Resolution 1928/12/03 r "" ._".~",,-, .. ."""'..........~"""'.,.,""D,.,"'-\,;:;p..:,"'..~1f>"'''"~~~-,.''"....,'''"'''t~~'4.W"~',',.,,~"-'~';;:""'j'"';)'~i:'+.<'''~'"'':~'''',_4,~U'.'>:::':;;<4':;';;;;;;':"'''\'';",;Ii<~g.;;:;...ll:;"'""'ft.l.~",";;:;C~'''.'''o'L'''''"ii<~::O-~='.''~~~-'-''''-'''"''-'' By motion of' Fredrickson, secondecl by Fitzgerald the following Resolution was passed and adoptecl, viz: 'WHEHEAG, the Southern Pacif'ic Company has requested permiss- ion of' the Calif'ornia Uailroacl Conn~lissiol1 to annul its present passenger service operating on the branch line between Gilroy and Tres Pinos, and in lieu thereof' to f'urnish through its sUbsidary, the Southern Pacif'ic Moto:e Transport Company, a passenger service on the highway, known as the Bolsa Road, which extcmls f'I'om Gil- roy to Hollister, thence via. the Tres Pinos Hi[jhway to Tres Pinos, and WlIEHEAS, the proposed new service appears to be more modern in every respect, with better equipment, and the proposed schedules are more conveniently arranged than are the present schedules, BE IT HESOLV:D::n, that the Council of' the City of Gilroy hereby endorses the application of' the Southern Pacif'ic Company to with- , draw present passe~ger service ; and also the application of' the Southern Pacif'ic llotor Transport Company to place in ef'f'ect the improved motor coach service, believing that this substitution will furnish the residents of' the City of' Gilroy much more convenient service to and 1'1"0111 conlL'luni ties served by t.he Gilroy-Tres Pinos line of' the Southern Pacif'ic Company. 382 ~- __"->""""'""""""''''''_'''"''___''''''''''~''''_';'''='''''","~'''~~__~'''~>d',""'',~~"",~~"";,,,;t:.r-~''''~''''-~~~~~''''~ ~. Vote, Ayes, COllncill~len Fi tzgcl'al(l, Fredrickson, Clar!.;:, IIol- .. -- -!It.s~ lis ter, Chesl)ro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilman, E. Martin Jolll1son. ,