Resolution 1927/01/03 T -- -.----____.___~,_,-~.,_.,.'"'~,.".,.__,.......,.",."..,_............ __. '''v" '" "",...,">'_ .."_,-"""".,....-_"",,,,_.- .'".,....00.. . ''''"'''C~'''''''''''~.''''''""'''' By motion of Elmer J. Ckesbro, seoonded by E. Martin JOARSOD tke followiRK resolutioR was adopted: WIIEIillAS, iR.Tin of tile loss, tke City of Gilroy and tJae eatire,GommuDity kas. sustai.ed by tJae de~tll of our friend aad assoeiate, Dr. James W. TIlayer, Health Officer 01' tJae City 01' Gilroy, and of' the ,still keaTier 10S8 sustained by tkose 1IAO were Re,rest aDd dearest tokim; therefore, be it -RESOLVED, Tl1at it is but a just tribute to tlte memory 01' tJae departed to say that in regretting Bis remoTal from our midst lie mourn for ODe who was, ill eTery lIay, worthy of' our respeot and recard. He was held in tke highest esteem as a f'aitkf'ul aDd oourteous publto serTaRt, a useful and ener- &etio oitizen, always perforaiBC his duties 1n aD able aad -- 300 .:,,-., :~,.<-: Impartial manner. Very few persons haTe.giTen so much of' \", -'''',..~ t, """:"/jl their time allld ability to tl1e serTice of' tlte public as did ae, and kis loss will be creatly felt by tke eDtire oommUD- ity; "RESOLVED, That kis assooiates iB office recard his passing as a great personal loss, but find 6O.solatio~ ia tl1e belief tkat it is well with him for wkom we mourn; "RESOLVED, Tkat these resolutions be spread~ upon tke minutes of tke Common Counoil, aDd a oopy thereof' be trans- mitted to the family of our deGeased ~riend." Vote, Ayes, Councilmen ChaSe H. Pierce, E. Martin John- SOD, C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Elmer J. Ckesbro; Absent Counoilman Gerald Heoker. Noes, Counoilnen, None. .