Resolution 1927/05/26 By motion of E. Martin Johnson, seconded by Elmer J. Ches- bro the follUl1ing resolution was adopted: WHEIlliAS, the plans and specifications of' the Ci ty Engineer for building a main outlet sewer, laying drains Cor carrying away surplus lrater and constructing a sewage disposal plant for tIe.; City of Gilroy, Calif'ornia, have been approved by the Cali- fornia state Board of' Health, and permit to proceod with the work has been granted, nOlT, th:~'refore, be it RESOLVED: That the plans and specifications as pcepared by the City Engineer be and the same are hereby approved ana adopted, and said work ordered done in accordance therewith, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby instrU'Cted to adv'ertise for proposals or bids for f'urnishing the materials, labor, trans- portation and all else necessary to construct sewers, a sewage disposal plant, and a systffill of drainage pipe for the surplus water coming from the ta~r in accordance with said plans and specifications, said proposals or bids to be filed with the City ClerIc on or bef'ore 8 :00 0' clock, P. M. of' the 14th day of June, 1927, and to be opened by the Common Council in open . session at 8:15 o'clock, P. M. of' said day, in the manner pro- vided for in said plans and specifications. Vote, Ayes, Council- men Chas. H. Pierce, E. Martin Jolmson, C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Uecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, Nono; Absent Councilmen, None.