Resolution 7-1929 .. .. RESOLUTION NO. '-1929;-,.DO?.i.IlIG PLANS AND SPEOIFICA~IONS. HE SOLVED , by the h1ayor and Common C Ol.illci 1 of the City of Gilroy, that the plans and specifications be, and they are hereby approved and adopted, for the follmving 'Nork to be done and improvement to be made in the City of Gilroy, to-wit: 'Iha t Church street from the Southerly line at' Sixth Street to the Souther>ly line ofH'irst Street; also That Seventh Street from the:~~a s te:r>ly line of Ei gle- berry Street to the "Iesterly line of Monterey street; also That F'orest street from the SOl.l.therly line of Sixth Street to the Northerly line of Nartin street; also 'rhat First street on the South sido from the Jesterly line of the alley lying between Rosanna and Church streets to the ",cestel'ly 11::J8 of konterey street and on the North side from the ",'esterly line of Eig1eberry street to the 'FJesterly line of Monterey street, excepting a strip eighteen feet wide along the center line of ~irst Street; That ti'iS roadways of all of' tile portions of said streets, avenues and lanes as above described be improved by grading, const1'ucting and laying t~Jereon an asphalt-concrete pavement in accord with their respective grades and in the manner indicated by the plans and specifications hereinafter referred to; ..lso, for Portland cement concrete cU1'bs, gutters and sideVlalks ,!jwhere they do not now exi st , at places shown on . plans, along the above lnenti oned stpeets; (L,~, Excepting; however, from the above described worl( Selch portion 01' portions of "[,he concI'ete curbs, concrete gutters, concrete sidewalks and pavement above described as are already constructed to the line and grade hereinafter referred to; and excepting also from the above described work any and all portions thereof which are described more than once or rep,,:,a ted because of de scri pti ons reel' ossing streets at inter- sections, it beins the intention to describe~ only one improve- ment at such street crossing. A 11 of said work to be donG to t~e grade described in and in accordance with the plans, profiles and soecifications prepared by R. VI. Fi s11er, Oi ty SU1~veyor and Engineer, and subnd tted by said Engineer on th.e 22nd day of ]\;Jay, 1929, and said 'p1ans, profiles and specifications be and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work, and are hereby referred to for further particulars. - - - - - - - - I hereby certify that t\-1e foregoing resolution was d'tlly and regJlarly passed and adopted by the Mayor and C~~on Council of the City of Gilroy, at a regular adjourned meeting of' said Oouncil held on the 22nd day of May, 1929, by the ABSENT: Councilman city Gilroy. Af)PR OVED : / · !/ /'" " ;:-' Ii I \ . , I '" ... \ ,.d \a-11tt,{,/ / ttu:~,;;.?-z.,J-/' . fllayor of the City of Gilroyo -2- .. .. ,