Resolution 1928/12/07 By motion of' Fredrickson, secondecl by Chesbro the f'ollowing Resolution overruling protests was passed and adopted, as f'ol- lows: ;iHEHEAS, the assessment f'or street work done under that cer- tain contract dated the 27th day of' June, 1928, between the Cali- nia Construction Company, a corporation, f'irst party and George Easton, as Superintendent of' streets of' the City of' Gilroy, second party, f'or the doing 01' all street work mentioned and des- cribed in Resolution of' Intention No. 4-1928, passed and adopted by the I,Iayor and Common Council of' the City 01' Gilroy on the 11th day of' April, 1928,.and now on file in the orf'ice of' the Clerk of' said City, to which Resolution of Intention ref'erence is here- by made for a description of' said work, was filed in the of'f'ice of' the Clerk of' said City of Gilroy on the 16th day of' Novffiuber, 1928; and WilEHEAS, said Clerk did therenpon f'ix Monday, the 3rd day of 384 ,...";,, Decenilier, 1928, at the hour of' 8 o'clock, P. M. of' said ::y~: ,,(,; ~'m.",.:. day, at the meeting place of' the I\Iayor and COTIll:lon Council :-;:"-15( of' the City of' Gilroy, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall i.n saiel City, as the time and place of' hearing on said assessment, as require(l by law, and as the time amI place f'or making written objections thereto, as provided f'or in the , Improvement Act of 1!)11; and WHEREAS, notice of' the :filing of' said assessment and of' the time f'ixed :for hearing thereon was duly given by post- ing and publishing, as required by law, as appears f'ronl the af'f'ielavits o:f E. F. Rogers, City Clerk, amI John N. Hall, now 011 file in the of'rice of' the Clerl{ of' said Ci ty of' Gilroy; and WHEHEAS, said hearing was duly amI re{~ularl:)' adj ourned by the Mayor and Common Council of' the Ci.ty of' Gilroy f'rom ;.londay, the 3rd day of' December, 19:Z8, at the hour of' 8 o'clock, P.M. of' said day, to Friday, the 7th day of' De- camber, 1928, at the hour of' 8 o'clock P.E. of' said day; and WHEnEAS, certain objections were made against the work performed under said Resolution of' Intention No. 4:-H}~~8 and against the assessment theref'or; and WHEREAS, the Hayor ,~nd Common COllllcil of' said Ci ty of' Gil- l'oy did proceed to hear and consider the protests and object- ions, and af'ter having duly considered the same: NOW THEREFORE BE 1'.1' RESOLVED by the I\Iayor and Common Coun- cil of the City of Gilroy that said protests and objections be and the same are hereby overruled, and the lJayor and Conu:lOn does hereby determine that the work performed uncler said Reso- lution of' Intention No .4-1928 was pel'f'ormed according to the plans and speci:fications and in a good and substantial man- ner, and said Mayor and Common Council does hereby approve said work and all acts and determinations of' the Superinten- , dent of' Streets in re1ation thereto. AND BE IT FURTHEH rm::.,OLVED by the Mayor ancl COl!UHon Council of' said City of' Gilroy that the assessment herein mentioned f'or street work done under said Resolution of' Intention No. 4-1928, hereinbef'ore referred to herein, together with the diagram at tacheel there to, be and the same are hereby approv- 385 ed and a(loptecl, and the Superintendent or Streets of' satd Ci ty of' Gilroy is hereby directed to attach a warrant thereto and deliver same to the contractol", as refluirecl by law. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. :Martin Johnson, C. E. Fredrick- son, John A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Chcsbro; Ex- cused from voting, ~alter G. Fitzgerald; Noes, Councilmen, none; Absent Councilmcn, None. ,