls or :Jids re.i ected, as aforesaid, ar,cl to \,1 ole!. theboncl 02 check accoIlDanying said proposal or bid of , accepted as afore- said, until a contract is fully entered into for doin~ said ITork and makin~ said improvement sELici naIled ijidder; be it further HESOLVED, tr.Lf~t tl}e Oi ty Glerk of the City of GilI'oy is llereby directed to post notice of this a.,'laI'd conspicuously 1'01' five days on or near tIle chamber door of tb.e Connci1 Cha:nber of said Layor and Conmlon GOl1TIcil, anc1 also p1.lblish sc-,irl notice tVlice in the tl Gilroy Evenin~ Di spa tchll, a dedly nO':lf3T)['l.Uer of general circulation, p1~lished and c~.rc1)lated in said City, and h.ereby " " "r .. "..,.~-----~-...-....;;~ ~ ., desi8"ated for t\lat pllr-oose ;)'T SFt '-O'~ n':,d Cornmon' council. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- I hereby certify that the foregoing ::1esolution VIas duly . . "Jfl~ITII..I~~lnil!l.nllr~_'I~~'''I,.!rMft"t.'1lJl1J.1.''illft.'~-~'N.d",Common Oounc11 of the City of Gilroy at a regular adj ou~d meeting of said li'ayor and Common Council held on the)7 day of July, 1929, by the following vote: . AYES: Councilmen ?ra-a;v..- !r.*-:'.. ~ ' c:&n..u.:rAn~ ~~~-,?.j'~l~ ---- - IITQES: Councilmen ~_fJ....-7/?..P' J.~I3S}2~1T'r: CO"i'1Clll1'en_~L~..4 . I II / ~( , ~ ..u' ~. - _ t....v. ~ - A":" -i{4~~ ~~"'/ r?Y- ? /I , /(/ cf/l Cler1~ of the '-JA/J . of Gilroy. It -2- , .. .,. ..