Resolution 1928/03/22 .. RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE WORK TO BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CITY ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the M~yor ~nd common Council of the city of Gilroy die on the 5th d~y of March, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention to order certain work to be done ~nd impro.ement to be made in the s~id City, which Resolution of Intention is herebt expressly referred to r for further p~rticulars and said Mayor and Cammon Council did here- I"ft.er on the 22nd da'J of }larch, 1928, duly pass its Resolution ord- ering work to be done and impro.ement to be made in s~id City, which resolution ordering the work to be done is also referred to for fur- ther p~rticulars. WHEREAS, the plans and specifications for doing said work and m~king s~id improyement haye heretofore been ~dopted by the Mayor ~nd Common Council ~nd ~re now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy ~nd ~re hereb~referred to for further particul~rs; ~nd l' WHEREAS, said M~yor and Common Council desire that sa.id work be done under the direction of the City Engineer of said City and that the assessment be made by s~id city Engineer,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and CoronIon Council th~t they direct, and it is hereby directed th~t the aforesaid work sh~ll be done under the direction of the City Engineer of said City of Gilroy and to his satisfaction; and it is hereby directed that . the assessment hereafter to be made in the proceedings sh~ll be made and signed by the City Engineer of said City inste~d of the Superin- tendent of Streets. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regu- l~rly p~ssed ~nd adopted by the M~yor and Common of Gilroy at ~ regul~r ~djourned meeting of s~id Council held on t 2nd d".y , M rch, 1928,;Jby:-, .AYES, Councilmen t2-C. NOES, Councilme ABSENT, Councilmen . City Clerk of the APt;;J(., r'\....~,. ". / ~ J' / Y , . '~/1.A..v~-b--'r;(/(:'-/? / / ../ / M~yor of the City of Gilroy. ( /