Resolution 32-1929 .. .. ItESOLUCrION NO. 32-1;)29 DLL:CTING 'j:'iiE "JonE fro BE DOYE UIJDBH 'I'EE DIH~CTICl- o~' CI'l'Y glHiIjTEEH. HHERE.nS, the L.ayor and Common Council of the Uity of Gilroy did, on the 1st day of JUly, 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 24-1929, to order certain rIork to be done and i'lproveIJent to be made in the said City, which Hesolution of Intention is hereby express1-y referred to for further particulars and said kayo1" and Common Council did the1"eafter, on the z#d day o~ ' 1929, duly pass its Hesolution ol"derinr: ~,'lorl( to 'be done and improverlent to be made in said Ci ty, vlb.ich :tesolution orde1"ing the work to be done is also referred to for fu1"t}ler particulal's. '."!HEREAS, the plans and spe cifi ca ti ons l' or doing said 'work and makin~ said improvement have heretofore been adopted by the L:E\yor and COY1ElOn Council and ape no:-[ on file in the office of the Ci ty (Jle1"k of th.e vi ty of Gilro:T dnd !lereby 1'efe1"recl to for f1.lrth.er pal"ticulars; and ~JHEHE1-iS, said or and Common Counci 1 de sire tha t said liyork be done 'under the direction of the Ci ty Imgineer of said City and tha t the assessment be made by said City Engineer, NOH, '1'EK1.EPOliE, BE I'l' HESOLVED by the La;lor and COIY'.Jrlon Council that they direct, and it is hereby directed that the aforesaid work s:r-ul1l be done under the direction or the Ci ty .t:.n~ineer of said City of Gilrov and to his satisfaction; and it is lwreby dh~ected that the assessment hereafter to be made in the proceedings shall be made and signed by the Ci ty }<J.ls:ineer of said Gi ty instead of the Street Commi ssi oner. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly pa ssed and adopted by the I~a Y01" and Co nillon Council of the City of Gilroy at a regu1aro/fi1t9urned meeti) of said Eayor and Common Council held on the ~ day of , 1929, by the following vote: i~YES: C011ncilmen t~~ (! C~~~/ ~ .:4'. ;? ~. ,Jl. ~ ~h --,.fJ~ .:. h A ~'4 ~ Lq.- ~-A..J J. (? --Le-..I'-tAJ . {/ ~ ./, t/~ NOES: Councilmen 7ro./.A:::?A_ S. -;:~ ~.AJLi~~ . ?7~./ CyU{?; Ci ty Cl erk of tl. Ci t:,r of Gilroy .."" .