Resolution 31-1929 . ~ t RESOLUTION NO. 31-1929 OfmEHIlTlX 'ORK "JIlliREAS, the l!iayoI' and Common Council of' the City of I 11roy did,....... ....~~.t.he... 1. s t da.. Y of ,Tuly '.192 G , pass it s .... FI.e s olu ti on f!'..NO'.24";'1929 t.o order cer.tain work and improve- lnijnt to be made in said City, which Resolution of Intention ~ ~. 1:Vlls dll.ly and legally publi shed a s required by law, as aDpears f~OLl the Affidavi t of A.llene Eustice, nO'i on file in tho office of tue City Clerk of said City; and :JI}iEI~]2;AS, t11e said notices oil tr-le passarse Q,t" tlle said HElsolution of Intention headed "lTotice,.of Improvementlt, were duly. and legally posted alon::!; tne 1'e spect5.ve line s of said contemplated \'\Tol'lk and irnprovement, and also on and along the open streets and alleys vithin the district described in said Re,solution of Intention and shovm UDon a Liap or diar~ram showing t1rle bou.ndary lines of said d.istrict on file in the office of the City Clerk, and the district to be assessed for said work and improvement, in form and rnanner as required by law, after the passage of said Hosolution of Intention, as appears by the A.ffidavi t of George Easton, Street Commissioner of said Ci ty of Gilroy, V/ho personally posted the sane, and who, after the completion of the posting of said notices, filed his said Affi- davit in the office of the Gity Clerk of said City, making oath ti18.t he completed the postin~s of said llotices on the 6th day of July, 1929; and VlHEREAS, all protests or objections presented have been disposed of' in the time, f'orm and manner as required by law, an~ said Mayor and Comrnon Council has now acquired jurisdiction . ; . " 4 I .~ '- ",' .. to order the proposed work and improvement, 1'1' IS HEHEBY }{J:GSOLVED b7 the l.~ayor Hnd Comraon Council that the public interest and convenience required the \/ork herein described, and said l,iayor and COrm^;lOn CouncIl does hereby order> the v:Tork to be done and improvenont to be nade descr:tbed in the, OR~isolution of Intenti on passed by the nayol' and Common Council on .July 1st, 1929, and in accordance with plans, profiles and specifica ti ons on file in the office of the City Clerk, saicl Resolution of Intention, plans, profiles and specifications beinD; hel"'eby referred to and 8ade a part ~e1'eof for further particulars of said work anci. h,~provement and the a sse sm-:lent di stI'ict. That said City Clerk is hereby directed to post notice of said work, together witn ~lans and sDocifications therefor, conspicuously for five (5) da-cTs on 02 near' the Council Chamber door of T,~ayor and Gommon Council, invi ting sealed ^oroPos,'i,ls or bids for doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publi s}J. t';'/ice in the \I Gilroy Evenin Di spatchtl, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and cil'culated in said City of G'ilroy, and 11el'>eby designated. by saidayor and Comrnon Cou,nci1 for that jJUl"'PCS e, a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the spocifications posted or on file. 11.11 pl~oDosals 01> bids offered sball 'ue accompanied by a check pa yable to the Ci ty of Gilroy, cel'tifi ed by a re spon sible bank, for an amount vlhich shall not be less th:cm ten per cent of the ag''(regate of the proposal, or by a bond for tho said amount and so payable, signed by t!'le bidder9.ncl two sureties, who shall justif'y, befol'>e any of."icial competent to adrilini ster an oath, in double the said amount, ane) @'Jer and ab ove all statutory exemptions. .. . -2- ; " I $. f"/ I hO:L1e:y:r certify tbat the foref';oin'~ ~~esolution vms duly :mcJ ror;ularly passed and adoDted by the I.~ayor and Cornmon Council of' the City of (}ilroy, at an adioLC:ed meeting of said Council helcl on the ~ day of , 1929, by the following vote: :ADSt ,'o~~;~',,',/". ~;,~s""~";'''''C!'~:~ "7 z9~~~ # ~~~ J~%H~J-c7~~J~--u I c;~. NO;~S: Councilmen ?7/~ ,;;7 -7"~";j'~ ABSEurr: Cau.ncilmen ~ CY Ci ty Clerk of the . -3- ;