Resolution 30-1929 .. .. HESOLU'l'IOlT NO. 30-1929 OVERHULINJ- p:a.O'l'ES'I'S ~,7HElm,-'.s, th.e Layor and Common Council of the (;i ty of GilI'OY did, on the 1st day of July, 1929, pass its F~esolution :"'~.~~~~~1!~*,j~~;\#~!2"4?~~'f~~~'~':":t'~:,i'H~'_~~~~tain work to be d,one and i~prDvement to be made in said City, and describing the district in vlhich te,e ppOIJert;r tileJ<>ein is to be assessed for the work and cost Vlereof, r'eference to i{{ilic11 Hesol'ption of Intention is hereby made and the same is hereby made a part hereof fOl' the description of the work and impI'ovement and the assessment district. d.ND 'iJ}iEREAS, certain property OVIner's of prope1'ty liable to be assessed for said wOI'k made written nrotests or orJ.iections, in wri ting, and delivered tho sar:;e to ttle Glerk of said Ci ty not later than the hOUl' set ~~.L Ul. f or heaI'j.n(~ such ob.i ecti ons; and 1}HEHJ:!;j-~S, at the time set for l-lCarin~ protests and ob.iections said Layor nnd Common Council ]Jl'oceedec1 to hear the sanle, and all of said protests 01' objections ;:tn:ir~'? been heard and duly con- sidered, and said layol' and Cornrlon Council bein:~ required to pass upon the same; I'll IS HESOL\7Jm, by said Layor and Common Conncil that all of said protests and objections against said proposed wOl'k or improvement, and agaj.nst said p:.<>oposed iraprovement district, be, and the same are her'eby overruled arid denied; IT IS FURTHER HEREBY RESOLVED, by the IIIayor and Cormnon Council that i t appearin;~ to them, they accordingly hereby find x?cU ,( that :said protests a~d objections against"V-E01<>}' and irmrovement to be ordered as aforesaid, were ~ade tll.8 mIners of less than one-half of' the area of the proDerty to be assessed foI' said proposed vlork. I hereby certif-:-T t'18. t the f ore\oinr::{e solution vias duly ard re,';1l1fLrly adopted by t1:Je Layol' and COLTon Courcil S 8 ide OIY1Jll on of Gilroy a" 'm ad i Ol'rntC.. rc '~lln,~ ~' ~ of Council held 0:1 the ~ dav of ___, 1929, of tl18 Gi t;{ AYES: H OBS : Cauncilrnen Gilx'oy . -2- -'"