Resolution 1928/06/06 Motion by Johnson, seconded by Clark: That Resolution No. --,."" - -'-.".....- "_"_"~'='""'_""'_"""""~~"""",,,*,,,,,,,'''''4~''''lf'.Y'_''''P'''' _,__,_,~_"__,"""""",,,= - ,'"'0>'"'==.....,...,. ," "-",,-,,~'. -.-_____""'_~"..~_~""..'C'=~o.='~''';,= r.,''''C4-''''1.<C'~''''''_'''''_''''''~'''~W'';>';..,;;li".v'~.'''''#.F;t -\ 8, 1928, be passed and adopted as f'ollows: 369 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Conunon Council of the City of' Gilroy did in open session publicly open, examine and declare all bids and proposals received for street improvement work, as described in the Hesolution of Intention No. 4-1928, of' the Mayor and Conunon Council of the City of' Gilroy, passed on the 11th day of' April, 1928, and find the bid of' the Cnlif'ornia Construction Company, a corporation, to be the lowest, now theref'ore, be it RESOLVED, that the 11ayor and CO~llon Council of' the City of' Gil- roy does hereby reject all of said proposals or bids, except the next Herein mentioned, and does here~~r alV~rdl~the contract f'or'Hio- i-ng;.the said work and improvement to the lowest regular responsible bidder, to-wit: California Construction Company, a corporation, at the price named in its proposal ,or bid, ne it further RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of' the City of Gilroy is hereby di- rected to return to the parties f'iling the same, the bond or check accompanying all of' said proposals or bids rejected, as af'oresaid, and to hold the bond accompanying said proposal or bia of' the Calif'ornia Construction Company, 8 corporation, accepted as af'ore- said, until said contract is duly entered into; be it f'urther RESOINED, that the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy is hereeby directed to post notice of' this award conspicuously f'or five days on or near the Chamber door of the Council Chamber of said :Mayor and Cornmon Council, and also publish said notice twice in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, a daily newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in said City, and hereby designated f'or that purpose by said l\Iayor and COlDmon Council. Vote, Ayes, Walter G. Fitzgerald, (but in voting thus he stated that he objected to the white pavement and the district to be covered) and his object was not to antagonize, E. 1Iartin Johnson, C. E. Fred- rickson, John A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None. ,