Resolution 1928/06/06 (2) * .. RESOLUTION FIXING COMPENSATION OF CITY ENGINEER. . ~ ~ REaDLVED, by the J\!:t'lyor ~md Corr,mon Council of the City of Gilroy, that the cornpensation of the City 2ngineer of said City rOr s11 engineering servIces heretofore rendered and here- i ; after to be rendered by him in connection with and incidental to the work to be done and inwrovement to be made in said City, e s said work and impI'ovement are indicated and described in tlResolution Adopting Plans and Specifications", which Resolution was passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common COlmcil of said City on the 11th day of April, 1928, end is herEby referred and made a part hereof, be and said compensation is hereby fixed at the sum vvhich shall be -1--- per cent of the contract price of said work and improvement. ~ ... I hereby certify tha t the foregoing Pesolution wa s duly and..0if If:. regu19rly pa saed and adopted by the i\:;aJor end Common COUJl9J:l,Qi'_G.: U: -'. the City of Gilroy at a. ' 1 rregular meeting of said Council held on the ~ day Of~ ' -1928, by the fol10vlinr; vote: AYES: COillJCILMEN NOES: COUNCIL13N ABSENT: COUNCILMEN Clerk of the City of Gilroy. Gilroy.