Resolution 1928/03/05 (6) .. .. Rt~SOLUTION ACCKI.J~!.'IFG COlfj'NY 1, ~.:./ 1'1 n.l1.}~L[ L3I{ T. RESOLVED, or U.Le .~ F1\Tor nnd Common Ccyuncil of the City of that the,,!arpeni te-Bi tuli thic license miJllture the I.5th d8Y of February, 1928, and l'ecelved Ol^l this day f:r'om IJrren r'cs., COI'10any, said flJ:ree- cent bein~ In relation to pavin~ with Warrenite-Bitulithic P['VEm~ent of the roachvays of certain streets in the City of Gilroy, a s set fortn in II He SOllJtion ad opt in":; nlans End specifications" Vlb.ich resoll.lticn WEJ3 nassed r;,~rl Fldanted by the ::,yor and Common Council of the Clty of (Hlroy on the 5th dEY of )/2,rcn, 1928, 2nd :t;:; hOl'C';!JY I'eferred to 8nd made 8 part hereof, be and said a-ree~sn~ is hereby accented, as are also the provisions o~ . , SE-J_Ct 2T'1"en eros., ComPAny 8S set fortn therein, Bnd said agl'eoment is hereby directed to be fi led on Uti s 5th day of I8rcb, 1928, in tt,C off'ice of the City Clerk of said City. I hereb~! cel'tify thBt the fore;~:oin0 resolution ',ras duly and re:~ularly pa ~:sed and adopted by the T\8yor Etnd COllY-IOn Council of the City of Gilroy at e. K~~m]{lmHat reTular meeting of s8id Cou:':-icil held on the 5th dpy of Larch, 1928, oJ the AYES: lWES: ABSENT: COillJCIL1\[B.ij . ( ;" .... , , ". .. \ ;